Seven-tenths bottle of ordinary Reservada which retails in Mendoza at ninety-seven cents is selling now in Italy among the Mendocino Italians, who have returned home on account of the war, at $1.
For is he less a Sophist when, instead of exporting his wares to another country, he stays at home, and retails goods, which he not only buys of others, but manufactures himself?
Defn: One who retails anything; as, a retailer of merchandise; a retailer of gossip.
One who deals in ice; one who retails or delivers ice.
He is wit's peddler, and retailshis wares At wakes and wassails.
Gans ain't got a garment in his entire line that retails for less than a hundred dollars.
He settles the point whether claret is to be drank from a jug or black bottle, and retails the merits of a plateau or epergne he saw, when last he dined with a "fellow" in Belgrave Square.
Sugar that is sold by the refining company at 4½ to 5½ cents a pound retails at 6 cents, the dealer making little or no profit.
An axe made in the Pittsburg district that retails in St. Louis for $1 will have paid the railroads one and one-fourth cents.
The material entering into an ordinary bedstead, such asretails in St. Louis for $8, will have paid the railroad about 40 cents.
That is, a Texas turkey thatretails in the New York market for 20 cents a pound will have paid one and three-fourths cents per pound to the railroads that took it from the ranch to the concentration point and thence to the market.
II is the bookseller who retails the work to the public.
He opens a shop and retails grain, pulses, condiments, spices, sugar and flour.
Colored or flowered stuff of cotton material which is not more than 50 centimeters wide and retails for not less than 3 marks a meter.
Printed cotton goods which is not over 90 centimeters wide andretails for not less than 2 marks a meter.
Linen not more than 80 centimeters wide which retails at not less than 3 marks a meter.
Wash goods not more than 80 centimeters wide which retails at not less than 3 marks a meter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retails" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.