The meeting over, Henderson, who had not seen Walter since the morning, flew up to the sickroom to tell him the news, which he was sure would specially interest him.
Strolling out from the sad sickroom into the court, Power was attracted into the great schoolroom by the sound of angry voices.
The early failures we have been speaking of took place when Power had been staying out of school with a severe cold, and being in the sickroom had not seen Daubeny at all.
After a short time, in spite of the nurse's opposition, the two eldest boys rushed into the sickroom with joyful clamor.
She was so bright, and loved to have things so bright round her, that your imprisonment in the sickroom quite oppressed her.
Heriot had strictly prohibited Polly's visits to the sickroom for the present, as he feared the consequences of any great excitement in Roy's weakened condition.
But a sudden call from the sickroom startled them both.
As his father was returning to the sickroom a note was put into his hand by the Rector.
Anna left the sickroom at eight o'clock to preside at breakfast, and Mrs. Sutton took her place.
The sickroom became a mysterious centre round which everything revolved, and the parlour, without the alteration of a single chair, took on a deserted, forlorn appearance.
Meantime in the sickroom there was an anxious consultation between mother and son touching the fifty dollars which must be raised for Nellie Tiffton's sake.
As he entered the sickroom and caught sight of the tossing sufferer, a groan escaped him, and he covered his eyes an instant, as if to shut out the vision.
A sickroom is always monotonous and dreary, and long confinement had rendered Beulah restless and uncomfortable.
The purse had not been touched, and, hastily counting the contents to see that all the bills were there, she relocked the drawer and returned to the sickroom with anything but a calm face.
The order of the sickroom seemed to affect the whole house.
The mother had been crying, and was now only trying to muster sufficient self-control to reenter the sickroomwithout giving the beloved patient alarm.
While he was talking to Hugh, Nathan Hornby came and was called into the sickroom also.
In fact, as soon as John entered the sickroom she went out, as one of the best ways she knew of to avoid accidents of conversation.
All moonshine, Noland, old boy," he exclaimed when he followed Elizabeth back to the sickroom a few minutes later.
The country doctor left the sickroom and came out into the ante-chamber to welcome the new arrivals.
What I mean is, that long confinement to thesickroom and careful nursing are apt to produce, in the invalid, a certain sensitiveness and an almost imperceptible change in manner.
In another moment Mr. Mohun and Eleanor were on the way to the nursery; Lilias was following, but she recollected that a general rush into a sickroom was not desirable, and therefore paused and came back to the hall.
She was useful to her father, always ready to talk to Claude, or walk with him in the intervals when he was sent out of the sickroom to rest and breathe the fresh air.
But, Miss Hollyhock,' he continued, 'you must not be tied to this sickroom all day.
She was, however, by order of the doctors, who remained to see the effect, allowed to enter the spacioussickroom where Hollyhock was lying.
Miss Ruth, or Ruth, as I always called her now, would sometimes come up into the sickroom and sit for a few minutes.
But the sickroom was a different place now, when we had Allan's cheery visits to enliven our long evenings.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sickroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: asylum; clinic; home; hospital; infirmary; sanatorium; sickroom; ward