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Example sentences for "remayne"

Lexicographically close words:
remarques; remarriage; remarried; remarry; remayn; remayned; remayneth; remayning; remberg; reme
  1. The armies of this citty were not altered, but remayne as afore; to witte, argent, a playne crosse gules, a sword of S.

  2. Theerfore, for my parte I haue been allwayes Desirous for to make yow knowe the good will that I haue to remayne still your most humble særuant.

  3. Where the Deane of Lyncolnes Howse is," he says, "and there about was a Monasterye of Nunes afore the time that Remigius began the new Mynstar of Lyncolne: and in this Howse yet remayne certayne tokens of it.

  4. The rest of the witches which are not yet executed, remayne in prison till farther triall and knowledge of his Majesties pleasure.

  5. And there to remayne in pryson tyl they dye.

  6. If sum do remayne ther / it wil brust forthe at lẽgthe / and a litill leauẽ will soure the whole lũpe of dowe.

  7. I make payment herof there shall remayne in my handes xxiijs.

  8. I thynke otherwise, notwithstanding yee shall vnderstande, that the Culhuacans haue done much hurte in thys countrey, but we remayne with victorie.

  9. And in this sorte they with one bolte meante to kill twoo byrdes at a shote, for they thought to take the Spaniardes sléepyng, and then to remayne with the Towne of Cholalla.

  10. But yet they woulde not consente that those Soldiers of Culhua should come into their Cittie, fearyng that they (vnder colour of friendshippe) woulde remayne with the towne, for why, the Mexicans had vsed the lyke sleyght.

  11. And for this horrible and detestable wickednesse yée shall all die, and in memory of traytors I will destroy this cittie, and turne the fundations vpwardes, so that there shall remayne no remembraunce of you.

  12. They built faire dockes couered ouer with arches for y^e Vergantines, whereas (for a perpetuall memorie) all the thirtéene Vergantines do remayne vntil this day.

  13. And if it happen them all to Dye before their lawfull age or maryage, then I will that their partes shall remayne to Gregory my Soon.

  14. Altered from:--‘shall remayne to Anne and Grace my doughters.

  15. Which fauor geue me now, and to thy Noble mynde, I doe remayne a Galley slaue, as thou by proofe shall finde.

  16. One only thing cheereth vp my heart agayne, and maketh my death more myserable, which is, that in dying so innocent as I am, you shall remayne guilty, and the onely cause of my ruine.

  17. Beholde the Ladder, which till nowe, did still remayne in my chaumber.

  18. Than sayde Iudas to Thamar his doughter in lawe: remayne a wydow at thi fathers house/ tyll Sela my sonne be growne: for he feared lest he shulde haue dyed also/ as his brethren did.

  19. There will I make provision for the: for there remayne yet v yeres of derth/ lest thou and thi houshold and all that thou hast perish.

  20. The rest of the witches which are not yet executed, remayne in prison till farther triall, and knowledge of his maiesties pleasure.

  21. The Childe, and Nurse, must remayne with us till farther directions, having nothing more at this present to aquaynt yor.

  22. Buckingham continues:-- "It is likewise very unfit she should remayne in the Prinses house for defying which I thinke much aggravates her crimes and his highness often speaks in distast of her continuance there.

  23. Ordered that when any prentise dothe goo awaye from his M{r} the same M{r} shall bring in his Indenture and here to remayne tyll the prentice come agayne and to be regestred.

  24. Any soe offending to bee committed to the Cage there to remayne untill order shallbe taken by the Mayior or his bretheren.

  25. And after his decees to remayne and to be for ever to the seide Dean and Chapitre as it appereth by endentures thereof made whereof one party leveth with the Dean and Chapitre.

  26. He had, he said, "conservid many good autors, the which otherwise had beene like to have perischid to no smaul incommodite of good letters, of the whiche parse remayne yn the moste magnificent libraries of yowr royal Palacis.

  27. For I assure thee, the spouse of Icilius shall not remayne out of her father’s house.

  28. Let him bee what he may bee (sayde the Duchesse) for so long as my soule shall remayne within this bodye, I wyll doe hym homage during life: for the whiche I am so duelye bounde debtour vnto him, as neuer subiecte was to his soueraigne Lorde.

  29. And so in extreme hast I remayne Yo^{r} very [illegible] frend FR.

  30. I put him in good hope of his request, he greatly reioyced, although he would ask for a hundred, affyrmyng that might easily be obteyned by the priuileges of the Mamalukes, and therefore desyred hym that I might safely remayne in his house.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remayne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.