The eyebrows too level, the rosebud mouth too small and the cheekbones unmistakably present, even if barely breaking the curve.
When he finally fell to the rear the rosebud mouth was still singing: "What will Peter say, Christian soul?
But I fear Peter was confused somewhat oddly in Saul's mind with the possessor of a certain rosebud mouth.
Now a thousand eyes were turned upon him, but still he saw only the rosebud mouth and awaited breathlessly its answer.
Her eyebrows lay across her forehead straight and dark, and she spoke from a rosebud mouth.
They were forty miles from General Crook, and near ahead, over the next divide, lay the upper end of the Valley of the Little Big Horn in the Rosebud country.
The Battle of the Rosebud had been an unpleasant surprise.
Her voice falls slightly as she makes the last remark, and she turns her head aside, and, leaning over the balcony, plays absently with a rosebud that is growing within her reach.
Dulce throwing a rosebud at him, which he catches dexterously.
There was also a daughter of sixteen, whom nobody could look at without thinking of a rosebud almost blossomed.
In the sensitive art of the Rosebud Movie Palace there is a Message, and humor strictly moral.
She heard them smacking moist lips over every love-scene at the Rosebud Movie Palace.
The master will call you his white rosebud to-night, sure enough.
I but took your rosebud lip For the rose wherein I dip, All its honey sweet to sip At mine ease.
He took therosebud from her hair, While, “You shall not!
As they passed out she stepped hastily back, and unclasping a rosebud from her breastpin laid it on the table beside me.
I have kept the rosebud you gave me at Oxford folded up in"-- "Which you took, you mean to say.
Mary looked on demurely, really watching them, but ostensibly engaged on the rosebud trimming.
For the unmarried girl the dimpled chin and the rosebud mouth are, perhaps, on the whole safer.
For the present, at all events, let us keep to the rosebudand the dimple.
It has a ground of lapis lazuli blue, and upon that is an acanthus figure of fine wood-color; and then, once in a while is a lovely rose and rosebud and green leaf.
The sturdy youth will be almost a man, and Una quite a woman, while Rosebud will be opening day by day in knowledge and deep interest.
I walk out in him, being mamma and nurse [Rosebud was still up].
Rosebud walked all round with us, in perfect sobriety, listening to our conversation.
I wish you could see Rosebud with her bright cheeks and laughing eyes.
And when Papa hears this, he will be very glad, and will take Rosebud up in his arms and kiss her over and over again.
Mrs. Thaxter sent Una a necklace of native shells with a gold and coral clasp, Julian a plume made of white owl feathers, and Rosebud a most exquisite wreath of sea-moss upon a card.
Rosebud has been drawing wonderfully on the blackboard recognizable portraits of Mr. Bennoch, her beloved Charlotte Marston, and Julian.
A very great joy it is to Rosebud to see the lovely little English robins come to pick up crumbs.
Rosebud has not been well since she entered the city.
Rosebud enjoyed it very much, and kept close to me all the time.
But if he were to hear that she had been naughty, Papa would feel it his duty to eat little Rosebud up!
Then her eyes shone like stars and her heart almost skipped a beat as the lovely Princess Ingrid took a rosebud from the bouquet which she carried and held it out to Greta.
Then she took a withered rosebud from her purse and looked at it dreamily.
Her skin was fair, with a faint tinge, such as the white rosebud shows before it opens.
The schoolmistress dropped a rosebud she had in her hand, through the rails, upon the grave of Benjamin Woodbridge.
He pointed to a drooping white rosebud which the little boy had stuck in his centre bed.
Little Rahmut, forgetting his tears, built fresh walls of sand to his garden and watered the fading rosebud anew.
I should recognize that rosebud silk if I came across it in Thibet.
But tonight, when I saw you come in in that waist made of the rosebud silk, the whole past rose before me and I felt like a girl again.
I can sell my own pony, and Rosebud won't eat more nor take up more room than poor Punch; and I shall put a few sovereigns into my own pocket too by selling my own pony.
A comely woman with a pretty rosebud of a daughter came to select a gravestone for a twin-daughter, who had died a month before.
In some happier clime the Rosebud may revive again with all the dewdrops in its bosom.
The rosebud was destined never to bloom for Edward Fane.
She scorned Rose Grafton's humble parentage and caused her son to break his faith, though, had she let him choose, he would have prized his Rosebud above the richest diamond.
As if I were doing the simplest thing in the world, I took a single rosebud from my breast and gave it to him.
At last, the eight decades passed slowly away, and the fatal day for the removal of little Rosebud arrived.
Olive called her Rosebud because, she said, she was a sweet bud that could never be opened into a full-blown rose.
Olive was there already, pale and trembling, with little Rosebud sleeping peacefully in the hollow of her lap.
She may be only a country surgeon's daughter--a rosebudon a hedgerow bush--but she has the soul and the eye of a queen among women for all that.
Min's face was quite pale now; and, the little rosebud lips were pressed closely together, as if in set determination.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rosebud" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.