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Example sentences for "robot"

Lexicographically close words:
robh; robic; robing; robins; robora; robotic; robotics; robots; robs; robur
  1. Well, it was Friday, and I would have the whole weekend to work the robot into our routine.

  2. He assured me that upkeep and repairs on the robot units were negligible, and we could extend a very generous warranty which the Ollies would make good in the event of failure.

  3. The cleanliness was the work of his robot machines, the planning his own.

  4. He walked along a winding path, which was bordered by slim-necked flowers and a short hedge whose even clipped lines were kept neat by tireless robot hands.

  5. Two geepees and a repair robot taken apart and properly reassembled might equal some inconceivable machine that would go a long way toward solving problems of food, air, meteor detection or what have you.

  6. The statement of it was complex and she wasn't sure how much data the robot aide would need.

  7. Look, the robot was back here when the rockets stopped.

  8. She was too big to enter a cabin, too massive to let the robot squeeze by even if she wanted.

  9. The robot operator broke into his thoughts.

  10. But it was the robot that was thrown back.

  11. The robot lurched heavily, narrowly missing one of the columns that supported the dome.

  12. The powerful shining body blended in with the structure of the ship--unintentional camouflage, though the robot wasn't aware of it.

  13. Robot repair units affected gross corrections on themselves but weren't capable of detecting defects in the basic repair circuit.

  14. The robot aide that had been laboring on whirred inaudibly and clacked its extensibles.

  15. The robot hummed and shook, extensibles racing through the scattered parts which it sorted and laid aside for other stalks to add to the end of the slender strand.

  16. The directive completely frustrated, the robot whined once and then was silent.

  17. The robot moved parallel with the edge of the dome.

  18. Both called for the robot to destroy itself if necessary.

  19. The treads whining in reverse, the robot whirled, scooping him up as it passed by.

  20. In this way the manager of the robot factory was forced to risk his life in the establishment of a roboticized robot factory.

  21. The Self-Destructive Apparatus of Civilization Cannot Be Stopped A robot manufacturing company introduced robots into its own robot factory.

  22. No mysterious little robot ships with tentacles that whip out and capture a man.

  23. He twisted painfully in the grip of the robot tentacles and confirmed that he was being carried to the black stranger.

  24. They closed swiftly, and the nearest robot came within a dozen feet, matching Mel's own velocity.

  25. They were robot craft of some kind, and they had come from the great black ship.

  26. With fear of raids by marauding aircraft allayed, the only remaining uneasiness of the public had been whether the words "heavier than air craft" covered robot or V bombs.

  27. Robot tanks loaded with explosives disappeared as had those containing the soldiers, and only the stifled sound of their explosion registered the fact that they had fulfilled their design if not their purpose.

  28. A fleet of robot ships---that was enough.

  29. We've trained the First and Fourth Robot Artillery toward that vector, since it's unlikely they've had time.

  30. Only a close-knit, automatic response to telepathic command, forty fast-black robot ships, were of any use.

  31. Give them thirty seconds to be off, then put the third robot battery in his face.

  32. Why did he not move straight ahead with his robot batteries, try to weaken our forward wall?

  33. P x B "Advance robot battery 7," he said out loud.

  34. Your wife tells me you've even started to study robot controls, valuable knowledge for the future and personally satisfying now.

  35. An abandoned robot cab stood at the curb and he threw open the door.

  36. He really should go out and tell the robot to stop, he decided, otherwise the same work would be repeated again and again.

  37. At first it had been impossible to make the slightest changes in Max, even those that permitted the robot to remain conscious and give advice.

  38. So Connor went to work in a large building downtown along with several hundred other men whose principal duty was overseeing the repair of robot servitors by other servitors and rectifying any minor errors that persisted.

  39. The course was charted by automatic navigators and the vast pattern of interlocking machinery and safety devices was electronically controlled by robot relays from the pilot master-panel.

  40. Dirrul, however, could not depend a great deal upon the robot devices.

  41. The Vininese Confederacy--half the galaxy--was peopled by billions upon billions of robot races, ruled by a handful of men with absolute power.

  42. Every traffic-light clogged with aggressive techno-tchotchke vendors, the squeegee bums of the twenty-first century, with their pornographic animatronic dollies and infinitely varied robot dogs.

  43. Robot transmitter or no robot transmitter, the first message had been transmitted at regular intervals for something like seventy-six hours and then, instantly on receipt of the beginning of an answer, a new broadcast took its place.

  44. Somewhere out in space, farther than man's robot rockets had ever gone, huge amounts of electric energy were controlled to send these signals to Earth.

  45. The planet's double moon had risen and he could see a robot rolling slowly across the clearing in his general direction, blasting indiscriminately at whatever mind impulses came within its pickup range, birds, insects, anything.

  46. Standing in the sticky, sweet-smelling ooze, Alan eyed the robot apprehensively.

  47. Grinding forward a couple of feet, slightly overhanging the bank, the robot fired again.

  48. In the brief flash of the blaster shot, Alan saw the steel glint of a robot only a hundred yards away, much nearer than he had thought.

