He did not touch the relic with his hands, but reclosed the boxes and concealed the reliquary beneath his black robe.
When at last the bronze door was reclosed and I found myself alone with the swooning girl, I could scarce believe that even this respite was mine.
From the diary on her desk Anna lifted her cheek, looked up, reclosed her lids, smiled and reopened them.
She returned and slept again until some one ran along the narrow deck under her reclosed windows, and a male voice said-- "The Yankee fleet!
Yet there, as if the mason's powerful hands had within that minute reopened and reclosed it, were the wet marks of his fingers.
He got up suddenly, walked to the door, opened it a foot or so, peeped out, then reclosed it and walked back to his seat.
We had reclosed the garage door and now were standing immediately inside.
There was a sky window to light the place, so that when Bolton reclosed the door we could see well enough.
Walking over to the gilded joss he reclosed the opening and not without a great effort pushed the great idol back against the wall.
Now, to the watcher's unbounded astonishment, Ah Fu placed the birdcage in the opening, and apparently reclosed the trap in the end of the coffin.
He thankfully reclosedhis eyes and continued to nurse himself.
Joe sighed and reclosed his eyes; but it was only for a second.
She replaced the ring, she reclosed the casket, relocked its depository; then passed again into the adjoining chamber.
Harriet reclosed the safe, concealed it and took the envelopes back to her father's desk and opened them to examine their contents preparatory to taking them to him.
Eaton nodded understanding and followed the porter, who, taking the keys again from the conductor, let him out at the rear door of the car and reclosed the door behind him.
He waited until the boat was swallowed in the deeper shadows, then reclosed the water-gate and ascended to the room where Sir Lucien awaited.
The quartette filed through into a carpeted corridor, and Mrs. Sin reclosed the false back of the cupboard, which, viewed from the other side, proved to be a door fitted into a recess in the corridor of the adjoining house.
He followed her, but came out again almost immediately, reclosed the door, and retired into the cabinet, which was evidently his private cubicle.
A person passing out through this window might have reclosed it, and the spring would have caught--but the nail could not have been replaced.
As soon as they forced an entrance, they reclosed the door, to keep out the crowd, which collected very fast, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour.
He pushed open the park gate, reclosed and locked it, raised his head and, through the bars, perceived us.
I reclosed it, smiling at the ease with which I built a drama on the mere suggestion of an open window.
Alan reclosed the case, and put the picture down; then he went into the room with the desk.
He bent suddenly and swept the pages into the drawer of the table and reclosed the drawer, as he heard the doorbell ring and Wassaquam went to answer it.
He did not seem, as he looked through these notes, to be refreshing his memory; rather he seemed to be seeking something which the notes did not supply; for he put them back and reclosed the desk.
Spearman waited only until the door had been reclosed behind him.
Simons may have reclosed the safe door," replied Megger.
The man stepped agilely aside--and Harborne reclosed the door with his head!
Then he softly reclosed the door with an air of discretion.
Gilliatt folded them again, replaced them in the box, taking advantage of the space which remained to add the twenty guineas; and then reclosed the box as well as he could.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reclosed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.