Among the Bavarians it consisted only of six families, including that of the duke, whereas in England it appears to have formed a considerable element in the population.
But it is scarcely probable that this class everywhere consisted only of manumitted slaves or their offspring.
The keel of their large flat-bottomed boats were framed of light timber, but the sides and upper works consisted only of wicker, with a covering of strong hides.
The movable camps or cities, the ordinary residence of their wives and children, consisted only of large wagons drawn by oxen, and covered in the form of tents.
It consisted only of one class of prizes, as was probably the case with all lotteries at first.
It consisted only of a leathern pipe screwed to the engine, the end of which widened into a bag supported near the reservoir, and kept open by means of a frame, while the labourers poured water into it from buckets.
D, consisted only of the left-over scraps of breakfast.
There was no town there, it consisted only of a platform and a switch.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consisted only" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.