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Example sentences for "rebinding"

Lexicographically close words:
rebelliously; rebelliousness; rebellow; rebels; rebind; rebirth; rebirths; reborn; reboso; rebound
  1. It destroys the chance of proper rebinding and detracts from the appearance of the rebound book.

  2. It is only in rare cases, as for example when a book is out of print, and yet valuable to the library, that a second rebinding is justified.

  3. The prompt rebinding of a book more than doubles its life.

  4. Such books speak in no uncertain terms for rebinding or permanent withdrawal from the shelves.

  5. Mending makes rebinding more difficult and jeopardizes the life of the book.

  6. Any book in serious need of rebinding is better placed in the hands of an experienced binder, preferably one who specializes in individual bindings.

  7. Such books may be properly entrusted to a good binder for rebinding in substantial leather.

  8. The most irremediable of the crimes which can be committed in rebinding a small, old book, is the trimming of margins.

  9. The rebinding of valuable books is at best a necessary evil, and anything that makes frequent rebinding necessary, is not only objectionable on account of the cost involved, but because it seriously shortens the life of the book.

  10. Nearly all librarians complain, that they have to be continually rebinding books, and this not after four hundred, but after only five or ten years.

  11. In two cities there is an official curator of books who looks after the covering, repairing, and rebinding of them.

  12. Frequently in rebinding the illustrations may be dropped with no loss either to the reader's pleasure or the cause of art.

  13. Usually done only when the book consists of single leaves or plates; but is quite commonly employed now in rebinding books, especially on the last two or three signatures front and back.

  14. No library can or should exactly follow any one style in its rebinding work.

  15. Parsimony in rebinding is a library thief.

  16. This is especially desirable for one whose work with books includes their rebinding and repairing.

  17. If so, would not a new copy be a better investment than the rebinding of this one?

  18. Is it on poor paper, so poor that in our style of rebinding it will last but a short time?

  19. Does not treat the subject of strong rebinding for the public library.

  20. Its only chance of being able to stand a second rebinding may depend upon its being very little trimmed at its first.

  21. It may go for years, especially if the book is well sewed, but to rebinding it must come at last; and the larger the volume, the sooner it becomes shaky, or broken at some weak spot.

  22. The rebinding process is divided into three branches: preparing, forwarding, and finishing.

  23. Rebinding in cloth seems to be much more simple and, on the whole, not much more expensive.

  24. Practically all repairs to a book short of rebinding should be made in the library, since the work requires little space and no machinery, and the books may speedily be replaced on the shelves for general use.

  25. Perhaps you have finally come to realize that every cent paid for rebinding is taken out of your gross receipts.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rebinding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.