A Method, by which a Glass of a small Plano-Convex Sphere may be made to refract the Rayes of Light to a Focus of a far greater distance, than is usuall.
A Method, by which a Glass of a small Plano-convex Sphere may be made to refract the Rayes of light to a Focus of a far greater distance, than is usual.
Ammoniacal copper sulphate forms with picric acid yellow-green crystals which stronglyrefract the light.
Hydrochloric acid, used in the same way, instead of bromine water, forms with coniine microscopic needles of coniine hydrochlorate; both the hydro-bromide and the hydrochlorate doubly refract light.
He could not well fail to know that different mediums refract light differently, and that for the same medium the amount of light valies with the change in the angle of incidence.
And it might reflect some of the terror beam and refract the rest so none got through to the man!
Ions in the air act like drops of mist; they refract sunshine and make rainbows after rain.
The instrument required to refract a ray of light sufficiently to break it into its elementary colours is called the prism, and is a solid having two plane surfaces, called its refracting surfaces, with a base equally inclined to them.
But though we cannot assign its real height, it is certain, from observations and experiments, that a distance of 45 or 50 miles is the utmost limit where the density is sufficient to refract the rays of light.
For the beginning and ending of twilight show, that the height at which the atmosphere begins to refract the sun's light is about 45 English miles; and therefore that may be reckoned the altitude of the air to the least degree of density.
And there place a clear and colourless Prism, to refract the entring Light towards the farther part of the Room; which, as I said, will thereby be diffused into an oblong coloured Image.
In the first place, much of the ancient glass is of unequal thickness, and so presents convex and concave parts, which refract the light differently and produce an agreeable effect.
For as the Air is more or less rarified, so does it more or less refract a ray of light (that comes out of a denser medium) from the perpendicular.
We can produce this phenomenon at pleasure, by employing any one of the many substances which are known to refract light in that peculiar manner.
There is another difficulty that the emission theory had to contend with, and that was, how was it possible for the same surface of any substance to reflect and refract a corpuscle at one and the same time?
How does the atmosphere refract the rays of the sun, as represented, fig.
The crystalline gems, hidden in the darkness of the solid rock, are dependent, for that form which makes them valued by the proud and gay, on the influence of those radiations which they are one day to refract in beauty.
It is well known that glass lenses refract both the light and heat of the sun, and they are commonly known as burning-glasses: the heat accumulated at their focal point being of the highest intensity.
Because the light vapours of the air, which are condensed as the sun sets, refract the rays of light, and produce red rays.
It doesn't glisten so much as the diamond, because it is round--if we could cut it into a number of facets, it would refract light almost as perfectly as the diamond.
Because they refract the rays of light in the same manner as the rain drops.
If Light consisted only in Pression propagated without actual Motion, it would not be able to agitate and heat the Bodies which refract and reflect it.
In the mean while another Prism abc is to be fixed next after that hole g, to refract the trajected Light a second time.
And close behind this Board I fixed another Prism to refract the Light which came through the hole.
The reason why the Surfaces of all thick transparent Bodies reflect part of the Light incident on them, and refract the rest, is, that some Rays at their Incidence are in Fits of easy Reflexion, and others in Fits of easy Transmission.
That Bodies refract Light by acting upon its Rays in Lines perpendicular to their Surfaces.
Those Surfaces of transparent Bodies, which if the Ray be in a Fit of Refraction do refract it most strongly, if the Ray be in a Fit of Reflexion do reflect it most easily.
Bodies reflect and refract Light by one and the same power, variously exercised in various Circumstances.
Then let another Prism DEG deg, parallel to the former, be placed at X, to refractthat white Light upwards towards Y.
Superficies therefore which refract most do soonest reflect all the Light which is incident on them, and so must be allowed most strongly reflexive.
The density also is not the only determinant, but the quality also of the matter; the Basic or Planetary must refract more than the Oxygenic or Solar.