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Example sentences for "does mean"

  • It does mean, however, that the victory of the Monitor made it virtually impossible for the issue to be otherwise than it eventually was; provided, of course, that a course of conduct not wholly unreasonable was pursued by the North.

  • This is mused forth as a general gnome, and may mean anything or nothing: the writer of the letterpress under the hieroglyph in Old Moore's Almanac could not be more guarded; but I think I know what it does mean.

  • If he does mean this, it is a pity he has nowhere said so.

  • What he does mean is that the baptism of the Galatians, since that baptism was accompanied by faith (Gal.

  • What he does mean is that he regarded those ordinary sources of information not as an end in themselves, but as a means to an end.

  • In the passage which I quoted at the beginning, as showing that he does mean to assert that all useful ideas are true, he immediately goes on to assert a qualification, which must now be noticed.

  • And I think it is not hard to see one thing more which he does mean.

  • What he does mean to suggest is that what you asserted was not true, even though you may not only have believed it but felt sure that it was true.

  • It does mean, however, that each lost battle is a backward step; and that for this reason the effort must be that no battle shall be lost.

  • It does mean, however, that the "position" that is important for a home base is the position that the base holds relatively to large home commercial centres and to the open sea.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "does mean" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    broadcast stations; decayed wood; does best; does come; does mean; does not; does not know what; does occur; does seem; does the; does what; engine room; ever have; hardly need; help being; large measure; looked forward; made prisoner; material nature; mental prayer; our way; should bring; standing near; the end; would suit; wrote the following letter