Miss Sophronia asks what her name is, how old she is, whether she goes to school, what she studies there, and whether she likes to go to school, and at length releases her.
In many cases it releases itself under ordinary exposures to the oxygen of the atmosphere.
The diaphragm is connected to the brake and locking device on the motor in such a way that increasing the tension on the spring presses the diaphragm and moves a rod that releases the brake and starts the feed.
A treadle is provided which instantlyreleases both jaws upon the completion of the weld.
On reaching manhood he gains an immense treasure by killing a dragon; also he releases a maiden by overcoming difficulties and dangers, by fire or water, which were insurmountable to any other person.
I believe in democracy," said Woodrow Wilson, "because it releases the energy of every human being.
While it holds us to all our obligations, it in a great measure releases Great Britain from those which constituted the consideration of this Government for entering into the convention.
The releases required by law to be deposited in the Treasury not having been filed there, the remaining five millions have not been issued.
If our Government releases to foreigners the security which it holds for Americans, it must at the same time provide satisfactory safeguards for meeting American claims.
They may be made to close by slight irritation with a lead pencil, and it is the impact of the insect that releases one of the most curious examples of movement in leaves known to us.
The thing to fix in our minds is that photosynthesis makes food, uses the sun’s energy and releases oxygen in the process, while respiration uses oxygen and might almost be likened to the oil of a machine--necessary but producing nothing.
A little water, spirit, or any other fluid poured down the barrel almost instantly releases it.
At Fürstenwalde, when the last sheaf is about to be bound, the master releases a cock, which he has brought in a basket, and lets it run over the field.
We must be in haste, then, for if the Archbishop releases himself from his bonds, he may produce such an uproar in his cell that suspicion will be aroused.
The reservoir, you will observe, is emptied by pulling this lever, which releases a trap- door at the centre of the bottom of the tank.
Art releases energy and focuses and tranquilizes it.
Conflict of habits releases impulsive activities which in their manifestation require a modification of habit, of custom and convention.
Breach in the crust of the cake of custom releases impulses; but it is the work of intelligence to find the ways of using them.
We want things that are incompatible with one another; therefore we have to make a choice of what we really want, of the course of action, that is, which most fullyreleases activities.
The moment arrives when imagination pictures an objective consequence of action which supplies an adequate stimulus and releases definitive action.
In the course of time custom becomes intolerable because of what it suppresses and some accident of war or inner catastrophe releases impulses for unrestrained expression.
Of all these, it was soon found that the communiqués and government releases were the most important, although the bulk of the station time had to be diversified with other types of program.
It is not the body that releases the incorporeal as result of a lesion, or of its decay; it is the incorporeal that detaches itself by turning away from the passions of the body.
Art opens up wide avenues of possibility; it releases us from the limitations to which a particular mode of life, an accidental niche in a business or profession has committed us.
They are not signals to action; they are releases from it.
It is in accordance with the changeless order[64] of Varuna that the stars and the moon go their regular course; he gives long life and releases from harm, from wrong, and from sin.
Footnote 33: The groom 'releases her from Varuna's fetter,' by symbolically loosening the hair.
Varuna he releases the bonds of sin; he is Varuna's brother (v.
This releases the lever B, and the attached stopper E, which falls and closes the discharge orifice.
After remaining in contact with the granules for a time the chemical action of the salt releases the calcium and magnesium, which are flushed out with the excess of salt solution, into the sewer.
The box enclosing the switch contains a magnetic circuit-breaker so constructed that when the battery is completely charged the switch automatically releases its contact and stops the engine.
An animal pushing against the black string, draws the upper end of the stake towards the muzzle, until the lever is disengaged and releases the hammer.
The breast than catches the string, and the push releases the hammer when the muzzle is in line with the chest.
That which holds you fast is that which releases the birds and sets the fishes free.
Thus, in the 'Arabian Nights' a fisherman releases a giant from a bottle.
And cheaper, for the water goes on to return again and fall once more and forever into the pockets of the turbine which whirls the dynamo and so gathers or releases that mystery which we name but never define.
The action of pulling the cord releases the pin, and the blind flies up, leaving the articles on the back of the frame exposed to view.
This flap releases a fictitious paper, whilst it covers up the borrowed one.
He releasesthe Gonds shut up in the cave and constitutes the tribe.
It is secured by a stone or log of wood, and this is so arranged by means of some kind of fall-trap that on pressure in the centre of the hole it is displaced and releases the noose.
And now, when it is burning, it simply releases or throws out that light which it received from the sun, and which was stored up in the wood of the tree while it was growing.
Now, when it burns in the grate or in the furnace it simply releases that heat and warmth and light, which was stored up in these trees many, many centuries ago.
Hence should the voltage fail, the no voltage release magnet releases the starting lever and this, in flying back to the off position, opens the armature circuit of the motor and carries the speed regulating lever with it to the off position.
Example at Blois of these releases and of the new administrative staff.
Consider the effect of these releases and of these appointments in a town which, like Blois, has seen the assassins at work, and which, for two months, follows their trial.
In the second, the power that releases them to hurtle downwards must come from the enemy base itself, to permit of no possible error.
He forces his way into the Slav, shoots down its pilot, releases the pull of the magnet, and--there you are!
They are married, and Peter releases all the defeated players from jail, and afterward gets rid of them by means of the violin.
The witch (ogress) catches her picking it, and only releases her on condition that she shall give her the child after it is born and has reached a definite age.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "releases" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.