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Example sentences for "selves"

Lexicographically close words:
selve; selvedge; selvedges; selven; selver; sely; sem; semaine; semaines; semajnoj
  1. In morals, the concrete differences between a Jesus, a Peter, a John and a Judas are covered up by the wise remark that after all they are all selves and all act as selves.

  2. Within the flickering inconsequential acts of separate selves dwells a sense of the whole which claims and dignifies them.

  3. In reality the more we concretely dwell upon the common fact of fulfilment, the more we realize the difference in the kinds of selves fulfilled.

  4. Be of good courage, and behave your selves valiantly, for our people, and for the cities of our God.

  5. Let us lay our poor selves on that altar, as sacrifices of thanksgiving; for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased.

  6. Therefore it behooveth you, O creatures of God, to help your own selves and to believe in the Verses revealed by Me.

  7. At the hour of His manifestation, however, they all turn their gaze toward their own selves and are thus shut out from Him, inasmuch as they fancifully regard Him as one like unto themselves.

  8. Deceive not your own selves that you are being virtuous for the sake of God when you are not.

  9. They lingered before the bedroom fire, feeling the night big and black and snowy outside, their two selves alone in the world.

  10. The two men were afraid of the naked selves they had been.

  11. I cannot think the English version is right in the rendering: "And this, not as we had hoped, but first they gave their own selves to the Lord.

  12. Why, do you not recognise as to your own selves that Jesus Christ is among you, so that you have spiritual competence to proceed in correcting the disorders of the Church?

  13. The larger selves look themselves up in the greater writers and the smaller selves spell themselves out in the smaller ones.

  14. Modern life is so constituted that the majority of people who live in it are expressing their real selves more truly in their reading than they are in their lives.

  15. Some of these selves are exports and some are imports.

  16. Unless a man has a life to identify other lives, with a self which is the symbol through which he loves all other selves and all other experiences, he is selfish in the true sense.

  17. As Tennyson says: "I held it truth, with him who sings To one clear harp in divers tones, That men may rise on stepping-stones Of their dead selves to higher things.

  18. To thine own self be true," says the great Shakespeare and how can we be true to our own selves if we train with inferiors?

  19. Once in possession we have only to make it part of our natural selves and wear it unconsciously to the last breath of life.

  20. Thus the conviction is strengthened that their true selves are on the side of God and right, and that which holds them captive is an alien tyranny which has got its lodgement in their lower nature.

  21. May we both have new selves better than the old selves, when we again shake hands!

  22. You see, Tom, we have both of us something in our old selves which we must work off.

  23. Then in life after life Eline seemed to see her other selves living and loving and working, sleeping and suffering and struggling.

  24. Now she saw herself as part of a golden sea of selves which made but one self, so lifelike were they, so glorious was their unity.

  25. But their inner selves pressed so hard toward each other that finally they were driven to certain egotisms as a relief.

  26. The magnetism of the Inevitable embraced them and knit their inner selves together, even while they sat decorously apart.

  27. Since we cannot promise our selves constant Health, let us endeavour at such a Temper as may be our best Support in the Decay of it.

  28. When we were arrived upon the Verge of his Estate, we stopped at a little Inn to rest our selves and our Horses.

  29. We spend the Day in Trifles, and when the Night comes we throw our selves into the Bed of Folly, amongst Dreams and broken Thoughts and wild Imaginations.

  30. Behold all yee that kindle a fire, and that compasse your selves about with sparks, walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled, and you shall sleep in sorrow.

  31. So that wee quit the expresse and direct Word of God, to retaine our selves within our phantastique traditions, as our Saviour reproacheth it to the Pharisees, Mark.

  32. But we must a little better clear this: for sith we treat here of fire, and of its effects, what hinders but that we may extend our selves at length upon many things which our long labour and experience have acquired?

  33. Let us then study to amend our selves by the fire of tribulation, by bearing it patiently; for if the pottery be not firmly strengthened by fire, the water of temporall vanity will soften it and mingle it as durt.

  34. If we have no good News for Our selves here, we may sometimes find some from Holland; and what is good, is so rare, that I had rather have it from any Place, than not at all.

  35. Donne believes firmly in man's potential greatness, and the power within his own soul: Seeke wee then our selves in our selves; for as Men force the Sunne with much more force to passe.

  36. It is perhaps best expressed in the following verse: But we know our selves least; Mere outward shews Our mindes so store, That our soules, no more than our eyes disclose But forme and colour.

  37. Our old selves weren't people of fortune; our new selves are; it's a great difference.

  38. Our old selves would be fit for nothing here but to be robbed and imposed upon.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "selves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.