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Example sentences for "look again"

  • Look again, I say, now thou art upon thy knees, and see if some that are among them have not done worse than thou hast done.

  • Look again, and behold the person dying; such an one as never sinned nor offended at any time, yet he dies.

  • Gottlieb; 'look again, Grete, and see if that hell-troop stop the way outside.

  • If you 're of that mind then, I doubt little you may get posted well: but, look again!

  • Look again," said the magician, "and tell me what there is in the bundle.

  • When told to look again, the scene was changed to a very large and curious house, such as the seer had never seen, all crowded with people, and dazzling to the eye from an immensity of gilding and wax-lights.

  • Look again--look again, and tell me what you see.

  • He examined the dial quickly and then turned to look again at the stone hut.

  • Look again at the bundle and tell me once more what you see.

  • Vasant Rao turned his eyes from the Englishman to look again at his own Rajput guard, and his pride in them restored his spirit.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "look again" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coarse sieve; look back; look forward; look out; look through; look upon; look yonder; looked across; looked away; looked full; looked hard; looking about; looking ahead; looking away; looking craft; looking earnestly; looking face; looking from; looking hard; looking people; looking south; looking upon; looking young; much length; said laughing; small stick