She was remanded at eleven o'clock in the morning, and five minutes later the news was ticked off on the tape at the Taj Mahal Hotel.
She was formally charged next morning before the stipendiary for the murder of her husband and remanded for a week.
This evidence is the raw material of the subsequent proceedings; on it the accused are committed for trial, andremanded to appear before the Criminal Court.
Rad," I said, "it would help your cause to be open with me, and if you are remanded for trial before the grand jury you must in the end tell me everything.
If you had explained to me in the first place, the jury would never have remanded Radnor for trial.
I hoped however that in the progress of the inquest, some clue would be brought to light which would render Radnor's being remanded for trial impossible.
Prynne was taken out of the prison, and, after suffering pillory, branding, and mutilation of the nose and ears, was remanded to the Fleet.
Governor Harvey sent prisoner to England, and by the king remandedback governor again, 47 60.
In a short time being again found at large, he was again arrested, and remandedto Northampton.
They have remanded the negro man, Dred Scott, to the custody of his master.
Jenne was allowed out on nominal bail, and Kelly remanded to the custody of Mr. Carpenter.
On the 2d of June Commissioner Loring remanded the fugitive to slavery.
After two trials the accused were heavily sentenced, and remanded to jail until their fines should be paid.
Early in the year Shadrach was seized in Boston, carried before the commissioner, and remanded to custody, but was rescued by a crowd of negroes and hurried off to Canada.
Birney, who was tried for harboring the fugitive, while Matilda was remanded to her master: Schuckers, Life and Public Services of S.
In August, 1853, George Washington McQuerry, of Cincinnati, was remanded to slavery in Kentucky.
In the meantime the prisoners had been arraigned at the tombs police court in New York, before Justice Hogan, and remanded until the question of extradition could be argued.
On May 31st the three accused men were formally arraigned before Judge Williamson, and, after being furnished with copies of the indictments returned against them were remanded to jail to await the outcome of the coroner's inquiry.
Even so the judge shows a disposition to treat him with leniency, and he is remanded to prison with Leocritia.
On their refusal they were remanded for two days, which seemed a very long time, so eager were they to die.
She answered that God had enlightened her; and, on professing herself ready to repeat her former denunciations of the Prophet, she was again remanded to prison.
He put several questions to us; our answers were modest, but firm: at length we were remanded to prison; here we prepared ourselves for new conflicts.
Hereupon he was remanded to the place of execution, where having made his prayer aloud, and exhorted the faithful to constancy and perseverance, he was beheaded with Philoromus.
He remanded her to prison with a severe order, that neither salves nor food should be allowed her.
Being remanded to prison, an order was given that no food should be allowed him; but, when almost dead with hunger, dainty meats that had been offered to idols were set before him, which he would not touch.
The proconsul remanded him to prison, and informed his master Julian of what he had done.
The saint answered, he could never acknowledge as gods, creatures which God had made only for our use; upon which he was remanded to prison.
The sentence would necessarily have been death, had not Welcome's lawyers succeeded in getting his case before the supreme court, where it was remanded back for a new trial.
He took a change of venue from Denver to Evans, Weld county, and there, after the case was thoroughly tried, he was remanded to jail in Denver for a new trial.
The case of a fugitive from justice is one in which the prisoner is remanded to the custody of the law, handed over for legal purposes.
The evidence of this witness, however, being deemed necessary, the Prisoner was remanded for a final examination.
Bottomley, in his defence, denied all knowledge of Morgan, and the Magistrate remanded them; but the Newspaper does not tell the sequel.
In 1839 the Conference of London assigned to Belgium that portion of the grand-duchy which was contiguous to her frontiers and remanded the remainder to the status of an hereditary possession of the house of Nassau.
Clifford was then remanded to jail to await trial on the other indictments found against him.
The first day's proceedings being at an end, the prisoners were remanded to the Tower.
A Rule was then made for the proper writ for the execution of the prisoner, on the eighth of December, and he was remanded to the Tower.
Remanded to his regiment, Todd proceeded to join it at the head-quarters of the Artillery at Dum-Dum.
Judge Hepburne decided that the magistrate first employed had no right to commit the alleged fugitives, but he himself remanded them.
He must be remanded to Uncas, within his jurisdiction, and by him be executed; but it was enjoined, with a very poor compliment to the known mildness of the character of Uncas, that no needless cruelty should be practised.
Mr. Waddington was remandedto prison till the last day of term.
Notwithstanding this evil was intended against this noble peer, and being remanded back to prison, was very near being dispatched, and that not only without the benefit of his peers, but without any legal trial or conviction.
However, he wasremanded back to prison till the 23d, when he was brought before the justiciary, and interrogate, Whether he would abjure the apologetical declaration, and own the authority of James VII.
And though they could prove nothing criminal against him, he was remanded back to prison, and by a letter from the king turned over to the criminal court, which was to meet March 18th.
About the 25, he was brought before the justiciary; but as there was no proof against him, they with consent of the advocate protracted the affair, and he was again remanded to prison.
In the end of the year 1679 being brought to Edinburgh before the council, and refusing to take the bond to live peaceably, he was remanded back to prison, and afterwards liberated, but on what conditions we do not learn.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remanded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.