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Example sentences for "restricting"

Lexicographically close words:
restraint; restraints; restreined; restrict; restricted; restriction; restrictions; restrictive; restricts; restroom
  1. Both treaties were ratified by the Senate, and laws restricting the immigration of Chinese were subsequently enacted.

  2. The proviso for restricting contraction is not adequate for that purpose.

  3. Bills were passed severely restricting the rights which companies had enjoyed of owning the stock of connecting railroads.

  4. Unquestionably they cannot continue to enjoy any similar freedom hereafter; but in restricting it care should be taken not to destroy with the freedom the essential condition of the efficiency.

  5. A body of public opinion was gradually formed, which looked in the direction merely of de-nationalizing slavery by restricting its expansion.

  6. The Policy of Restricting the Product of Labor.

  7. The strongest conceivable union must lose by substituting the plan of paralyzing labor for that of restricting the number of laborers.

  8. This is done chiefly through restricting the number of legal grounds of separation and sharpening the penalties for their disregard.

  9. Suppression of measures restricting any of the liberties.

  10. Abolition of all laws restricting the right of combination.

  11. Restricting the number of pupils in the classes as far as practical.

  12. Show how the blood is imperfectly purified by restricting the movements of the ribs and diaphragm.

  13. Restricting the movements of the ribs and diaphragm impairs digestion.

  14. Any inelastic band, drawn closely around the lower part of the chest, or the abdomen, below the ribs, operates like the band in the preceding illustration, in restricting the movement of the ribs.

  15. He has advised the passage of laws restricting their commerce, and reducing the value of their staples.

  16. To the great comfort of the inmates, his carbine was the only one in the party, thanks to the wise precaution of the Assembly, in restricting the sale of such deadly weapons to the Indians.

  17. This class will become, I believe, at last consciously the State, controlling and restricting very greatly the three non-functional masses with which it is as yet almost indistinguishably mingled.

  18. The influence of all good men ought to be directed either to repressing verbal criticism, or restricting indulgence in it to the family circle or to schools and colleges.

  19. The bourgeois distrust of the lower classes showed itself again in restricting the electorate to taxpayers who had lived at least a year in one place.

  20. Yet society holds all these rights of individuals subject to the same higher law of welfare by restricting the purpose of individuals when possible, and action always, if it opposes the total welfare.

  21. The tariff laws, like all laws restricting freedom of action, must always have evident reason for existing.

  22. The habitat that bred them tends to hold them, by restricting the range of climate which they can endure.

  23. In the countless coralline islands which strew the Pacific, another restricting factor is found in their monotonous geological formation.

  24. Since low temperatures mean physiologic dryness, whether or not rains are abundant, the dryness of the winter months has little effect in restricting the range of Alpine species.

  25. The floods of the wet tropical season also have a restricting influence upon the tropical forest.

  26. You see this peaceful way of dealing with it as a wrong, restricting the spread of it, and not allowing it to go into new countries where it has not already existed.

  27. There is no question here (it may be said) about restricting individuality, or impeding the trial of new and original experiments in living.

  28. The third, and most cogent reason for restricting the interference of government, is the great evil of adding unnecessarily to its power.

  29. We find examples of both kinds alike in the legislation for restricting the time of working and in legislation for protecting intervals of rest.

  30. I have no doubt that it would become extinct, for all time to come, if we but readopted the policy of the fathers, by restricting it to the limits it has already covered, restricting it from the new Territories.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "restricting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    defining; definitive; exclusive; extenuating; lenitive; limiting; mitigating; modifying; narrowing; palliative; qualifying; restrictive; softening; strait