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Example sentences for "private audience"

  • Near this rallying ground for all having business with the court stood the smaller but even more impressive Hall of Private Audience, to which there was direct access from the Emperor's personal apartments.

  • Dominating the cluster of regal apartments on the river face was the superb Diwan-i-Khas, or Hall of Private Audience, which stands to this day "a miracle of beauty.

  • Sher Afghan," she continued, "see that the strangers are properly admitted to the Hall of Private Audience at the first hour appointed for those who bring articles for sale.

  • For my part I now only see him when it is absolutely necessary; for more than a year I have not been received in private audience.

  • For nearly a year, however, the Camerlingo had not been received in private audience by his Holiness, and this was a sign of disgrace, a proof of secret warfare, of which the entire black world spoke in prudent whispers.

  • Would you like to see his Holiness in public while you are waiting for a private audience?

  • A gate on one side of this hall led to the inner court of the palace, and to the Hall of Private Audience, or Diwan-i-Khas, which is among the most graceful assembly rooms in the world.

  • I suggested that as it was only a private audience, if she wished to dress differently, it would not matter at all.

  • She came over to my mother and said: "I am just wondering why Mrs. Conger asks for a private audience.

  • Now let us come back to the question of Mrs. Conger's private audience.

  • Having ascertained this fact, Henry remained alone in his apartment, until it was announced to him that the Duc de Vendôme solicited the honour of a private audience.

  • Gerard, Minister Plenipotentiary of France, that Congress will admit him to a private audience, when he shall present himself, to make the communication he is instructed to make to Congress.

  • The empress and the empress mother each gave Mr. Adams a private audience; and, after Mrs. Adams had also been presented to the imperial family, they were invited to a succession of splendid entertainments.

  • He gave the same explanation to the Prince Regent, at a private audience, who replied by an assurance of his disposition to continue to promote the harmony between the two nations which was required by the interests of both.

  • The Prince Regent, at a private audience, said the United States might rely with full assurance on his determination to fulfil all engagements with them on the part of Great Britain.

  • The queen gave him a private audience, and in May, 1816, with Mrs. Adams, he was present at the marriage of the Princess Charlotte of Wales.

  • The Duc de Beaufort is summoned to a private audience at the Louvre.

  • I am here, summoned by the Queen herself, to a private audience.

  • Before leaving the Hôtel Biron she asked for a private audience of the Queen.

  • You seem very sure that Madame la Marquise would have granted me a private audience.

  • Comte de Stainville, specially recommended by His Majesty himself, asked for a private audience.

  • Pompadour, to Monseigneur le Dauphin, or persons of equally exalted rank, the faithful chroniclers of the time tell us that no gentleman was allowed a private audience with M.

  • I was to have a private audience, and the Pope, who was still a handsome man, and looked as if he had been in the prime of life, received me sitting on a richly ornamented elbow-chair.

  • When their procession was ready to set out, the Abbess summoned me to a private audience.

  • Soon after, she summoned the Prior Leonardus to a private audience; but, meanwhile, the bells were again rung, and with them was united the deep thundering notes of the organ.

  • I come on most grave and important matters of business, and I pray your majesty to grant me a private audience.

  • I am commanded by my royal master to demand a private audience.

  • He wrote, therefore, to the king, and asked for a private audience.

  • Reverdil was invited to dine at the royal table, and after dinner was admitted to private audience of the King.

  • Filosofow demanded his recall, which was granted, and before leaving requested a private audience of the King.

  • William's message was delivered by Portland to Lewis at a private audience.

  • The question of the Spanish succession was to be mentioned to William at a private audience.

  • Before leaving Cologne Brahms played at a meeting of the Musikverein to a private audience of the members, most of them professors and students of the conservatoire.

  • On May 10 the annual foundation concert of the Singakademie took place--as usual, before a private audience.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "private audience" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adjust themselves; coloured flowers; feel himself; little frightened; private capital; private citizen; private company; private contract; private conversation; private corporation; private corporations; private enterprise; private gentleman; private interview; private letter; private letters; private person; private practice; private property; private residence; private ship; private society; private study; private view; throw myself; typical example