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Example sentences for "nautical miles"

  • For the uncolored illuminants the range in nautical miles appears to be at least equal to the square root of the candle-power.

  • The relation is approximately expressed thus,-- Range in nautical miles = 8/7 square root of Height of object in feet.

  • The range in nautical miles of a green light apparently is proportional to the cube root of the candle-power.

  • From the data available it appears that a red or a white signal-light will be easily visible at a distance in nautical miles equal to the square root of its candle-power in that direction.

  • With favourable winds the voyage from Manila to Hong-kong, a distance of about 700 nautical miles, is four or five days' sail; owing to the constant contrary winds we were double that time.

  • Roankiddi, from which they are about 12 nautical miles distant.

  • Signals were now sent through the whole cable on board the Great Eastern and back to the telegraph-house at Valentia, and the whole length, two thousand four hundred and forty nautical miles, was reported perfect.

  • Depth of water fifteen hundred fathoms; distance to the entrance of Valentia harbor eight hundred and thirteen nautical miles, and from there to the telegraph-house the shore end of the cable is laid.

  • After partaking of breakfast, the Prince visited each portion of the ship, and witnessed the transmission of a message sent through the coils, which then represented in length 1,395 nautical miles.

  • In the case of sea transits exceeding 300 nautical miles, the despatching country was required to pay to the administration which provided the service, the expenses of the transportation, not exceeding 6 fr.

  • Supposing that he landed at Cape Breton, the distance in a straight line on the course indicated is about 2200 nautical miles.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nautical miles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another town; care whether; consulting physician; each instrument; hath given; heartily wish; hospital nurse; internal sense; long beard; long look; make use; married couples; modern writers; natural instinct; nautical miles; passive obedience; raise the; repair damages; subsequent page; sulphuric acid; two hundred and fifty; wondrous beauty