  49. Trees exploded to his left as another robot fired in his direction, too far away to be effective but churning towards him through the blackness.

  50. The robot shook for a second, its blaster muzzle lifted erratically and for an instant it seemed almost out of control, then it quieted and the muzzle again pointed down.

  51. Confused by the sudden dispersion of mind impulses, the robot fired erratically as Alan crouched and raced painfully for the door.

  52. Above him on the bank, silhouetting against the moons, the killer robot stopped and its blaster swivelled slowly down.

  53. He threw himself on the ground as a new robot suddenly appeared around the edge of the building a few feet away, aimed, and fired.

  54. The robot crashed on, louder now, gaining on the tired human.

  55. With an awkward jerk the robot swung around and fired its blaster, completely dissolving the lower half of the cat creature which had clung across the barrel.

  56. Blinding itself for a few seconds with its own blaster static, the robot paused momentarily, jiggling in place.

  57. The robot shook spasmodically with each shot, its gun tilted upward at an awkward angle.

  58. Alan, lying in the mud of the stream bed, felt the earth shake as the heavy little robot rolled slowly and inexorably towards him.

  59. Apparently the robot hadn't sensed him yet, but Alan didn't know what the effective range of its pickup devices was.

  60. Powerful as a small tank, the killer robot was equipped to crush, slash, and burn its way through undergrowth.

  61. It was a short, squat robot with a conservative crackle-black finish.

  62. The robot started to climb into the whirlpool.

  63. With an inarticulate yell, Morrison dived, tackling the robot around the ankles.

  64. The robot climbed out of the vortex and looked around.

  65. Well," the robot said, "you could change your standard unrestricted claim to a special restricted claim.

  66. From the mouth stepped a chrome-plated robot carrying a large sack.

  67. Well, it's unusual, but I suppose we could arrange for a special robot messenger if you are willing to pay the expenses.

  68. Also," the robot said hastily, "you would be destroying government property.

  69. The robot looked Morrison over carefully--probably to see what he had in the way of personal effects--then climbed back into the aerial whirlpool.

  70. He stood up and helped the robot to its feet.

  71. There," said the robot at last, "that takes care of it.

  72. Inch by inch he dragged the robot out of the vortex, threw him on the ground and pinned him.

  73. It was a robot of medium height, thin-shanked and flat-footed, humanoid in appearance, amiable in disposition.

  74. Yes, sir," the robot said, now completely clear of the field.

  75. I assume you have a stamp," the robot said.

  76. Now, the important thing was to have an external element that could resume contact with a wider circuit, which could in turn start meshing with the whole robot mechanism and then through that mechanism into the pile.

  77. Festival spirit was running high everywhere and when the neighborhood crowd saw the young robot porters carry Eric out there was a loud cheer of appreciation.

  78. For a while he did stand around the Central Plaza along with thousands of other idlers, watching the robot dump trucks assemble the piles of discarded equipment.

  79. I re-fed the emptied cryotron memory box of a robot discard with patterns to deal with anything it was likely to encounter in a destruction pile.

  80. He stubbed out the cigarette and summoned the robot to give him another.

  81. Vann Shatrak summoned a robot to furnish him with a cold beer and another cigar.

  82. After a long interval, he was back, carrying a fresh one he had gotten from a bartending robot en route.

  83. A slave is a slave, but a robot is only a robot.

  84. For almost a full minute the giant robot remained standing less than ten feet from where Wetzel and I were lying.

  85. No twelve-foot robot this time, no alien monster beyond description.

  86. The wrecked blonde robot said, without emotion, "I doubt that I can hold out much longer, Mr. Dorchin.

  87. The robot called April Horn said, "It did.

  88. The steel robot took a half-step toward him, and Burckhardt involuntarily checked his stride.

  89. Impress these same waves on a robot computer and you have your chemist.

  90. The gleam on this robot torso was steel; Burckhardt was not at all sure that his bullets would pierce it, or do much harm if they did.

  91. The other robot body was more vulnerable.

  92. Not a robot this time, but Dorchin in the flesh, talking to you on a hand mike.

  93. The steel robot had no expression, but its voice was almost surprised.

  94. I'll do anything, anything you tell me--" The robot voice said.

  95. Robot or flesh, victim or beneficiary, there was nothing to stop him from going to the FBI or whatever law he could find away from Dorchin's synthetic empire, and telling his story.

  96. He said he was going to talk to the Robot leaders.

  97. The Robot placed the weapon on the floor, disconnected the wires, opened the plate of its chest and took out the small battery.

  98. On the Manhattan side I saw the oncoming Robot lights.

  99. The laboratory overhead was deserted, save for the upper tower where a Robot was still broadcasting defiance.

  100. The Robot straightened and said, "I can resist him.

  101. I made a tentative reach for it, and the Robot pushed it toward me.

  102. The robots had spread into Jersey; but since few humans were there, with only Robot agriculturists working the section, the unimportant Jersey events have not figured in my narrative.

