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Example sentences for "reclines"

Lexicographically close words:
reclamation; reclamations; reclassification; recline; reclined; reclining; reclosed; reclosing; reclothed; recluse
  1. In this, one of the Naiadæ reclines upon the [Illustration: Arthur Robinson Stone.

  2. Sam Parker] allegory with a label to identify it; for the bank on which the muse of History reclines is labelled Clio.

  3. High in his hall reclines the turbaned Seyd; Around--the bearded chiefs he came to lead.

  4. Nor ought it to be supposed, that, having attained so high a degree of perfection, the English postal administration reclines on its laurels.

  5. A glass of cold water is sometimes taken to stimulate free perspiration, after which the bather reclines on a marble slab and is shampooed by an attendant.

  6. This is followed by a cold shower-bath or douche, after which one is rubbed dry, dresses, and reclines for half an hour on bed or couch.

  7. To the left a female attendant holds a taper, whilst in the background are other figures, one of whom reclines before a fire.

  8. Siegfried reclines under a linden-tree, and looks up through the branches.

  9. Tannhaeuser lies in the arms of Venus, who reclines upon a flowery couch.

  10. At his feet reclines Kurwenal, his esquire.

  11. Silius himself reclines on a couch, the children are seated, and the wife may adopt either attitude.

  12. She walks or is carried abroad at her pleasure, attends the public games in the Circus, and goes with her husband to dinner-parties, where she reclines at the meal just as he does.

  13. When a normal person reclines after standing there is a fall in venous pressure, and when he again stands erect there is an increase in venous pressure.

  14. These baths are most efficient in lowering the blood pressure when the patient reclines for several hours after the bath.

  15. The daughter is seated on the right knee of the king; her right hand is placed across her breast, the left hangs carelessly at her side; her head reclines on the shoulder of her father.

  16. The boy is dressed in a dark suit, and reclines on the snow by the side of the mother; his head rests on her dress, arms stretched out towards her waist; his eyes closed in that cold and dreamy sleep which ends in death.

  17. A small boy reclines at her side, and rests his head on her lap.

  18. In the centre of this terrace, the mound on which the maiden reclines is placed.

  19. On a grassy mound, in the centre of this lovely scene, reclines a beautiful maiden, wrapped in profound sleep.

  20. This, for a long time fixed upright in the wall of the tower, at the west end of the choir, now reclines on a low tomb.

  21. The head reclines on a helmet with crest of a lion's head couped at the shoulders, and angels were originally on each side supporting it.

  22. The structure on which the effigy reclines is composed probably of no portion of the original tomb.

  23. He tranquilly receives these attentions; the slaves follow, and lay gold-embroidered cushions on the bottom of the boat, and the grand gentleman reclines on them in an easy attitude.

  24. The complaints and lamentations of the sheik are also silenced--he reclines motionless on his cushions.

  25. He now reclines on his cushions, thinking of his past and of his future.

  26. The prince reclines upon a divan, the queen sitting upon a chair, with a stool under her feet; before them is a table.

  27. On the couch reclines a sylph-like girl with languishing and yet ardent eyes.

  28. Now she reclines on her divan, and raising her arms aloft, throws back her head and neck; all her limbs writhe like the folds of a serpent; in her eyes sparkle the tears of smothered desires.

  29. A male figure reclines on a couch, before which is a table with provisions.

  30. A male figure reclines on a couch, with a cup in his right hand, with an uncertain object near the cup, which may perhaps be intended to represent the snake.

  31. A figure, apparently that of a man, reclines on a couch.

  32. A man, bearded, reclines on a couch, with a bowl in his right hand, held out as if to pour a libation.

  33. A draped figure, now for the most part lost, reclines on a very lofty couch, holding a two-handled cup in the left hand.

  34. This figure, which is commonly known as Theseus, reclines on a rock and faces the horses of Helios.

  35. A man reclines on a couch with a cup in his left hand.

  36. A male figure, half draped and wearing a polos as in the last relief, reclines on a couch.

  37. A male figure, whose legs alone are preserved, reclines on a couch.

  38. A male figure, who is half draped, reclines on a couch with a bowl in his right hand.

  39. A male figure reclines to the right on a couch, holding a two-handled cup in the right hand.

  40. A man reclines on a couch, with a table of food before him.

  41. The ground on which the figure reclines is a rock.

  42. Visconti, who supposed the skin on which he reclines to be that of a lion.

  43. A man, bearded, reclines on a couch, and holds up a rhyton in his right hand.

  44. A man reclines on a couch holding a bowl in his left hand.

  45. The great man reclines gracefully upon a couch supported by a figure of Religion, and a weeping lady of Science at his feet.

  46. So sink his dying features; and, forsaken by its vigour, the neck is a burden to itself, and reclines upon the shoulder.

  47. The serpent rises erect, and lifts his neck that reclines against the top of the mast, and looks around for a habitation suited for himself.

  48. The daughter reclines as if asleep, her head resting on her hands, till the words, rise up.

  49. Miss Jennia Jones stands behind her chair, or reclines on her lap as if lying sick.

  50. Here uncle White{7} reclines in peace, Secure from nephew and from niece.

  51. In winter, when Night longer holds A hemisphere beneath her sway, Longer the East inert reclines Beneath the moon which dimly shines, And calmly sleeps the hours away, At the same hour she oped her eyes And would by candlelight arise.

  52. Her tears flow plentifully and Her cheek reclines upon her hand.

  53. The Virgin, seen at full length, reclines on a verdant bank, or is seated under a tree.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reclines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.