Some people didn't care how they shoed their mules; they simply nailed shoes on and let the hoofs grow out to fit them.
They roped the mare mule, dragged her to the forge, threw her, and shoed her.
By this, said Epistemon, you may guess what kind of a pope it was who first enjoined it to be kept, since this filthy wooden-shoed Semiquaver owns that his spoon is never oftener nor deeper in the porringer of lechery than in Lent.
They shoed him with the beat silver, They grind him with the gold; They put two bells on every side, Till he came to some hold.
Her father shoed her fu fair foot, Her mother glovd her han; Her sister lac'd her middle gimp Wi the new made London ban.
The heavy sled was continually getting off the trail, however wide we show-shoed it.
Engaged half-columns set against rectangular piers carry shallow calottes, the archivolt of which is slightly horse-shoed (Plate 26, Fig.
The sergeant, producing a small tape measure dotted down careful measurements of the over-shoed imprints and their length of stride, also the size of the shod hoof-marks.
With some difficulty the over-shoed foot was disengaged from the imprisoning stirrup, the body rolled in the tarpaulin and deposited in the rear of the doctor's cutter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shoed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: arrayed; bedecked; clad; disguised; hooded; invested; liveried; mantled; shod; tired; vested