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Example sentences for "sarcoma"

Lexicographically close words:
sarch; sarched; sarcina; sarcode; sarcolactic; sarcomatous; sarcophagi; sarcophagus; sarcoptic; sarcous
  1. When the pelvis is occupied by a chondroma, osteoma, or a sarcoma growing from the innominate bones or the sacrum, or from the fascia of the pelvis and displacing the gravid uterus, the proper course is to perform subtotal hysterectomy.

  2. Of the latter, carcinoma (28) was more common than sarcoma (18).

  3. The most insidious danger which besets the surgeon in dealing with fibroids of the uterus is the occurrence of an encapsuled sarcoma in the guise of an innocent fibroid.

  4. Sarcoma of the posterior wall of the upper third of the esophagus in a woman of thirty-one years.

  5. Sarcoma of the esophagus is relatively rare (Bibliography 1, p.

  6. Sarcoma and carcinoma of the thyroid when perforating the trachea may become pedunculated.

  7. Do you know anyone who will guarantee to cure a cancer or sarcoma at any price?

  8. I am sure you will agree with me that it would be possible to find physicians who would be willing to put up many hundreds of dollars to guarantee that neither cancer nor sarcoma can at the present time be cured except by operation.

  9. A case of nasal sarcoma is shown by Moore.

  10. Plate 10 shows an enormous sarcoma of the buttocks in an adult negro.

  11. In another case, in a white male of thirty, the same author successfully performed a hip-amputation for a large sarcoma of the left femur.

  12. The multiple pigmented sarcoma (melano-sarcoma) appears first, usually on the soles and dorsal surfaces of the feet, and later on the hands.

  13. One side of the face is swollen or there may be a chronic enlargement of the jaw, which may look like a sarcoma (tumor).

  14. They involve the gland early, contrary to what the sarcoma variety does.

  15. All vessels should be kept scrupulously clean and disinfected.

  16. Food and drink that have been in the sick room should be disinfected and buried.

  17. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every two hours for usual kind.

  18. Quarantine of persons exposed should not be raised under four weeks.

  19. Perfect cleanliness of nurses and attendants should be enjoined and secured.

  20. From this we learn that the infection in measles takes place generally in the incubation stage.

  21. To keep the scales from flying you can grease the patient with cold cream, vaselin, lard, etc.

  22. This usually occurs between the ages of fifteen and twenty, and while it may originally be a fibroma, it tends to assume the characters of a fibro-sarcoma and to exhibit malignant tendencies.

  23. All forms of sarcoma are met with, implicating the bones of the skull.

  24. White swelling is to be differentiated from peri-synovial gummata, from myeloma and sarcoma of the lower end of the femur, and from bleeder's knee.

  25. Sarcoma is to be distinguished from the solid and cystic forms of odontoma, which also may distend the bone, bulging the hard palate and projecting on the face.

  26. In sarcoma of the lower end of the tibia, the swelling lacks the uniform distribution of that met with in joint disease.

  27. Clinically it is practically impossible to differentiate sarcoma from carcinoma; in the later stages the infection of the glands below the mandible is more marked in carcinoma.

  28. The tumours most frequently met with in the pituitary body are of the nature of adenoma with hyperplasia and cystic degeneration; carcinoma and sarcoma also occur.

  29. We have known a sarcoma to recur as late as five years after removal.

  30. Sarcoma is about the most frequent and dangerous tumor that is found in cattle.

  31. Lympho-sarcoma, which may be regarded as a sarcoma starting in a lymph gland, appears in the neck, axilla, or groin as a rapidly growing tumour consisting of one enlarged gland with numerous satellites.

  32. This may be observed in sarcoma of the kidney, the growth taking place along the renal vein until it projects into the vena cava.

  33. The alveolar sarcoma commences as a hard lump and increases in size until the epidermis gives way and an ulcer is formed.

  34. The features are those of a rapidly growing sarcoma involving a nerve-trunk, with agonising pain and muscular cramps, followed by paralysis from destruction of the nerve fibres.

  35. The resemblance to sarcoma may be very close, but the swelling is not as defined as in sarcoma, nor does it ever assume the characteristic "leg of mutton" shape.

  36. Radiogram of Osteo-Sarcoma of Upper Third of Femur.

  37. The essential structural feature is the predominance of the cellular elements over the intercellular substance or stroma, in which respect a sarcoma resembles the connective tissue of the embryo.

  38. All intermediate forms between the innocent chondroma and the malignant chondro-sarcoma are met with.

  39. In these conditions, a malignant transformation of the fibroma into sarcoma is to be suspected.

  40. The ossifying sarcoma is met with most often in the femur and tibia, less frequently in the humerus, skull, pelvis, and jaws.

  41. In a cellular sarcoma of the humerus of a boy we resected the shaft and inserted his fibula ten years ago, and he shows no sign of recurrence.

  42. Two cases of secondary lympho-sarcoma of the stomach (primary of the retro-peritoneal glands) without gastric symptoms have come under my observation.

  43. Sarcoma of the pancreas occurs with extreme rarity.

  44. It is also produced in carcinoma and sarcoma of the tonsil.

  45. Lympho-sarcoma will rarely be found as an extension from the lymphatic glands and involving the small intestine.

  46. Similarly, melano-sarcoma has been detected in the intestine as secondary to this form of sarcoma, originating in the skin or in the eye.

  47. Melanotic sarcoma may occur as metastatic from an original melano-sarcomatous tumor of the skin or eyeball.

  48. Rarely, and in a purely clinical sense, cancer of the bowels may exist as a lympho-sarcoma in the small intestine, and then through progression from the glands of the mesentery or elsewhere.

  49. Not unfrequently the testicle is attacked by swellings of a more serious nature—medullary sarcoma is common, as also both fibrous and soft tumours, with cysts; scirrhus is more rare.

  50. It seems to be more common in sarcoma than in carcinoma.

  51. Urine which contains melanin, as sometimes in melanotic sarcoma and, very rarely, in wasting diseases, also becomes brown or black upon long standing.

  52. The principal growths are tubercle, adenoma, sarcoma and carcinoma.

  53. Sarcoma is most often seen in the young; carcinoma in the middle-aged and elderly.

  54. Malignant disease of the kidney takes the form of sarcoma or carcinoma.

  55. Ovarian fibroids occur, and malignant disease (sarcoma and carcinoma) is fairly frequent, sarcoma being the most usual ovarian tumour occurring before puberty.

  56. Sarcoma and Carcinoma: Their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment.

  57. Malignant Disease of the Larynx (Sarcoma and Carcinoma).

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sarcoma" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    callus; cancer; carcinoma; corn; cyst; fungus; growth; mole; outgrowth; sarcoma; tumor; wart; wen