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Example sentences for "heathen lands"

  • It is not an easy task to begin mission work in heathen lands, among a strange people, strange tongue, strange surroundings and ways of living.

  • On the contrary I have fallen far short; but the consciousness of that call has ever been with me, and has strengthened and kept me, in the thickest of the fight in heathen lands.

  • Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell?

  • Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell.

  • Are these all the gifts that we are bound to carry to heathen lands?

  • We hear, too, especially just in these days, a great deal about the necessity for increased caution in pursuing missionary operations in heathen lands.

  • Thus you see how much good female missionaries have done by going to heathen lands.

  • O, how thankful we ought to be, that we were not born in heathen lands.

  • O, if the poor heathen could only have such privileges as we have, how thankful would they be; and if we were born in heathen lands, I have no doubt that they would come and tell us about a Saviour.

  • And an inferior class of men sent out to heathen lands to represent, and to conduct the work of, the home church must necessarily react upon the church through want of success, discouragement and defeat in the missionary enterprise.

  • It is an important difference in the conception of the Church’s work in heathen lands.

  • The initial and preliminary question as to the right of the Christian Church to send forth its missionaries, and to establish its missions in heathen lands.

  • Besides, Satan has not been inactive in heathen lands.

  • That laymen of every useful occupation are needed in heathen lands, is by no means the opinion of one alone.

  • Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell.

  • Can the boys and girls in heathen lands be made like Christian boys and girls?

  • Where do people enjoy the greatest material comforts and blessings, in Christian or heathen lands?

  • How shall we send the Bread of Life to the people in heathen lands?

  • It happened through a small toy boat which I had taken down there with the purpose of starting it off for "heathen lands.

  • And still greater, I soon learned, I might become a preacher who went far off to heathen lands, braving cannibals and death and giving to thousands of heathen eternal happiness and life.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heathen lands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    awkward position; black belt; but yet; children under; coverts white; euerie side; good action; heathen lands; moderate oven for about; most men; muscular action; now began; open order; progress toward; take from the fire; tell about; textile fabrics; think shame; turn the; various dates; when speaking; whom should