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Example sentences for "consisted only"

  • Among the Bavarians it consisted only of six families, including that of the duke, whereas in England it appears to have formed a considerable element in the population.

  • But it is scarcely probable that this class everywhere consisted only of manumitted slaves or their offspring.

  • The keel of their large flat-bottomed boats were framed of light timber, but the sides and upper works consisted only of wicker, with a covering of strong hides.

  • The movable camps or cities, the ordinary residence of their wives and children, consisted only of large wagons drawn by oxen, and covered in the form of tents.

  • It consisted only of one class of prizes, as was probably the case with all lotteries at first.

  • It consisted only of a leathern pipe screwed to the engine, the end of which widened into a bag supported near the reservoir, and kept open by means of a frame, while the labourers poured water into it from buckets.

  • D, consisted only of the left-over scraps of breakfast.

  • There was no town there, it consisted only of a platform and a switch.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consisted only" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    biographical note; consisted only; feet high; for our; hard currency; her dress; human face; inch howitzers; individual cases; last season; little shudder; made his first appearance; member when; more detail; necessary laws; one end; pistol shot; positive science; she now; should then; spoke very; sweet water