Before this she had been only taken to rehearsals in the daytime; she had never seen a great theatre in the full blaze of one of its gala nights.
While Roland was at the rehearsals of the French play, Eric would often spend his time at the teachers' club, and was pained to find here also an aristocracy.
You, as well as we, will be grateful to him, and willingly extend to him the requested indulgence, as he has made no rehearsals with us.
A beautiful dress was ordered for him, and all his thoughts were now turned to the play and the rehearsals that were to precede it.
They had worked hard and long in the old-timey drawing-room, for only the very last rehearsalswere to be held upon the stage with the full company.
Then they were measured by Aunt Polly, and it was announced that three rehearsals a week would be held till the Saturday set for the fair.
For the next three days and nights rehearsals were in full swing, with scarcely a moment's let-up.
It is kept a sort of secret, and the rehearsals have gone on privately, lest by many folks knowing it, the story should come out, which would infallibly damn it.
Do just as you did in therehearsals and you'll be all right.
We had only a few rehearsalsin my tent, and I didn't want to spread the news too generally, even among the circus crowd, for fear of a leak.
Rehearsals start to-morrow and I shall stay at a boarding-house with some of the other girls.
The members of the house-party had dispersed to pass the morning away in tennis and with the rehearsals for the pastoral.
No one understood that rehearsals were as real engagements as bridge-games or sociables at the Episcopal Church.
Rehearsals must be scrupulously maintained, beginning promptly, continuing with spirit, and not interrupted with disorder of any kind.
How was he to hold from one hundred to one hundred and fifty people together, who were not paid for their services, who were not people of leisure to whom rehearsals are no tax on time or strength?
Many persons have expressed their astonishment at the absence of the baton both from the rehearsals and public performances of the chorus of The Temple.
In order to avoid confusion both in rehearsals and at each service, every singer has an appointed seat.
Toward the first of September we went back to the city, Sarah to begin rehearsals for The Futurist, and I to take up the dreary round of manager's offices and dramatic agencies.
I hadn't to begin rehearsals until September; we could have the summer together and then I could go back to my work until he could claim me.
So the talk drifted off to the perpetual professionalism of the unsuccessful, to incidents of rehearsals and engagements.
We had been busy withrehearsals about ten days when I had a telegram from Forester saying that mother had died that day and I was to come immediately.
During the first rehearsals Grace, secretly fearing an outbreak on Eleanor's part, had been on the alert, but as rehearsals progressed and Eleanor kept strictly to herself, Grace relaxed her vigilance.
She said that it was not positively decided yet, but if the girls did well with the mid-year tests, then directly after there would be a try out for parts, and rehearsals would begin without delay.
The following epigram on the Odes rehearsals is by a wit of those times: "When Laureates make Odes, do you ask of what sort?
What with ladies and literature, rehearsals and reviews, and critical attention to the quality of his coffee and Brazil snuff, Henry Cromwell's time was fully occupied in town.
Helen began to show the effects of the strain upon her; for she was not merely carrying the burden of Lillian's Duty, and directingrehearsals of the new piece--she was deeply involved in the greatest problem than can come to a woman.
It was at St. Cloud that the First Consul made, if I may so express it, his first rehearsals of the grand drama of the Empire.
She made a point of coming to the rehearsals early enough to infuriate herself with contemplation of him in the flesh; and of walking up and down, before and between her scenes, thinking evil of him.
But the morning that took her back to rehearsals found her in a mood of dire misgivings.
None the less, she was permitted to leave with no other advice than that the rehearsals would resume on the following Monday, at nine in the morning, on the stage of a Broadway theatre.
I shall see much of you, no doubt, when the rehearsals begin.
These rehearsals furnished her with impressions vastly different from those garnered through her experience with "The Convict's Return.
Of course; habit--I understand; but to produce a play, to superintend the rehearsals and the performance.
Not until you had done so--so unacceptably at several rehearsals that news of it reached me by another way--not until I myself went to Mr. Ransdell about you did he admit that there could be a possibility of a doubt of your succeeding.
It was his first appearance at rehearsalssince the middle of the first week.
Ina, who suffered a good deal at rehearsals from the inaccuracy and apathy of the people, went home fagged, and with her throat parched--so does a bad rehearsal affect all good and earnest artists.
The rehearsals are on Saturday night, and never shirked, such is the respect for "Our Dame.
If you could have told me sooner than the very day before the rehearsals are at length to start--but there, if you give me the script at once, I'll commence to study it.
They promised me the rehearsals were to begin ten days ago.
If it had not all been really a matter of such serious consequence to her, the girl would have spent her time during these rehearsals in struggling with inopportune laughter.
She had been prepared to find it difficult to make her money last out until she received her first week's salary, and this delay over even commencing the rehearsals was really terrible.
The following evening, sure enough, rehearsals of a sort did indeed commence.
There was also an illegibly written copy of her part, and the request that she would be in Glasgow to commence rehearsals by the following Wednesday.
Of course that depends entirely on how the rehearsals progress.
The Rehearsals somewhat resembled the Moving Pictures of the Durbar at Delhi.
The glimpses of her old gay, easy life, which these rehearsals had given her, made the real hardship and loneliness of her present life all the more irksome, and that night she felt as if she could not bear it much longer.
At rehearsals all difficulties are got over by means of mutual congratulations and a pious allusion to the "old established fame of our Orchestra.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rehearsals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.