My lorde in my right hertie wise I commende me to your lordship doing you to vnderstand that I haue receyued your letteres dated at Rochester the xviij^{th} of this moneth.
After my right hertie commendacions these shalbe to aduertise you that the kinges highnes hauyng receyued your letteres hathe youen me in commaundement to make you answer as here insueth.
After my right ‹hearty› commendacions, Sithen your departure I haue receyued sundry of your letteres whereof the last bere date at Rome the xx day of Februarie.
Your commission I vnderstonde ye haue alredy made and sealed, and touching the Duke of Holstes lettere if ye haue not yet receyued it Mr. gostwike shall delyuer it you or to Cauendish accordinglie.
Please it your highnes to be aduertised that vppon myn arryuayle at London I receyued certen letteres out of the North directed vnto your grace from the lorde Dacre.
Came I from my house in liberty, to be shut vp in Pryson, and do not know wheather I shall be receyued, or being receyued haue intertaynment, according to desert?
To be short, Mansor shewed by this gift what is the force of a gentle heart, which can not abyde to bee vanquished in curtesie, and lesse suffer that vnder forgetfulnesse the memorye of a receyued good turne be lost.
Who beleueth there is no second person, that desireth better to acquite the goodnes and preferment which I haue receyued of your Lordship, then I do.
Two Barons of Hungarie assuring themselues to obtayne their sute to a fayre Lady of Boeme, receyued of hir a straung and maruelous repulse, to their great shame and Infamy, cursinge the tyme that euer they aduentured an enterprise so foolish.
The rashe enterprise of a Gentleman against a Princesse of Flaunders, and of the shame that he receyued thereof.
The Scholler againe learned andreceyued his teaching, with greate prompitude and readinesse of witte.
Saladine in the habite of a Marchaunt, was honourably receyuedinto the house of mayster Thorello, who went ouer the Sea, in company of the Christians, and assigned a terme of his wyfe when she should mary agayne.
And to accomplish this part, I haue heere inserted a note of the Cornish Knights fees and acres, which I receyued from my learned and religious kinseman Master Robert Moyle.
For as all men thought, if he had ben there, they had not receyued so greate an ouerthrow.
The Emperour receyued Cortes magnifically, and to giue him the greater honour, he went & visited him at hys owne lodging.
They receyued there aduyse, that néere at hand were great populations and soone after he came to Zimpanzinco, a towne of twenty thousand houses, as after dyd appeare by the visitation of Cortes.
Mutezuma receyued great pleasure at this aunswere, and sayd, your request shall be fulfilled: and incontinente he sent for many Carpenters.
The Indian guarde of that streate receyued him with the honour which vnto such a noble man did appertayne.
Cortez receyued greate pleasure to finde in that countrey dissention and discorde among some Noble menne, and at deuision among themselues, thynking thereby the better to bryng his purpose to passe.
The Mexicans did beléeue that the Soule was immortal, and that they receyuedeyther ioy or payne according to theyr desertes & liuyng in this worlde, vnto which opinion all their religion did attayne, and chiefly appeare at their burials.
The messengers returned, although they had taried somewhat long on their iourney, of whom Cortes receyued all that they brought, and caused it to be molten, out of the whiche was had in fine golde .
The Solemne pompe vvherevvith Cortez was receyued into Mexico.
They aported at Coazacoalco, the Lorde whereof was enimie to Mutezuma, hys name was Tuchintlec, who friendly receyued the Spanyardes, for he hadde intelligence of them, at their lying at Potonchan.
And eiche mã that so vsed thẽ receyued accordĩg to the measure of his faithe.
But they will not see / that the fathers mẽt therby / to satisfice the churche / when they were receyued publiquely to repentaunce / and not to satisfice to Godd.
In the Primitiue churche forthwith after christes ascension / because the Iues which wer conuerted vnto christe did lyue a great while with thos gentils which hadd receyued the gospel / ther begon a very Iuishnes.
He saith that they lyued and reigned with Christe / not only they which were filled / but they which abiding in the constaũtnes and confession of true faithe / did not worshipp the image of the beaste / nor receyued ony markes of it.
You hauereceyued many wounds for your Countrey Coriol.
By a parte the whole, as: He receyued the straũgers vnder the succour of hys house rofe, for into hys house.
Mother Waterhouse said, she receyued this cat of this Frances wife in the order as is before sayde.
Mother Waterhouse receyued this cat of this Frances wife in the order as is before sayde.
Then he returned to Abuyle by a secret waye, & she was with greate triumphe, procession & pagiantes receyued into the toune of Abuyle the VIII day of October by the Dolphin, which receyued her with greate honor.
Noueber, ther the sayde quene was receyued into the cytee of Parys after the order thar foloweth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receyued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.