It does not teach us what those doctrines are, or what they are not, except that they are not, and cannot be, such as contradict the clear convictions of right reason.
Nay, those actions we call morally good which are agreeable to right reason, whether they be necessary or not.
After having mentioned these two great principles, which are destructive of cheerfulness in their own nature, as well as in right reason, I cannot think of any other that ought to banish this happy temper from a virtuous mind.
That courage which proceeds from a sense of our duty, and from a fear of offending him that made us, acts always in an uniform manner, and according to the dictates of right reason.
Elevate and enlarge our sentiments, and let all our conduct be regulated by right reason, by Christian charity, and attended with that peculiar generosity of mind, which becomes a liberal scholar and a sincere Christian.
The Use Of Religious Ceremonies Dictated By Right Reason.
On the contrary, the rites and ceremonies enjoined in the worship of God and the administration of the Sacraments are dictated by right reason, are sanctioned by Almighty God in the Old Law, and by Christ and His Apostles in the New.
Therefore prudence which is right reason, is not about singulars.
The mean of the practical virtue of prudence, as regulating the moral virtues, is right reason, considered as directive of the desires and conduct so as to avoid excess and defect.
But not so with the temperate man who lives according to right reason.
In explaining what prudence is, he tells us that it is according to reason: in explaining what is right reason, he tells us that it is according to prudence.
If there is found any conflict in the results of a right reason, no appeal to practical interests, or traditionary authority, or intuitional or theological faith, can stay the flood of skepticism.
But in the midst of all this reactionary rage glimpses of right reason began to appear.
But in the midst of this vast expanse of theologic error signs of right reason began to appear, both in England and America.
In the ideas thus deeply implanted, the men who in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries struggled against this mass of folly and cruelty found the worst barrier to right reason.
Now he that from rage kills himself, voluntarily, does this in contravention of Right Reason, which the law does not permit.
BOOK VI I having stated in a former part of this treatise that men should choose the mean instead of either the excess or defect, and that the mean is according to the dictates of Right Reason; we will now proceed to explain this term.
True Modesty is ashamed to do any thing that is repugnant to the Rules of right Reason: False Modesty is ashamed to do any thing that is opposite to the Humour of the Company.
After having mention'd these two great Principles, which are destructive of Chearfulness in their own Nature, as well as in right Reason, I cannot think of any other that ought to banish this happy Temper from a Virtuous Mind.
It must be conformable to right reason: every one admits this, and we shall explain it further in a future book.
In specifying the ethical excellences, or excellences of disposition, we explained that each of them aimed to realize a mean--and that this mean was to be determined by Right Reason.
The temperate man has the feelings of pleasure and pain, but moderates his desires according to right reason (XL.
The virtues ought to be defined as, not merely ethical dispositions according to right reason, but ethical dispositions along with right reasonor prudence (i.
When reasoning men disagree, right reason, as far as the debated question is concerned, is properly said to be off on a vacation, a thing uncommonly frequent in human affairs.
And the records of Divine revelation will approve the findings of right reason.
In this process of mental research, the mind must be satisfied, and the truth found to be in consonance with the dictates of right reason, or at least, not contrary thereto.
It is in reality a good work that proceeds from the will, under the dictates of right reason, with the assistance of divine grace.
The mean betwixt these, is the opinion of the Stoics, which is, that riches may be useful to the leading a virtuous life; in case we rightly understand how to give according to right reason, and how to receive what is given us by others.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "right reason" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.