  103. And as we went through the gate, keeping cautiously in the middle of the passage, the Robot added, "In dealing with Tugh you cannot stop for talk.

  104. The Robot stood aside, with its work done, silently regarding us.

  105. The death of Alent, the guard in the tunnel to the Robot cavern, had been discovered by the palace officials, and another guard was there now in his place.

  106. Worse than that, if I tricked Migul, the angered Robot would at once return to Mary.

  107. He is at a gate that is too well fortified for any Robot to assail, but he will pass humans.

  108. The Robot was running the filaments of its fingers lightly over the wall.

  109. Where was Tugh to meet those Robot leaders?

  110. The robot would pause--a built-in pause--and chuckle a carefully constructed chuckle.

  111. The robot he bought was a standard-model all-around worker, with built-in memory and a thirty-word vocabulary.

  112. He accepted the robot as a friend, of about his own age.

  113. Mark would spend hours keeping the robot in repair.

  114. Then he dubbed the robot Charles, after a father he had never known.

  115. He couldn't give the robot free choice, of course, but he managed a pretty close approximation of it.

  116. I hope he finds his Martha," the robot croaked, and then the tape broke.

  117. Then the robot would work in the fields, and the plants grew used to his touch.

  118. The robot would reply dutifully, repeating what had been put on its tape.

  119. Would not each robot given the same insides have exactly the same character?

  120. The robot still stood in the corner near the window, and I lost no time asking its purpose.

  121. First we will endow my robot with intelligence.

  122. But what's that grinning robot got to do with it?

  123. I indicated the clumsy metal robot standing in the corner of the laboratory.

  124. And the percentage of crimes had dwindled even more with the appearance of the robot police officers.

  125. The CPA robot bartenders saw to it that anyone got high if they wanted, but comparatively few got drunk.

  126. He tasted the wine the robot poured for him and expressed appreciation, then began unwrapping the parcel he had brought in.

  127. He gave his coffee cup back to the robot and got to his feet.

  128. When he got to the command room, he found Boake Valkanhayn, his face drawn and weary, getting coffee from a robot and lacing it with brandy.

  129. How many robot cats would we need--five, fifteen?

  130. The robot disappeared silently into the maze of stored material.

  131. I'm going to stay here and fight back, and if they try to serve me with a summons, they'd better send a robot for a process server.

  132. Salgath Trod left his aircar at the top landing stage of his apartment building and sent it away to the hangars under robot control; he glanced about him as he went toward the antigrav shaft.

  133. The robot came back with three tall glasses and a refrigerated decanter on its top.

  134. Then he switched on the phone again and went on talking--something about prompter evaluation and transmission of reports and less reliance on robot equipment.

  135. Send the robot for something to eat, Vall.

  136. The Organization personnel there had been dragged outside, and a group of paracops were sealing it up, installing robot watchmen, and preparing to flood it with gas.

  137. At the great circular desk in the center, departing or returning police officers were checking in or out with the flat-topped cylindrical robot clerks, or talking to human attendants.

  138. Beside transmitting Agent Skordran's report to Dhergabar through the robot report-system, what have you done about it?

  139. He could see, in the aisles, the gold-plated robot pages gliding back and forth, receiving and delivering messages.

  140. Captured by a Robot in a Time-traveling cage!

  141. I saw the small red beams from its eyes go to where the cage bars were less blurred, less luminous, as though there was a rectangle of window there, and the Robot was staring out.

  142. The Robot left our doorway, tramping with stiff-legged tread across the glade.

  143. It will please the master and--" The Robot checked itself, its hollow voice fading strangely into a gurgle.

  144. The Robot clamped a metal band with a stout metal chain to Mary's ankle.

  145. Against the tree, five hundred feet or so from us, the dark towering metal figure of the Robot stood motionless.

  146. She and George must have found a chance to write it, and dropped it here while the Robot murdered Major Atwood!

  147. In the article it states that a mechanical robot performed several experiments without human supervision.

  148. The Robot is taking them back to your world, Tina!

  149. The larger one had been stolen by an insubordinate Robot named Migul--a pseudo-human mechanism running amuck.

  150. The efficient robot waiter of the Sky Club had cleared away the remnants of an epicurean meal.

  151. The Robot glanced at a row of tiny dials along the table edge.

  152. It was about midday when they encountered the robot and they walked well into the afternoon, their only purpose being to put as much distance between them and the place where they had shot the robot down as possible.

  153. The humming grew until it was a throbbing that covered the weaker sound of the robot and chilled Nelson.

  154. Nelson turned to see her level her gun, and before he could stop her a white hot streamer lashed out at the robot and engulfed it.

  155. He listened to the humming of an approaching robot for a long while before it registered on his consciousness.

  156. He looked where she was staring and saw the air robot hovering near the edge of the clearing.

  157. Some of Glynnis' shots were missing, but Nelson made every shot count, even while the robot was darting about wildly.

  158. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "robot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.