The use of a sarcophagus is an indication of the wealth of the deceased.
Sometimes, as on a sarcophagus in the Lateran, Our Lord stands between two disciples blessing with either hand the food which they hold.
But he asserts that a sculptured example occurs on a sarcophagus of the fifth century, from the Ostian basilica of St. Paul's, now in the Lateran Museum.
The sarcophagus of Junius Bassus exhibits a bas relief of Job comforted by his friends.
On the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus in the crypts of St. Peter's, of date A.
On a sarcophagus in the Lateran Museum is an illustration of Our Lord's first miracle at Cana of Galilee, in which he is touching the water-pots with his rod of power and turning the water into wine.
See one beautiful example from a sarcophagus in Fig.
On a sarcophagus of later date Our Lord is represented in human form with a scroll in his hand, standing on a mound from which the four mystical rivers flow, and by his side a lamb bearing a Latin cross on its head.
The following engraving, from a sarcophagus in the Lateran, is a characteristic example of the ordinary type.
For him, well-deserving, his freedmen provided (this) sarcophagusat their own cost.
The annexed suggestive example of this treatment, of which many others might be adduced, is from a sarcophagus in the Lateran.
On the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus Christ is also symbolically represented as baptized by affusion.
In the accompanying example from a sarcophagusin the Lateran, a windlass of primitive construction, like those still common in the Campagna, is shown.
These two princes had been killed while fighting in the suburbs of Assisi, as may be seen by a long inscription on the sarcophagus of their tomb.
Also by the hand of Andrea is a marble tomb in the principal church of Pistoia, the body of the sarcophagus of which is full of small figures, with some larger ones above.
Among the spoils brought home by the Pisan fleet was a very fine sarcophagus on which was an admirable representation of the chase of Meleager, hunting the Calydonian boar.
I regret to say that he raised an immediate alarm, and that we were forced to retire behind our sarcophagus in the cellar for some time.
It was fortunate for us that the French use the basements of their churches for burying purposes, for by crawling behind a marble sarcophaguswe found a sort of cave made by the debris.
Above the sarcophagus are the Madonna and Child in a glory of cherubs with two Angels; underneath them are scenes from Fina's life in relief; her vision of St Gregory, her funeral, her appearing to heal a sick woman.
The sculptor is said to have copied his Madonna from the Phaedra on the antique sarcophagus used as a tomb for the Countess Beatrice.
To a period contemporary with the concluding age of the Cnossian palace must be referred a remarkable sarcophagus belonging to a neighbouring cemetery.
Complete scenes of worship in which libations are poured before the Sacred Axes are, moreover, given on a fine painted sarcophagus found at Hagia Triada.
The sarcophagus and its contents had been removed by early plunderers of the tomb, all that was left being some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal.
Still later it is found on the stele of Byblos, and on the sarcophagus of Eshmunazar (about 300 B.
The crypt contains several Gallo-Roman tombs and the sarcophagus (5th century) of St Quitterie.
On an ancient sarcophagus an acacia is represented with the device, "Osiris shoots up.
The conception is illustrated still more clearly on an ancient sarcophagus in the Marseilles Museum, where the trunk from which the branches spread is represented as the actual body of the deity.
The opening was covered in with a gable-shaped sarcophagus lid, and many of these are lying about though none are actually in position.
It consists of a stone sarcophagus covered with a heavy ridged lid; and it is highly probable that his bones have never been disturbed.
This parapet or garden-wall was formed of blocks or fragments of what had once been white marble, the probable remains of the ancient tomb from which the sarcophagus was taken.
A clear mountain-spring burst through the rock on one side of the little cottage, and fell with a lulling noise into a quaint moss-grown water-trough, which had been in former times the sarcophagus of some old Roman sepulchre.
It was this sarcophagus which, with its Dionysiac revels, and the name of one Dionysius carved on it, a freedman of the Flavians, had led Filarete to consider the tomb as a kind of temple consecrated to Bacchus.
The first was the sarcophagus of Jovinus, the Christian prefect of Rheims, in the fourth century, who protected the church and was originally buried in the Abbey of St. Nicaise, from whence his tomb was brought to the cathedral.
The shrine, containing what is alleged to be the original sarcophagus of the Saint (more probably of the 13th century) stands under a richly-gilt Gothic tabernacle, adorned with figures legibly named on their pedestals.
