Between the ages of two and six years the children are admitted into the salles d'asile, or children's homes, of which there are over a hundred in Paris.
In 1902 Campos Salles was succeeded in the Presidency by Dr.
We left by the door at the end of Salle III and once in the sunlight again, I heaved a sigh of relief; for frankly I thought the three typhoid Salles the most depressing places on earth.
The most important of the institutions we visited are the Military and Civil Hospitals, the Foundling Institution, the Salles d'Asile, and the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity.
The sceptre is departed from King Louis; is gone over to theSalles des Menus, to the Paris Townhall, or one knows not whither.
Roland is getting ready the Salles des Cent Suisses, as preliminary rendezvous for them; in that void Palace of the Tuileries, now void and National, and not a Palace, but a Caravansera.
Poor Guadet and Salles were both taken, ere long; they died by the Guillotine in Bourdeaux; drums beating to drown their voice.
Louvet went with Guadet, with Salles and Valady; Barbaroux with Buzot and Petion.
Generals De Salles and Bosquet were, however, prepared to drive back with energy any attack of the besieged.
At the same signal General de Salles attacked the Central Bastion.
The election of Campos Salles to the presidency in 1898, as a reward for his success, was accompanied by the rise of definite political parties.
The Moderates or Republicans, on the contrary, with Campos Salles as their candidate, declared for the existing constitution and advocated a gradual adoption of such reforms as reason and time might suggest.
President Salles publicly promised political reform, economy in the administration, and absolute respect for civil rights, and speedily made efforts to fulfil these pledges.
In October 1900 Dr Campos Salles returned the visit and met with an excellent reception at Buenos Aires.
Dr Campos Salles had signalized his administration, not only by the settlement of disputes with European powers, but by efforts to arrive at a good understanding with the neighbouring South American republics.
The difficulties in the reorganization of the finances of the state, which Dr Campos Salles had to face on his accession to power, were very great.
You know that the La Salles always go to Severn Beach for the summer, and so does our family.
There is a poor woman who lives near the La Salles on whom I ought to call.
They asserted their opinion; and Tinker asserted his, with the result that his bolt into the Salles de Jeu and his difficult extrication from them by the brawny, but liveried officials was fast becoming one of the events of the day.
The one practice he did not suffer to fall into desuetude was his daily bolt into the Salles de Jeu; of that she could always be a secure and interested spectator.
Salles concludes that the primitive complexion was olive, somewhat like the color of unburnt coffee, and the original men had red hair.
As a contrast to the Hotel-Dieu, the Hopital Cochin, in the Faubourg Saint-Jacques, has one of the smallest salles de garde in Paris.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "salles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.