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Example sentences for "reheating"

Lexicographically close words:
rehearses; rehearseth; rehearsing; reheat; reheated; reherce; reherse; rehersed; rei; reichen
  1. If the break is very close to the stopcock, very little reheating and blowing can be done, on account of the danger of getting the stopcock sleeve out of shape, and the work must be heated very slowly to prevent cracking.

  2. Every move must count, and the exercise must be finished with a minimum of reheating and retouching, for the best results.

  3. For the same reason the puddling furnaces ought to be grouped on the side of the hammer; and the reheating furnaces on the other side of the works.

  4. The reheating furnaces, balling furnaces, or mill furnaces, are analogous to the puddling furnaces, but only of larger dimensions.

  5. The microwave is a wonderful convenience, but in my case, I used to use it for reheating foods or for boiling water and not much else.

  6. I don't recommend reheating them in the microwave.

  7. And finally, when reheating it in the microwave, be sure to rotate it several times so that you don't have uneven warming.

  8. If you're going to freeze stew, add cooked potatoes later on when you're reheating the stew.

  9. If you must freeze gravy, cut way back on the fat when you're making the gravy, and stir constantly when you're reheating it so as to keep the fat from separating.

  10. The assistant then brings him another bloom and takes the one that has been shingled to the reheating furnace, where he heats but one of its extremities.

  11. In such a case the assistant at the crucibles carries the blooms to the reheating furnace, and the assistant at the hammer carries them from thence to the hammer.

  12. He draws each of the four blooms out from its bed at the end of the operation, while the assistant carries the first to the hammer and the three others to the reheating furnace.

  13. This is better than reheating and boiling again, as it destroys less of the flavor of the fruit.

  14. Glass Making) (a) The reheating of an article at the furnace aperture during manufacture to restore its plastic condition; esp.

  15. After the potash has thoroughly fused and run over the entire surface of the work it will usually have become somewhat cooled, and will require reheating before quenching in the water.

  16. Tempering consists in reheating hardened steel and thus modifying or reducing its degree of hardness.

  17. In reheating the work it is necessary to make sure that no part reaches a temperature above that desired for best grain size and also to see that all parts are brought to this temperature.

  18. The grain size is affected by the temperature at which the reheating is stopped, and not by the cooling, yet the cooling should be slow enough to avoid strains caused by uneven contraction.

  19. We get better results from these combinations, both from the variety of flavors, and because, with few exceptions, reheating develops richer flavors in foods.

  20. Use double boilers as far as possible for reheating gravies, cereals and legumes, and for heating milk.

  21. We always plan to have left-overs that will be good for them, as the proper combination of different ingredients is very satisfying, and richer flavors are often developed by reheating foods.

  22. This smelting was then followed by hammering to further separate the slag, and probably after a reheating to increase the malleability.

  23. Because several hours had passed between Mom's preparation of the cereal and our reheating of the same, it usually molded itself into a solid bulk shaped exactly to the pan's dimensions.

  24. Often I was still rustling about when Norm returned home, and stationing myself on a kitchen chair, would oversee his hasty reheating of the evening fare.

  25. This brittleness has therefore in general to be mitigated or "tempered," unfortunately at the cost of losing part of the hardness proper, by reheating the hardened steel slightly, usually to between 200 deg.

  26. The gears then go to the reheating furnaces, situated in front of a battery of Gleason quenching machines.

  27. Allow the tool length and bar to cool before reheating for forging.

  28. Annealing (reheating through the critical) destroys the effect of cold work.

  29. After reheating the billets are hammered or rolled into bars of desired size.

  30. The temperatures of the reheating furnaces, numbered from 1 to 26 and shown on the board to the left in Fig.

  31. While this has been only a compromise it has been better than no reheating at all, although it has not properly refined the grain, which is necessary for good machining conditions.

  32. Moderate reheating or annealing changes this structure largely into troostite, which is a partly transformed martensite, possessing much of the hardness of martensite, but with a largely increased toughness and shock resistance.

  33. Reheating this work beyond the critical temperature of the core refines this core, closes the grain and makes it tough, but leaves the case very brittle; in fact, more so than it was before.

  34. Toughening" represents the practice of reheating hardened carbon steels from 350° C.

  35. Due to the particular design of the forked rod, considerable trouble was experienced in this respect because of the necessity of reheating the forgings before they are completely forged.

  36. After reheating the glass, you now, with a piece of wood, widen and shape as you desire the opening where the tube was first attached.

  37. The glass, held by the pontil attached to the foot, is completed by reheating the severed edges of what is now the bowl, cutting them even with the shears and rounding them by a second exposure to the fire.

  38. To produce this, the paraison is plunged rapidly into cold water, and after reheating to the necessary degree, but not beyond, it is worked into the desired form.

  39. Watt perceived that the air which followed the piston down the cylinder would cool the latter, and that steam would be wasted by reheating it.

  40. This is very probably due to the precipitation of some of the water-soluble proteins when the solution cools, and their subsequent decomposition when heat is applied directly to them in reheating the solution.

  41. This is probably due in part to a precipitation of some of the water-soluble proteins upon standing, and their subsequent decomposition when heat is applied directly to them in reheating the solution.

  42. This red may be developed by reheating as in the case of making gold ruby glass.

  43. In the manufacture of "gold" red glass, the glass when first cooled shows no color, but on reheating the rich ruby color develops.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reheating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.