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Example sentences for "romances"

Lexicographically close words:
rollway; rollways; romance; romancer; romancers; romancing; romancist; romancists; romanische; romanischen
  1. In form his books are undistinguishable, not merely from the Spanish romances which are, as has been said, their direct originals, but from the medieval romans d'aventures and the Greek prose romances.

  2. Aelred was Waltheof's chief friend; but, though very pious, he was more of a scholar, and read both romances of King Arthur and such works of Cicero as had found their way to Scotland.

  3. Examples of it occur in the Romances of Sir Percevall, Sir Isumbras, Sir Eglamour, and Sir Degrevant (in the Thornton Romances, ed.

  4. Sir Gawain, nephew to king Arthur, according to the British History which goes by the name of Geoffrey of Monmouth, is always upheld as a model of courtesy in the French romances and the English translations of them.

  5. Halliwell), and in several romances in the Percy Folio MS.

  6. What novels of Sir Walter Scott are to Britons, the romances of Dumas to the French, such are the stories of the Flag Series to Americans.

  7. We may here observe that almost all the French romances of chivalry were written originally in verse in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, principally by Chrestien de Troyes and Huon de Villeneuve.

  8. This is more especially the case with the romances composed or turned into prose in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries; for in the earlier ones the Fairy Mythology is much more sparingly introduced.

  9. The prose romances in general were made from them in the fifteenth century.

  10. It has been seen what wild romances the honest Minister Rouland had gravely accepted as incontestable truths.

  11. The ancient Irish romances tell of a gae bulg, a spear held in the warrior's toes, and jerked up under the shield of his enemy!

  12. It is guided at once by feudal allegiance and feudal jealousy, like the Chansons de Geste and the early sagas or romances of Ireland.

  13. Another example is Arthur, in some romances "the blameless king," in others un roi fainéant.

  14. In a moral environment such as that of Elizabeth's court it was too easy for the reader of Brantôme to seek elsewhere the "love" romances had spoken of, but marriage had denied her.

  15. Mrs Meg was usually her best ally and adviser, for she loved romances as well now as when a blooming girl herself.

  16. Now the Professor was heard humming like a big bee again as he went to his classes, and the lines smoothed out of Mother Bhaer's forehead, while she wrote this real story to anxious friends and let her romances wait.

  17. His romances are so much crowded with incident as to be almost unintelligible.

  18. The mediaeval romances abound in allusions to the wonderful virtues of rings.

  19. In the mediaeval romances we are told that at the marriage of Sir Degrevant, there came Erchebyschopbz with ryng Mo than fiftene.

  20. The Phoenissae stands half way between the pure Romances and the tragedies of the last period.

  21. But the disciple of the sophists did not leave these romances where he found them.

  22. Reprinted in Dramatic Romances and Lyrics (1845), as the first of two poems called "France and Spain.

  23. Reprinted, revised, and with five fresh couplets, in Dramatic Romances and Lyrics (1845).

  24. From the evidence of the earliest metrical romances we gather that Deus!

  25. The reading public have reason to congratulate themselves that so neat, compact, and well arranged an edition of romances that can never die is put within their reach.

  26. This prettily printed and prettily illustrated collection of Spanish Romances deserve their welcome from all students of seventeenth century literature.

  27. The romances of Baron Frederick Podmaniczky are simpler, and rather of a narrative than colloquial character.

  28. In these, as in many other of the romances of Josika, a high moral standard is aimed at.

  29. The exaggerated delicacy in gallantry and honor which characterizes the chivalrous romances, especially of Spain, is of this kind; also the refined and even ridiculous tenderness of French and English sentimental romances of the best kind.

  30. Now, as true beauty must of necessity accord both with nature and with the ideal, it is clear that neither the one nor the other of these two romances could pretend to pass for a fine work.

  31. Bianchon, "the inventions of romances and play-writers are quite as often transferred from their books and pieces into real life, as the events of real life are made use of on the stage or adapted to a tale.

  32. From my earliest youth I have read Spanish books, and a heap of gloomy romances and tales of adventures in this country have given me a serious prejudice against its manners and customs.

  33. The Christians, in fact, found Arab romances and poetry much more entertaining than the writings of the Fathers of the Church.

  34. The Christians, he says, delight in the Arabic poems and romances instead of the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Fathers.

  35. The plots of mediaeval romances often depend on the unlimited promises of an unwary king, whose honour compels him to keep his word.

  36. First impressions of mediaeval life are usually coloured by the courtly romances of Malory and his later refiners.

  37. It must have come down to us practically as it was written by the poet, for it is free from the flatness and conventional phrasing which is characteristic of romances that have passed through many popular recensions.

  38. He composed ballads and romances at the age of eleven, and during his London life was much sought after as a musical prodigy alike in composition and execution.

  39. The composer returned home with the libretto, but threw it on one side without looking at it, and for the next five months continued his reading of bad romances and yellow-covered novels.

  40. Shakspeare had not the Iliad before him, but the chivalrous romances of the Trojan war derived from Dares Phrygius.

  41. His favourite books were the antiquated romances of a Calprenede, and others of a similar stamp: from these he derived his extravagant and ill-connected plots.

  42. Of these extraordinary romances it has been truly said that action in the field has never before been described in any language with such a marvellous expression of energy.

  43. Its utter contrast to the author’s historical romances exhibits in a most striking manner the remarkable variety of his genius.

  44. This does not mean that the writer of these great romances had no love for pleasure and had not tasted the world, but that for him these were secondary things.

  45. A somewhat minute analysis of the novels and romances of Maupassant would suffice to demonstrate, even if we did not know the nature of the incidents which prompted them, that he also suffered from an excess of nervous emotionalism.

  46. The philosophy of the romances and novels of De Maupassant is so continuously and profoundly surprising that one becomes overwhelmed by it.

  47. The books thus stigmatized were doubtless the romances of chivalry, which at this period were at the height of their popularity in Castile.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "romances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.