His self-confidence grew to such a point that he had the following dream: "I was in a room with John and Lionel Barrymore and I rehearsed them for a Shakespearian play.
She had rehearsed the scene ever since it came into her head; the reality seemed unfamiliar.
Dawn drilled her willing subjects, and rehearsed them, until at last she felt they were ready for the final presentation.
Silas Dobson lowered his voice and, drawing gradually nearer to the teacher, launched into a flowery paragraph which he had prepared and rehearsed before his mirror.
And the words which David spoke were heard, and were rehearsed before Saul.
And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord.
Twenty times in the gym, under Keegan's shrewd tutelage, he had rehearsed what now he was about to do.
Morton, in his discourse to the queen of England (whereof I rehearsed a part before) vindicating the deposing and disowning queen Mary of Scotland.
During the short drive from Oxford Street Madame had rehearsed her little part to herself.
Seneca and Lucan were born here before the time of Christ, and the guide rehearsed with voluble facility some other high-sounding names of historic fame who were natives of the place, but who were quite unfamiliar to us.
It was nearly night when we reached Clark's, and we were in just the condition to appreciate the big fireplace of the sitting-room piled with unsawed cordwood, by which we dried our dripping clothes and rehearsed our experiences.
But her pencil moved almost mechanically over the paper as her mind rehearsed all she could possibly find to say to Morris--the pleas, the arguments she could place before him to turn him from his present purpose.
All would willingly have rehearsedfrom morning to night, but Mr. Heathmore insisted on being left in peace on Tuesday afternoon to try to master at least some of his endless part.
Lamoureux had laboriously rehearsedevery inch of his repertory until it was note-perfect, and each of his men knew the precise bowing, phrasing, degree of piano or forte, and tempo of every minutest phrase.
Later in each day he is reported to have eaten, to have rehearsed his band or conducted concerts, and so to bed to prepare himself by refreshing slumber for the next day's labours.
Dizzy with joy and relief he listened to that village worthy's ungracious assent also secretly rehearsed for some days.
Yes--as he rehearsedthe struggle to get out of the lake--he owed the collie his life as well as his victory over the holdup men.
The whole enterprise was then thoroughly rehearsed in some dummy trenches behind the line, until every one knew his exact part.
Inside the house Warrington mopped his face and rehearsed speeches in a low monotone until the man reappeared.
As there were several distinguished Americans in our party, a private audience was arranged for us, and for days before the time appointed we nervouslyrehearsed the etiquette of the occasion.
He had rehearsed them more than a dozen times-- ending with a dress rehearsal just before starting out.
How often had Bobby rehearsed this scene to himself!
How often he had rehearsed his answer to the knock!
Then to his two beloved wives, Adah and Zillah, Lamech rehearsed a tale of shame: "I have struck down a kinsman unto death!
God gave him grace from heaven through the communion of the Holy Spirit; and an angel of the Lord rehearsed to him all the dream, even as the king had dreamed it.
The lord of nations was not slow to heed the counsels of his wise men, but far and wide rehearsed the might of God, where he had power of proclamation.
Here the prayers and addresses of the noon were rehearsed and the solemn burial service read.
In this growing darkness, where all rehearsed cold-hearted murder, Wilkes Booth grew great of stature.
He pressed her to tell him what it was and she told him, becoming again sorrowful and wounded as she rehearsed the story; the point of view surprised her so.
All this vaguely rehearsed itself in her brain as she lay on the sofa beside Ashley Mead's portrait in its silver frame.
The girls rehearsedevery afternoon, and the athletic work was neglected.
And it did seem as though every time she rehearsed she made the "dark lady" of the rose garden more wooden and impossible than before.
And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles.
That Boccaccio should have reported these tales as emanating from such a company is proof positive of the immodesty of those days, whose story is rehearsed in the "Decameron.
It would take a microscope to tell the difference between them and a well-rehearsed society scene on the stage of the Français!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rehearsed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.