Now Kynde me avenge, And sende me hap and heele, Til I have Piers the Plowman.
If thow wolt be wroken, Wend into Unitee, And hold thee there evere, Til I sende for thee; And loke thow konne som craft, Er thow come thennes.
Do-bet shal beten it and bouken it As bright as any scarlet, 8940 And engreyven it with good wille And Goddes grace to amende the, And sithen sende thee to satisfaccion For to sowen it after.
Sende to all our ffriends at home, especially, this good news.
Yet it commeth time ynough to bringe thyne husbande to a greate furtheraunce to that shall bee yf God sende you anie frute togither.
To conclude breefly, and nat tarye, Ther is no noyse herd in thyn hermytage; God sende soone a gladdere letuarye, With a cleer sone of plate, and of coignage.
Oure Cherlys of Fraunce gret well, or ye wende, The Dolfyn prowed withinne his wall, Swyche tenys ballys I schal hymsende As schall tere the roof all of his all.
D alters, Sendesum god biuoren him | man, ꝥ wile to heuene; the scribe of E copied the end of l.
And thus beseching god to sende youe a good newe yere, I bid youe as well to fare as I wold myself.
Ga[ge] your Ryng with the turques, Whiche I do now sende you by this berer.
Such news as ye have in those partyes I pray you sende me parte by this berer.
And farther I pray yousende me word in wryting who hathe resorted unto you syns my departuer from you to speke with me.
And thus I pray god sende your lordshipp well to fare.
It is no harde or difficulte matter for the Lorde oure God to sende his Angels vnto vs, whome otherwise hée vseth for our profite, and by them to instructe vs in the faith: but it hath pleased him to appoint the matter otherwise.
Wherefore féeble is that obiection of theirs: God can sende soules vnto men, to teache and admonish them; therefore these spirites that praye ayde, bee soules that come out of Heauen or Hell.
These be the principall causes why Christe did sende the Iewes to searche the scriptures: for to this ende were they wrytten, saith Saint Iohn, Hae scripta sunt ut credatis, et vt credentes vitam habeatis eternam.
I pray yow sende me worde, and your advyse by Judd of what men and what horse I cowde be purveyd off, if so be that I most nedys kome, and of your advyse in all thyngs be wryghtyng, and I schall send yow hastely other tydyngs.
Wherffor I wolle he scholde sende it hyedre, ffor sche most have itt ageyn, or ellys vs.
Item, I pray yow sendeme worde howe my moodre is dysposyd to hyr wardes, and iffe so weer that a good mariage myght be had, what she wolde depart with.
Ye prayed me also to sende yow tydynges how I spedde in my materis, and in cheff of Mestresse Anne Hault.
And, cosyn, I pray zowe to sende me worde agayn be the brynger of thys letter, howe ze will do, &c.
When I heer and knowe moor, I shall sende yow worde.
God sende me goode sale whan I be gynne; that poor woode is soor manashed and thrett.
I praye yow sendeme worde off my ladyes spede as soone as ye kan.
Item, I praye yow sende me worde as ye wer wont to do off heer wellffar, and whether I weer owt and other inne or nott; and whether she shall fforsake Caleys as sone as ye sende me worde off or nott.
And lying long aloft vpon my bed in paine, Vnto Morpheus call'd I oft that he would not disdaine To heare me then poore wight, but sende me helpe with speed That I might haue good rest this night of which I had great need.
The next day after that our people came into the citie, the uiceroy did sende to inuite them to dinner to his owne house, whereas he made them a great banket in the forme following.
Upon a day the gouernour sent and called vnto him the father Costodio, and requested of him that he would let him haue some Fryer for to sende vnto the riuer of Cagayan, whether not long before he had sent certaine Spaniards for to inhabite.
The interpreters straightwayes (with the desire of gaine) did take the charge vppon them, and did vse the matter in such sort that the iudges did sende them vnto Machao, whether it were with or against their willes.
And being some thing strong, I procured to seeke meanes to liue, and to seeke a way how to profite my selfe in the Countrey, seeing it had pleased God to sende vs thither in safetie.
And further he wished vs presently to depart for Sant Sebastian, and there to dispatch our businesse, and then to sende backe for Babington and himselfe to Guaybea, where he (if he were well) would giue his attendance to come abord.
I pray God sende them well to Spaine: for here wee were troubled very sore with men of warre on this coast.
Les envoyes a lescole Sende them to the scole 36 Aprendre lire et escripre, To lerne rede and to write, quilz ne resambloient bestes.
Howe he ambycion, and gyleful Couetyse With innocent blode his handes dyd defyle But howbeit that fortune on hym dyd smyle Two yere or thre: yet god sende hym punysshment By his true seruant the rede Rose redolent.
Than the knyght sayd: "'Ah, sir, ye do me no gentylnesse to sende for me and slee me!
Of all the god that y haffe lade to grene wod, He hayt take het fro me, All bot this feyr palffrey, That he hayt sende to the.
Thos Roben solde foll fast, Tell he had pottys bot feyffe; On he hem toke of his car, And sende hem to the screffeys weyffe.
Y schall her sende a wheyt palffrey, Het hambellet as the weynde; Ner for the loffe of yowr weyffe, Off mor sorow scholde yow seyng.
Unto the colleges, as well maiors as minors, the king dooth sende euerie yeere uisiters, for to see and vnderstande howe the studentes doo profite, and what the masters bee, with other matters touching their good governement.
If they do finde any, or any suspect of indicion, they do returne out of the fielde that person, and sende him againe to the prison.
And he dooth sende order vnto the ambassador, either to stay, or a safe conduct for him to go vnto the place whereas hee is.
And yf any of hem have ye saide poursuyt of apelle hangyng yn courte that they abate hit and sende to revoke hit yn al haste, and that thay make al suche as been thaire attornes or doeres yn court spirituel or temporel to surcesse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sende" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.