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Example sentences for "room after"

  • Ladies should put on their gloves on their return to the drawing-room after luncheon.

  • As a rule, a host seldom introduces gentlemen to each other in the dining-room after dinner, as they address each other as a matter of course on such occasions.

  • A hostess should, in some instances, introduce ladies to each other in the drawing-room after dinner if the opportunity offers, and she considers it advisable to do so.

  • The guests frequently do not return to the drawing-room after supper, but go to the cloak-room for their cloaks and wraps, and thence to their carriages.

  • Two days before the wedding we were gathered, a large and merry party, in the drawing-room after dinner.

  • Two evenings after this we were in the drawing-room after dinner, when Philip asked me if I would play to them.

  • I was not feeling inclined for it now, for Miss Willoughby, though purposely ignoring me in the drawing-room after dinner, had been lavish with her biting sarcasm on Christianity and some of its followers.

  • They stayed such a long time in the dining-room after I left that I was on my way to bed when they came out into the hall, and could with difficulty be persuaded to remain for a few moments.

  • He was the last person I expected to see when I went into the drawing-room after luncheon, to wait for Lady Ver.

  • For a moment, but only for a moment, she thought of Roy; then the sum-total of a long sequence of reveries returned to her again.

  • She sought words for the expression that had been upon it.

  • To keep himself in spring and condition, he frequently walked over to Putney.

  • We were in the drawing-room after breakfast, not quite decided what to do with the day, when Mr. Darrell came into the room dressed for a ride with his wife.

  • She took me down to the drawing-room after this.

  • There should be no more coming into the drawing-room after dinner--and lunching if the numbers had to be made up!

  • Would she be in the drawing-room after dinner?

  • He deliberately allowed himself to be entrapped by one of the trio of Graces, and did not come near her; and when Katherine got into the drawing-room after dinner, he was nowhere in sight.

  • The stranger was charming, and insisted that she should come down to play again in the drawing-room after dinner.

  • Lady Sarah puts on her newest silk, and the Marchioness allows herself to be brought into the drawing-room after dinner.

  • I'll meet you again in the tea-room after I have made my voyage of discovery.

  • For she called the girl to her in the drawing-room after dinner, to introduce her to her old friend Lady Beltravers, who with her husband made two of the guests, and made her sit beside her while she fondled and petted her.

  • And won't you come to my dressing-room after all, Ella, and let me feel that things are not uncomfortable for you?

  • They were sitting in the drawing-room after dinner, the room dimly lighted by darkly-shaded lamps, the windows wide open to the summer sky and moonlit lake.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "room after" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beau ideal; black hellebore; cannot save; dense growth; does mean; general staff; good father; imputed righteousness; its length; mountain scenery; room after; room again; room and; room artificer; room door; room fire; room floor; room furniture; room house; room should; room temperature; room was; room window; social status; suppose you; water pollution from raw