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Example sentences for "sheiks"

Lexicographically close words:
sheeted; sheetes; sheeting; sheets; sheh; sheiling; shek; shekel; shekels; shel
  1. Sheiks and tribes fell away from the Khalifa and returned to the fold of orthodox Mohammedanism.

  2. The leaders were mostly sheiks who were too far committed to hope for pardon and restoration, in the event of defeat, from the Khedivial Government.

  3. The chiefs met at El Obeyed every Friday for orders, but the Sheiks of the Baggara did not attend.

  4. The sheiks are distinguished by a short scarlet pelisse lined with fur or sheepskin, and they wear large boots of red leather while the common people generally walk barefoot.

  5. The sheiks always prefer to take no horses, as they can thereby make the journey more quickly, and consequently cheaper.

  6. In prison, however, there were but few opportunities for the two Sheiks to earn anything by their profession.

  7. In an Oriental city two Sheiks were once confined in prison for debt.

  8. On the Arab side the Emirs and sheiks harangued the troops, and after the ancient Arab fashion the shrill voices of women in the rear encouraged their men.

  9. The sheiks of the tribes, under a 'king of the poets,' sat in judgment and awarded prizes; the prize songs were sung through all Arabia.

  10. Then repair to the mosque near by and take the imam and his four chief sheiks and bestow upon them a hundred strokes each.

  11. Offer a large reward to the sheiks near the banks for the capture of the fugitives.

  12. There, tribes and their sheiks are only waiting for the favorable moment to seize the sword in defense of the true faith.

  13. We began to ask him whether any orders had come over the copper wire to the sheiks and whether a pursuit was organized.

  14. In that conversation there were some comforting things, especially that a pursuit was organized, that a reward was offered, and that the sheiks of the tribes on the river banks had received orders to detain caravans going southward.

  15. With equal hypocrisy Yussef humbly thanked him for his abdication; the sheiks and walis were summoned to witness the renewed declaration of the emir, after which the two princes separated.

  16. As all the sheiks had not yet assembled, we had not been long in conclave—indeed, had hardly exhausted our stock of compliments—before the singing of men and the firing of guns announced a distinguished arrival.

  17. Close to this village is another called Zeba, which I was sorely tempted to visit, as I had received an invitation to do so from the sheik who lives here, and who is one of the richest and most powerful sheiks in the country.

  18. More than one of these local sheiks can point out to you a hole in the wall of his house which was made by a Turkish cannon-ball.

  19. Towards evening of the day on which I arrived at the great Druse shrine of Neby Schaib, near Hattin, most of the sheiks who were expected had arrived, with their retinues.

  20. The Bedouins find it to their interest to keep up the traditions of the guide-books, and travellers continue to pay Bedouin sheiks blackmail which they might with perfect confidence keep in their pockets.

  21. As the sheiks wield an unbounded influence over their own faction, this would be an easy operation were it not for the rival sheik, who is in negotiation with a rival money-lender.

  22. There would, indeed, be a good opening for a professional peacemaker in these villages, where feuds are bitter and prevalent, not merely between different villages, but between rival sheiks in the same locality.

  23. Some of the Druse sheiks who accompanied me reverently pressed their lips to this.

  24. I afterwards had some conversation with the Christian and Druse sheiks in regard to them.

  25. When two money-lenders take to fighting over a village there is some chance for the villagers, and from this point of view the feuds of their sheiks are not an unmixed evil.

  26. But she had heard also of other and different Sheiks who lived far away across the shimmering sand, powerful chiefs with large followings, who seemed more like the Arabs of her imaginings, and of whose lives she had the haziest idea.

  27. She had been shown Sheiks in Biskra who drove hard bargains to hire out mangy camels and sore-covered donkeys for trips into the interior.

  28. In it they had many stations, with sheiks or chiefs in their employ, and standing rewards offered to natives for choice specimens of rare birds or beasts.

  29. There they would exchange their money for Austrian silver dollars, the only coin known to the Arabs and sheiks of Africa.

  30. The sheiks are paid in advance, and do not care whether the poor huntsmen get out of the chase alive or not.

  31. In the night he sends out messengers requesting the cadis and sheiks to come to him, as he has important intelligence to communicate, and a firman sent to him by the grand- sultan to read to them.

  32. The cadis and sheiks repair to the citadel to announce the determination of the people to the viceroy.

  33. The cadis and sheiks express themselves ready to obey the new governor in all things, and express the hope that with his highness's entrance into Cairo a new era of peace may dawn for their bleeding land.

