It does mean, however, that the victory of the Monitor made it virtually impossible for the issue to be otherwise than it eventually was; provided, of course, that a course of conduct not wholly unreasonable was pursued by the North.
This is mused forth as a general gnome, and may mean anything or nothing: the writer of the letterpress under the hieroglyph in Old Moore's Almanac could not be more guarded; but I think I know what it does mean.
If he does mean this, it is a pity he has nowhere said so.
What he does meanis that the baptism of the Galatians, since that baptism was accompanied by faith (Gal.
What he does mean is that he regarded those ordinary sources of information not as an end in themselves, but as a means to an end.
In the passage which I quoted at the beginning, as showing that he does mean to assert that all useful ideas are true, he immediately goes on to assert a qualification, which must now be noticed.
And I think it is not hard to see one thing more which he does mean.
What he does mean to suggest is that what you asserted was not true, even though you may not only have believed it but felt sure that it was true.
It does mean, however, that each lost battle is a backward step; and that for this reason the effort must be that no battle shall be lost.
It does mean, however, that the "position" that is important for a home base is the position that the base holds relatively to large home commercial centres and to the open sea.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "does mean" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.