In short, he was not to be dissatisfied; the sun of good humour was to triumph on this auspicious morning; it consumed scudding clouds ere they sullied its disk.
They passed like drift cloud--like the wrack scudding before a storm.
But still, although we werescudding with everything flying aloft, the leebraces had not yet been let go, all that I have taken so long to describe having occurred, so to speak, within the compass of a minute.
On she came, swinging from crest to crest of the waves that kept her company and that ran to meet the ocean, shouting and calling out beyond there under the low, scudding clouds.
Then when all were accounted for the mooring ropes were cast off, and with no more ceremony than the tinkle of the ship's telegraph we slid out of the harbour under cover of the scudding clouds.
There, in the lambent beams of the moon, were seen excited shadows, all either rushing to their bomb-proof shelters orscudding to the sniping posts of the river.
The dreaded angle which had haunted de Spain all night was safely turned on hands and knees and, as they rounded it toward the east, clouds scudding over the open desert broke and shot the light of dawn against the beetling arête.
From a spotless blue it revealed tiny splotches of gray-white cloud scudding before upper currents.
Standing in the stable, he loved to watch the snow-capped mountains, and the tiny white clouds scudding around them, and the mellow radiance of golden sunlight streaming over them.
It was not a dark night, or yet very light; for though the moon had risen, dark clouds were scudding across the sky, allowing but an occasional glimpse of her face, and casting deep shadows over the landscape.
For scudding the heaviest rudder should be used, or the weight on a loaded tiller should be in its position of maximum power.
Then with a soft and cunning hand he drew the door to behind him, and stood a moment lifting his face to the rack of moonlit cloud scuddingacross the top of the houses opposite.
Just as we were talking, a ship hove in sight, scuddingso beautiful before the wind.
As they came abreast of the western end of their island another sailboat, looking like a great white moth in the moonlight, went scudding away over the silver sea.
Nor did he relax this peculiar system of vigilance even after the town itself had dropped away into the far distance, and the car was scudding along over the broad stretches and the less-frequented thoroughfares of the open country.
The winds of chance sent him scudding about the globe, a true casual of the seas.
Unconscious of their own beauty, they pass in dissolving shapes--now scudding on that waveless azure sea; now drifting with scant steerage way.
In a moment he was scudding down to first, while the left fielder was going back for the ball which had passed beyond his reach.
The barking of the dog had suddenly ceased, and a third dark figure was seen scudding through the orchard.
Scudding along under mere rags of canvas, the ship headed right into the swirl of waters agitated by the wind.
We've got her before the gale now, and she's scuddingalong very nicely.
In another hour the clouds were scudding wildly before a rising gale, and the moon had broken out, through their black bars, lighting up the grim old house with an eerie and spectral gloom.
The brassy hue of the sky, and the greenish-yellow haze filling the air, the ominous silence of nature, and the scudding black clouds, gave her warning for the first time of the coming storm.
A full moon flickered ghastly through the scudding clouds, and wan in its light you saw a girl standing on a high rock, straining her eyes out to sea.
No sooner had she disappeared than Curly was on his feet scudding back to Annie, who had been staring over the garden-gate in utter bewilderment at his behaviour.
That would be better even than scudding along it on his skates.
Smash went the bowsprit as it struck against a rock; crash, crash, went one mast after the other, until we were literally scudding under bare poles.
Come, look sharp, or in two minutes we shall all be scudding under bare poles.
Patches of star sprinkled sky began to appear and disappear and appear again, as the storm clouds broke and scattered, scudding before the wind.
The lake was still rough, the wind a little east of north, the sky gray with scudding clouds, and the air so cold and raw that, September though it was, a snowstorm would not have surprised the voyageurs.
The sun had broken through the clouds, and they werescudding before a strong wind.
Very true; and that thought very early occurred to me; for no idea had I of scudding round Cape Horn in my shirt; for that would have been almost scudding under bare poles, indeed.
Scudding makes you a slave to the blast, which drives you headlong before it; but running up into the wind's eye enables you, in a degree, to hold it at bay.
Scudding exposes to the gale your stern, the weakest part of your hull; the contrary course presents to it your bows, your strongest part.
A wind from the sea, flocks of white cloud scudding across the sapphire sky, and a sun all kindness--such was the day.
He would come scudding along on a Færing[1] to his father's house through storm and stress.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scudding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.