  34. As you know, three other sheiks have already applied to me, and offered to assist with their camels and horses.

  35. On my way here I met the cadi of the sheiks going to the citadel to present the robe of fur to the caimacan, in token of their recognition.

  36. In solemn procession, their green turbans on their heads, and enveloped in their long flowing caftans, with their costly ermine collars, the entire body of sheiks repaired on foot to the palace.

  37. Him the people had never saluted thus; upon his head the sheiks and cadis had never invoked Allah's blessing.

  38. The cadis and sheiks hasten to the mosque to use their influence in tranquillizing the people, but in vain.

  39. In accordance with the law and with your permission, highness, let two of the sheiks go to Sitta Nefysseh and ask her if she confesses herself guilty; and, further, what she has to say in her defence.

  40. With a profound bow the sheiks withdrew from the viceroy's apartment and repaired to the house of Sheik Hesseyni.

  41. The cadis and sheiks hasten to obey his call.

  42. Sitta Nefysseh greeted the cadis and sheiks with profound deference and perfect composure.

  43. Generally speaking, these sheiks are the greatest rascals and tyrants in the country, though they themselves are frequently oppressed and beaten by their Turkish masters.

  44. The proceedings commenced by an inquiry into the amount claimed by the several sheiks as having been stolen from their villages.

  45. When Abraham and Lot, typical nomads, returned from Egypt to Canaan with their large flocks and herds, rivalry for the pastures occasioned conflicts among their shepherds, so the two sheiks decided to separate.

  46. Strife for the pasturage ensued between their respective herdsmen, so the two sheiks separated, Lot taking the plains of Jordan and Abraham the hill pastures of Hebron.

  47. To Ali the Sheiks replied that "if he wanted tribute from them he must demand it lance in hand in the field, for there and nowhere else were they accustomed to pay: that their coin was steel lance-heads and not golden aspers.

  48. One of the chief sheiks of the country came to make friends with the explorer and to entreat for the release of the culprits.

  49. The family of the young woman assembles in some public place; the sheiks and leading men are present in considerable number.

  50. Efforts on the part of the boy's parents, through the sheiks of the two communities, were unavailing, though the father entreated earnestly for his son, and even promised to give up all he had as a ransom for his life.

  51. Collecting the sheiks of the various kabyls of Suse, he made an energetic harangue to them; and discussed with them the expediency of their uniting together, to repel the impostor.

  52. The army of the sheiks joined, and proceeded towards Wedinoon.

  53. These people are very anxious to have a port opened in their country, and some sheiks among them have assured me, that there is a peninsula on their coast conveniently situated for a port.

  54. The sheiks judge each one in the market for four months in the year in turn and during their period of office.

  55. The sheiks of the Achtouks answered, "Make complaints to the Sultan at Morocco.

  56. During the play not a word was spoken by either party, the two sheiks squatting opposite each other, and making their moves with as much gravity as a pair of chess-players engaged in some grand tournament of this intellectual game.

  57. A square figure was traced out, inside of which several rows of little round holes were scooped in the sand, and then the rival sheiks sat down, one on each side of the figure.

  58. A long argument ensued, in which both sheiks displayed their oratorial powers.

  59. Should the Sultan consent to the demands of the Powers and restore Thessaly, the Sheiks might call out their tribes and carry on the war themselves.

  60. The Sheiks or Chiefs are the rulers of the people, and can control and command them as they please.

  61. The Sheiks are leaders of numerous tribes of people to whom their word is absolute law, and whom they command as entirely as a father commands his children, and for the reason that the tribesmen are in a measure the children of the Sheik.

  62. The Sheik also gave him letters of introduction to other sheiks in and on the way to Cairo, commending him to their protection and urging them to do all they could to forward him on his way.

  63. When the reunited lovers had somewhat calmed down after the exciting scene in which they had been the actors, St. Just handed Halima her father's letter, and showed her those the old man had given for friendly Sheiks in Cairo.

  64. Buonaparte stayed six days in Alexandria, issuing conciliatory edicts to the people and holding many conferences with the chief Sheiks of the city, many of whom had submitted to him.

  65. He called the faithful Mahmoud and inquired of him whether any of the sheiks to whom he had letters were within reasonable distance.

  66. Consequently, St. Just found these sheiks very friendly and ready to help him all they could.

  67. Where he fell in with sheiks located on the margin of the river, to whom Ibrahim had given him letters, bargaining for boats was easy; but it so happened that most of the dwellers by the river were strangers.

  68. The sheiks had made but a poor defence of the Citadel and had quickly agreed to its surrender.

  69. For this purpose he invited the principal sheiks to be present at some chemical experiments performed by M.

  70. The sheiks picked everything with their fingers.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sheiks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.