Indeed he is paid a subsidy, a portion of the road-dues, in return for his safeguarding travellers from Bedouin robbers.
They are usually called forth by ecclesiastical or political circumstances, and aim at safeguarding papal principles and claims.
Indeed, the latter is coveted mainly as a means of securing or safeguarding the former.
But no other nation could make this excuse, nor can we now that we have abandoned free trade by the Safeguarding of Industries Act.
I do not venture upon this avowal without safeguarding myself.
Himself born with a genius for plotting, the marshal took a keen zest in outwitting the plans of others, and in his view the cardinal's contrivance for safeguarding himself presented some interesting features.
He thought no more now of safeguarding himself by imparting to the murder the appearance of suicide.
In the first place the elders of the city swore that they had taken every measure for safeguarding the roads.
For instance if, for the safeguarding of the commonwealth, it were enacted in some city that from each ward some men should keep watch as sentries in case of siege, some might be dispensed from this on account of some greater utility.
The greatest of all things is the protection of the True Faith of God, the preservation of His Law, the safeguarding of His Cause and service unto His Word.
In conclusion I wish to renew the assurance of my ardent prayers for you and for those whom you represent in safeguarding and promoting the sacred interests of so precious a Cause.
The latter is primarily a protective measure and looks mainly to the immediate safeguarding of the health of the community.
Here, as elsewhere, this sudden recognition of the imperative necessity for safeguarding the physical welfare of school children grew out of the discovery that compulsory education under modern city conditions meant compulsory disease.
Has again given proof of a devotion deserving of the highest praise by safeguarding night and day, for a fortnight, with utter contempt of danger, the removal of many wounded over a mountain road constantly swept by the enemy's fire.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the honor and privilege of introducing to you that conserver of clean citizenship, who will address you on the subject of "Safeguarding the Property of the People," Honorable Francis J.
The National Board of Fire Underwriters has for years devoted its energies and activities principally to the reduction of the fire waste and the safeguarding of life and property.
The subject of my text today is "Safeguarding the Property of the People.
President BAKER--The program in your hands announces that an address entitled "Safeguarding the Property of the People" will be delivered by Honorable Francis T.
The Western Forestry and Conservation Association does not decry the necessity for wise action by State and Nation in the safeguarding of water-power, minerals, and lands; but the settlement of such affairs is not our function.
Now, it must be apparent to any one that the most efficient Executive must fail in safeguarding the property of the people if the laws provided for that purpose by the Legislative body are loose, inaccurate, or unfitted to conditions.
It was he who first showed the need of a royal audiencia to check the encroachments of the governor on the prerogatives of the church, for the protection of the natives, and for the safeguarding of the royal interests.
The prohibition of child labor and the safeguarding of women in industry will also tend to keep the family intact, and to permit proper home training.
The safeguarding of the public health, and detailed provision for the creation and maintenance of public institutions for the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes, are other concerns of this part of the state constitution.
One fundamental method of safeguarding the family is to counteract the injurious effects of the Industrial Revolution.
In return for taxes the government indeed renders many valuable services, such as public education, the safeguarding of health, and protection from domestic violence and foreign war.
The rise of great corporations and the necessity of safeguarding the public from monopolistic abuses make necessary a careful examination into the relation of government to business.
The consideration of the problems of the city in turn directs attention to the necessity of a normal rural life, and to the importance of safeguarding the American home.
Education, the safeguarding of the home, constructive charity, and similar measures will also help to remove the social causes of crime.
Such organizations are especially valuable in safeguarding the rights and privileges of immigrants in large cities.
By preventing the intimidation of the voter, and by otherwise safeguarding his rights at the polls, ballot reform has remedied many abuses which formerly resulted in illegal and unrepresentative elections.
We now appear thoroughly awake not only to the necessity of safeguarding what is left of the public domain, but also to the necessity of increasing the productivity of inferior lands.
It's well for people to get experience of the necessity of safeguarding their eyes.
The three years of French occupation had no great political results except the awakening of British statesmanship to a sense of the value of Egypt for the safeguarding of India.
In fact, anything which tended to bring to man the key to the complex mystery which we call life was of interest to him and he ever read broadly upon subjects having to do with the safeguarding and restoration of health.
It is idle to claim that the average country homes are doing all that needs doing for the country girls, or that the church life and school life are effectively safeguarding them.
And so there is no other way of safeguarding our economic independence against England and Russia than by an economic alliance with the States that are our allies in this war, or at least that do not make common cause with our enemies.
The object of this restrictive policy was not interference with local affairs, but the supposed necessity of safeguarding general Imperial interests.