And all such money as shall bee made of your goods in any place, wee referre that to your discretion, where it shall remaine vntill it bee employed, either at Vologhda, Mosco, or els where.
As touching the Companies affaires heere, I referre you to Christopher Hudsons letters, for that I am but newly arriued.
The first voyage made by Master Anthonie Ienkinson, from the Citie of London toward the land of Russia, begun the twelfth of May, in the yeere 1557.
For if there be in that countrey so great quantitie, as we be informed there is, it will be the best commoditie we may haue: for hauing that wholly in our hands, we may serue our owne countrey and others.
Will gentlemen learne howe to prosecute vertue, and to profligat from their minde, disordinate Loue, and affection, I referre theim to the Historie of Tancredi, and to Galgano of Siena?
But how well the same is done, or how prayse worthy the translation I referre to the skilful, crauing no more prayse, than they shall attribute and giue.
Thomas Steuenton, to whome I referre you: And so bid you heertily farewell.
How their historiographers haue attempted to shape manie coloured excuses to auoid so manifest a title, all men may see that read their bookes indifferentlie, wherevnto I referre them.
As for those of other countries, I referre you to Aristotles politikes, and the eight of the common-wealth which Plato hath left vnto vs, therby to be farther resolued, if you be desirous to looke on them.
Jove's wrath, nor devils can Do so much harm to th' soul of man.
Concupiscible covets always pleasant and delightsome things, and abhors that which is distasteful, harsh, and unpleasant.
And albeit he referre this vnto the Sunne, yet if a man marke diligently, his mysteries haue a higher meaning, &c.
And for your orderly passing in this voyage, and making obseruations in the same, we referre you to the instructions giuen by M.
On that condition, and with this besides, That you be pleas'd to pardon us and them, We doe referre our persons to your mercie.
Unto thy wisedome I referre their doomes, My selfe, my Dukedome, and my crowne.
King Edward answered that he would once againe make an offer; and then vpon the refusall, he would referre and report the truth to them both.
Therefore that thou mayst enioy thy loue, I referre vnto thee and to thy disposition all the goods and Iewels that were in the Casket, and contayned in thy writinge.
What pleasure and delight the king did conceiue to see his sonne behaue him selfe so valiantly that day, I referre to the iudgement of fathers, that haue children endued with like actiuity.
If the husbande were ashamed, and offended with him selfe to be founde in a bedde with such an vncleanly matche, by his faire and honest wife, I referre the iudgement to all indifferent men, that be coupled with like wiues.
With that prouocations and coniured charmes shee hath already bewitched your good nature, I wyl not now imagine, but referre the same to the deepe consideration of youre wisdome.
Now touching the situation of measures, there are as manie or more proportions of them which I referre to the makers phantasie and choise, contented with two or three ocular examples and no moe.
To which examples I will for this time referre you.
In a worke of ours intituled Philocalia we have strained to shew the vse & application of this figure and all others mentioned in this booke, to which we referre you.
Whether now perswasions, may not be said violent and forcible to simple myndes in speciall, I referre it to all mens iudgements that heare the story.
In deede bookes of common places be verie necessarie, to induce a man, into an orderlie generall knowledge, how to referre orderlie all that he readeth, ad certa rerum Capita, and not wander in studie.
But whether this thing ought woorthily to minister occasion to a publike and perpetuall reproch against the Islanders, more then other nations, I referre it to the iudgement of indifferent and honest mindes.
If any of them (as sometimes they are) be knotty, I referre them to Chap.
Carduus Benedictus, or blessed thistle, seeds and dyes the first yeere, the excellent vertue thereof I referre to Herbals, for we are Gardiners, not Physitians.
What is needefull more to be sayd, I referre that all (concerning the Forme,) to the Chapter 17 of the ornaments of an Orchard.
The matters which shall be of importance to be noted we nothing doubt that you will omit, wherefore we referre the order of these affaires to your discretion.
But by this good meanes we are now at the last arriued in Plimouth, this 9 day of September: and for want of better health at this time, I referre the further knowledge of more particularities till my comming to London.
And althoughe I myghte alleage other reasons to proue my saying, yet referre I my self to the experience and bounty of youre mynd, and to the equity of your Iudgement.
All other matters I referre tyll I shall speake with you.
Sed ego mihi ab illo non rationes exspectabam, quas tibi edidit, verum id reliquum, quod ipse in Tusculano me referre in commentarium mea manu voluit, quodque idem in Asia mihi sua manu scriptum dedit.
Referre ad is used very much like the corresponding English, viz.
Is nat this the guerdoun that I referreto thee, to whom I have be obeisaunt?
Right so as alle thinges that apereth or sheweth to the wittes, yif thou referre 170 it to resoun, it is universel; and yif thou referre it or loke it to it-self, than is it singuler.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "referre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.