But am I, because the grievances of Ireland are great, and ought to be redressed, to abstain fromredressing the worst grievance of all?
The grievances of Ireland are doubtless great, so great that I never would have connected myself with a Government which I did not believe to be intent on redressing those grievances.
This committee possessed the sole exclusive right and liberty of bringing in motions, making overtures for redressing wrongs, and proposing means and expedients for the relief and benefit of the subjects.
Now, if wrong has been done my cousin, and the very consequences of that wrong prevent him from redressing it himself, I take up his quarrel as the head of his house.
And bitter and hard it is for them to learn that the gospel brings freedom now as of old by giving strength to suffer, instead of by suddenly redressing wrong.
His rising, in short, was political in its objects, and did not aim at redressing social evils only, like that of Wat Tyler.
Unfortunately, however, it soon began to press on from redressing national grievances to pandering to party animosities.
Why send out the sloop of war Hornet, alluded to by the gentleman last up--why rely upon it for redressing the insult at Savannah, if naval force was useless?
The workers, therefore, were justified in redressing their wrongs with the strong hand, and he and his companions would see to it that they did not die of starvation with so many rich and fine houses all about them.
This fact devolves upon every true Democrat and, no less, upon you as their representative, the solemn and binding duty of redressing the wrong.
Those who feel that they are oppressed are organized for the purpose of redressing their wrongs.
His question as to the place of the tomb is not what we should have expected; but its very abruptness indicates effort to suppress emotion, and resolve to lose no time in redressing the grief.
God forbid that I should even seem to depreciate other forms of healing men's evils andredressing men's wrongs, and diminishing the sorrows of humanity!
There being no common arbiter between her and the General Government in a case of that kind, she has a right to use force in redressing herself, and to take the power into her own hands.
Has the Supreme Court of the United States, under such circumstances, any way of redressingthis wrong?
All war is an instinctive nisus for redressing the errors of equilibrium in the relative position of nations amongst nations.
Edinburgh, where the Cardinall then had a Convention of Prelats, wherein somewhat was said of redressing the abuses of the Church, and reforming the lives of the Clergie; but it took no effect.
To the redressing of which, it seemed to my lord the chancellor, that my said lord of Glocester did not his indeuour diligence that he might haue shewed.
If little or no lameness develops, it is reasonable to expect that infection has been checked; that the wound is dry and redressing every second day is sufficiently frequent.
The wound may be dressed at the end of forty-eight hours and no redressing will be necessary in the average instance if infection is not present.
House of Commons, as that we shall not need to fear your willing assistance for the redressing of these great evils and granting our just desires.