Violences of this nature, which had been carried to a great height on both sides, it was agreed to bury in total oblivion; because of the difficulty which was found in remedying them upon any fixed principles.
Our system of government was by its framers deemed an experiment, and they therefore consistently provided a mode of remedying its defects.
Whether a plan of classification remedying these defects and providing for a system of instruction might not be adopted is submitted to the consideration of Congress.
The railway system requires particular attention, less for the sake of remedying past ministerial neglect, than of regulating future proceedings.
They passed a second bill forremedying the ill state of the coin; and a third, explaining an act in the preceding session for laying duties on low wines and spirits of the first extraction.
King Edmond, in the preamble to his laws, mentions the general misery occasioned by the multiplicity of private feuds and battles; and he establishes several expedients for remedyingthis grievance.
He also granted Anselm a plenary power ofremedying every other disorder, which, he said, might arise from the barbarousness of the country [t].
The rapidity with which these ants set to work to fill in the trench made by my hunting-knife showed that they recognized, at once, the calamity that had befallen them, and that they used rational methods in remedying the evil.
Sir, I resign myself to what is done; I acquiesce in the inexorable past; I propose no wild and chimerical revolution in the established order of things, for the purpose of remedying what I conceive to have been wrong originally.
Diagrams illustrating long-sightedness and short-sightedness*, and method of remedying these defects by lenses.
The breathing of each individual should receive attention, and where from some cause it is not sufficiently full and deep, the means should be found for remedying the defect.
But should my readers take a different view of the question, they can easily assist in remedying the evil, by each mentioning the existence of this little volume to two of his friends.
The evils arising from the latter cause can at least be remedied, and in remedying them we may make it possible for the electors to put more intelligence and conscience into their votes.
To employ these for the purpose of remedying the evil, the so-called knee-chest position must be assumed by the patient.
When those defects, and the means of remedying them, are generally seen by a nation, that nation will reform its government or its constitution in the one case, as the government repealed or reformed the law in the other.
I would have voted for it myself, had I been in America, or even for a worse, rather than have had none, provided it contained the means of remedying its defects by the same appeal to the people by which it was to be established.
This chart shows all parts of a typical pressure feed fuel supply system and gives causes of trouble, how to locate defects and means of remedying them.
Causes of the variation of the current in ordinary piles; means of remedying this; Daniell’s pile.
The first official suggestion, with the object of remedying the deficiency of professional knowledge among the officers of the army, was made by Mr. Sidney Herbert, when Secretary at War, in 1854.
Alteration of equilibrium and means of remedying it.
Leaving out these exceptional cases, good habits of order, good logistical precautions for rallying, and good discipline will most frequently be successful, if not in preventing disorder, at least in promptly remedying it.
Lloyd's proposal forremedying this diminution of front is so absurd that it is wonderful how a man of talents could have imagined it.
We now have fulfilled our task, in noting both the danger and the means ofremedying it.
Nor did there seem any means of remedying these evils.
Nor did there seem any prospect of remedying this frightful condition.
Whether or not I have effected anything of real value towards remedying this deficiency, is a question for competent judges to decide.
In the case of the aged, in fact, the assumption that they should be placed under a Poor Law Authority with a view to remedyingtheir assumed defects becomes hypocritical.
Although it may be taken as a rule that lowering of the higher wall, even if persisted in at every shoeing, will do nothing towards remedying the primary cause (viz.
Queen issued a proclamation "for reforming of the deceits in diminishing the value of coins of gold current in our dominion, and for remedying the losses which might grow by receiving thereof being diminished.
By Montague's influence the proposals were dropped, and it was not till the 22nd November that the Act for remedying the ill state of the coins passed.
Difficulty of disembarkation, and plans for remedying it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remedying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.