If it does so then this is the rhumb of these places or the line which shows the required direction: but if it does not then another rhumb must be chosen until the condition is satisfied.
Then note whether the selected rhumb cuts the meridian in the latitude of the place.
Defn: The art or method of sailing on the loxodromic or rhumb line.
Nautical distance, the length in nautical miles of the rhumb line joining any two places on the earth's surface.
Defn: Pertaining to sailing on rhumb lines; as, loxodromic tables.
To sail on a rhumb, to sail continuously on one course, following a rhumb line.
The art or method of sailing on the loxodromic or rhumb line.
The loxodromic charts first appeared in Italy, and were so called from the fact that they were crossed by loxodromes (or rhumb lines) radiating from a number of crossing points distributed regularly over the map.