A few of her relics were said to have been preserved: some bones, together with a lock of the holy shepherdess's hair, were afterward recovered, and replaced in the sarcophagus they had once occupied.
About two miles further on, on our right, is a tumulus, Monte del Grano, in which was found the splendid sarcophagusnow in the Capitoline Museum, which contained the Portland Vase.
But the sarcophagus of white marble now in the court of the Farnese Palace, and believed to have been discovered in or near the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, is the only treasure it has produced.
The gray peperino sarcophagus was discovered in the tomb of the Scipios on the Via Appia in 1780.
Sarcophagus found in a mound on the road to Frascati, called Monte del Grano.
The sarcophagus is surmounted by the figures of a man and woman in repose.
Sarcophagus of Gerontia, representing the fable of Endymion.
On the right in entering is the tomb of Bishop Spinelli, an antique sarcophagusrepresenting Minerva and the Muses.
The sarcophagus found here is more likely, from its reliefs, to have been that of a soldier than a woman.
The general arrangement of drinking-cups, offerings, and ornaments resembles that in the Fâra burials, so that the difference in the form of the sarcophagus is merely due to a later custom and not to any racial change.
It might be inferred that the sarcophagus was a mark of wealth, were it not that the offerings they contain are generally more scanty than in the mat-burials.
Rising from the ground, and seizing the edge of the stone sarcophagus with her right hand, she confronted him, whilst the everlasting lamp over her head, was still gently swinging to and fro, on its silken cord.
A sarcophagus of grey sandstone stood near it, resting on small clumsy pillars, with ionic headpieces, which again rested on quaint ugly stone-animals.
But he begged of me not to open the sarcophagus of Mekara.
As I came away, a van drove up from the docks and a couple of fellows delivered a sarcophagusas big as a boat.
I am sure of it; and somebody else was in the sarcophagus when it reached Rowan House.
The sarcophagus would have emptied through the vent, and the gas have dispersed, with no clew remaining--except the smell.
The famous traveler continued to look towards the sarcophagus with something in his blue eyes that might have been dread.
We have the same rectangular base, but the chapel and its crowning pyramid are represented by the sarcophagus itself with its rigid cover.
This tomb was three braccia and a half in length, and two in height; and besides adorning it with diverse varied ornaments, he made therein on the front of the body of the sarcophagus itself a scene with S.
Angelo di Seggio di Nido; in this tomb there are three figures in the round that support the sarcophagus with their heads, and on the sarcophagus itself is a scene in low-relief, so beautiful that it commands infinite praise.
Maria del Fiore to have a sarcophagus and tomb of bronze made to contain the body of S.
There is every variety of tomb, from the plain, heavy sarcophagus of Mastino I.
This is no new celebrity: Murray assures us that in the last century, before readers of Shakespeare, native or foreign, were common in Italy, a sarcophagus was regularly exhibited as this sentimental relic.
But most of all she enjoyed the thought that these shouts would penetrate into the royal vault, where Amalaswintha, her hated and conquered rival, sat mourning by the sarcophagus of her son.
Exactly the same style which marks them belongs also to a mass of sepulchral monuments at Athens, and such works as the Sidonian sarcophagus of the Mourning Women, to be presently mentioned.
It is instructive to compare it with the sarcophagus illustrated in Fig.
The reliefs which adorn the other sides of the sarcophagus are almost equally interesting.
We can scarcely be mistaken in attributing the workmanship of this beautiful sarcophagus to some sculptor trained in the school of Praxiteles.
The portraits of Alexander the Great which appear on this sarcophagus are almost contemporary, and the most authentic likenesses of him which we possess.
Such figures are familiar to us in the art of the second Attic school; we could easily find parallels to the sarcophagus among the 4th-century sepulchral reliefs of Athens.
The sarcophagus is empty, for the bones of Joseph were carried away by the children of Israel when they took their departure from Egypt under the leadership of Moses and Aaron.
Meven died, and his faithful friend Austell followed him shortly after, the dead body moved on one side in the sarcophagus to accommodate his companion.
They were laid in a sarcophagus in an arcossolium, and on the covering slab the Holy Mysteries were celebrated on the anniversary of their martyrdom.
Arcosolium containing the sarcophagus with the bones of the martyrs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sarcophagus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: box; case; casket; compact; file