But he remayned there from nowne till night, and had not one word spoaken to hym.
This mornyng still cold, snowey wether, with much wind northerly, and soe remayned all day and the lyke per night following, with a hard frost.
Cold, frosty, snowie wether, wind northerly, and soe remayned all day and night following.
We departed from Languay about midnight, and at nowne this day came to an ancor at the iland of Anushma[19] in Faccatay, and there remayned all the rest of day and night following, wind being a stiff gale at N.
The sonne tooke vp his father's head, and went his waye, the reste of his bodye remayned in the caldron, like a block without forme.
I would the Gods aboue had graunted me the benefite, that hee had neuer arriued into Affrica, but had still remayned in Sicilia, in Italy or Spayne.
Thus by father's negligence and Maistres disdaine, the poore gentlewoman remayned long time vnmaried.
The vantgarde he committed to Gonsalo de Sandoual, and Antonio de Quiniones: and the reregarde he committed to Pedro de Aluarado, and he hymselfe remayned with a hundred men, to vse his discretion.
When the day appeared Cortes, with his men, and foure péeces of ordinance, came to the corner where those that yet remayned were shut vp, as cattell in a pounde.
Yet some doe thinke, that there remayned in that house a great parte of the treasure, but it was not so, for after our men had taken what they would, then came in the Tlaxcaltecas, and made spoyle of all the rest.
And likewise other some remayned lame and halt, which was no small griefe and losse: but the most parte recouered healthe, as I haue declared.
He aboade there thrée dayes, in the whiche the newe Lordes were ordeyned, who afterwardes remaynedhis especiall friendes.
Thrée dayes Mutezuma remayned in extréeme payne, and at the ende departed his life.
There they remayned verie manie dayes, and the most part of them were carried vnto the tribunall seate of the iudges, in companie with others that were condemned to die.
The father Costodio did resolue himselue to returne vnto Manilla, and there to abide a better oportunitie, as in effect they did, whereas they remayned certaine dayes, till such time it happened as followeth.
The women which they tooke they brought into their owne countrey, who remayned there till their dying day.
Our Generall sent three ships vnto the Iland called Coracao,[15] to make prouision for the rest, where they remayned vntill his comming.
They tolde mee that they burned those which dyed: and such as remayned widowes, stayed halfe a yeere, or a whole yeere before they married.
I told him that I would remedie this, whereat he remayned very well satisfied.
The infortunate Lord of Virle, hearing this sharpe sentence, remayned long time without speach, so astonned as if he had bene falne from the Clouds.
The Montanines also that remayned at Siena, liued in quyet, wythoute chalenge or quarell of their aduersaries, howbeit mutuall talke and haunt of others company vtterly surceased.
M585) So that turning their backes assoone as they were charged and compassed in by his Lieutenant, they remayned all slaine vpon the place.
Yet not in so generall a maner, but that there remayned some farre remote Countries vnvisited by them, among the which it is reported that India the great, called the vttermost India, as yet had received no light of the word.
In which parts he remayned the same summer, and all the next winter.
The relation of Pedro Morales a Spaniard, which sir Francis Drake brought from Saint Augustines in Florida, where he had remayned sixe yeeres, touching the state of those parts, taken from his mouth by Master Richard Hakluyt 1586.
The relation of Nicholas Burgoignon, aliâs Holy, whom sir Francis Drake brought from Saint Augustine also in Florida, where he had remayned sixe yeeres, in mine and Master Heriots hearing.
They set forwarde in the latter ende of the thirteenth yeere of the Kings reigne, and came to Genoa, where they remayned not verie long, but that the gallies and other vessels of the Genouois were ready to passe them ouer into Barbarie.
This day came another French shippe of the same towne of Diepe which remayned there vntil night expecting our other seuen mens comming downe: who, albeit we caused certaine pieces of ordinance to be shot off to call them, yet came not downe.
On all sides it was reported that the French were coming to seize Canada.
On the Tuesday folowyng, our carauana departed from Mecha, and I remayned in the Mahumetans house with his wyfe, but he folowed the carauana.
And about myd nyght we came to a certayne village of the Arabians, and there remayned the rest of that nyght, and the next day tyll noone.
The same daye at euenyng, at almost three a clock of the nyght, ten or twelue of the elders of the secte of Mahumet entered into our carauana, which remayned not paste a stone caste from the gate of the citie.
Another reason against going to harborough was, that the colde ayre did threaten a sudden freezing vp of the sounds, seeing that euery night there was new congealed yce, euen of that water which remayned within their shippes.
A noble man after a whole yeares absence from his ladie, sent to know how she did, and whether she remayned affected toward him as she was when he left her.
They remayned fyue monethes in this porte of Sainte Iulian, where certeyne of the vnder capitaynes conſpirynge the death of theyr general, were hanged and quartered: Amonge whom the treaſurer Luigo of Mendozza was one.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remayned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.