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Example sentences for "rashness"

Lexicographically close words:
rasher; rashers; rashes; rashlie; rashly; rasit; rason; rasonable; rasp; raspberries
  1. They pleaded the lateness of the season, the want of provisions for the army, and the rashness of following the English into the midst of their own country, where another Flodden Field might await them.

  2. I should think you were very inconsiderate," I said, "and would probably regret your rashness afterwards.

  3. She marveled at her own rashness in having influenced the life of another, as she had influenced Cassandra's life.

  4. To navigate the Euxine before the month of May, or after that of September, is esteemed by the modern Turks the most unquestionable instance of rashness and folly.

  5. The successful rashness of a party of Franks was attended, however, with such memorable consequences, that it ought not to be passed unnoticed.

  6. The peasants reigned without control; and two of their most daring leaders had the folly and rashness to assume the Imperial ornaments.

  7. All these things may gratify greediness for sudden gain, or the rashness of daring speculation; but they can bring nothing but injury and distress to the homes of patient industry and honest labor.

  8. They began together, they have flourished together, and if rashness and folly destroy one, the other will follow it to the tomb.

  9. It can stand every thing but the effects of our own rashness and our own folly.

  10. So pardon me my share in your sorrows, my rashness first, and now that I cannot bring myself to beg our freedom at the price they ask.

  11. It contained a few lines from Fernando, speaking of his good health and kindly treatment, and begging for Duarte's forgiveness for the rashness that had risked so much.

  12. Secondly, the formation of a senate on such principles as may secure to it in all times of danger a confidence and respect which counteract in public opinion the rashness and heat of the popular assembly.

  13. But a senate I thus sketch has alone rescued America from the rashness of counsel incident to a democratic Chamber; and it is still more essential to France, with still more favourable elements for its creation.

  14. My reason taught me that his conclusions were right; but, conscious of the impotence of reason over my own conduct, conscious of my cowardly rashness and my criminal despair, I doubted whether anyone could be steadfast and wise.

  15. I come to repair the evil of which my rashness was the cause, and to prevent more evil.

  16. My rashness even hastened the completion of his scheme, and precluded him from the benefits of deliberation.

  17. A second thought showed me the rashness of this scheme, and I wondered by what infirmity of mind I could be betrayed into a momentary approbation of it.

  18. It was Gordon's rashness that had made the design public.

  19. Indeed, if I had considered this to be hopeless, I should have been guilty of great rashness in speaking of it as a contingency that should be kept in view at the present election.

  20. It was a case in which rashness would have been the best discretion.

  21. He paid the penalty of his rashness with his life.

  22. His rashness and personal daring were thought the only drawbacks to his high character as a commander.

  23. We shall perceive that to an unusual degree of rashness in the formation of his systems, he added a quality very rarely possessed by philosophers of the hypothetical school.

  24. Rashness in giving assent to phenomena, and all other defects in the application to them of the reason he thought could not coexist with virtue and perfect wisdom (42).

  25. He probably also commented on the headlong rashness with which the dogmatists gave their assent to the truth of phenomena.

  26. Could it be possible that my own rashness and selfishness had again separated me from my beloved?

  27. Alison paused at the word, as she remembered that Lucy had suggested that what she now termed rashness was jealousy.

  28. His proverbial rashness in battle, with his total disregard of the opinion of the country into which he came, alienated from him those who were at first disposed to receive him with enthusiasm.

  29. Even Braddock's rashness they deemed preferable to Mor-daunt's inactivity: the loss of so many brave lives was thought less injurious and disgraceful to the nation, than the too safe return of the present armament.

  30. The generals of the allies now undertook an enterprise, which, in the opinion of the French generals, savoured of rashness and inconsiderate self-sufficiency.

  31. I omit a tedious sermon on the danger of rashness and the advantages of prudence, sufficient to irritate a less passionate hearer than Rávaṇ.

  32. He ceased: Vibhishaṇ trained and tried In war and counsel thus replied “Thy speech is marked with scorn of truth, With rashness and the pride of youth.

  33. He wrote to Lady Huntingdon, "My greatest distress is to act so as to avoid rashness on the one hand, and timidity on the other.

  34. Gildas had an army of seventy thousand men; Mascezel had but five thousand, and did not think he could without rashness attempt to compete with an enemy so powerful and so far superior in the number of his forces.

  35. The Burgundians taxed him with rashness in no measured terms.

  36. Something may be apprehended likewise from the rashness of this your young commissioner, a failing inherent in those of sanguine complexion.

  37. Of errors committed through ignorance we have no better example than in the case of Varro, through whose rashness the Romans were defeated by Hannibal at Cannæ, where the republic well-nigh lost its liberty.

  38. In the end, the rebels having no leader to advise them, and perceiving too late the error into which they had been betrayed, had to pay the penalty of their rashness by perpetual banishment.

  39. Before you pronounce on the rashness of the proceeding, reader, look back to the point whence I started; consider the desert I had left, note how little I perilled: mine was the game where the player cannot lose and may win.

  40. Who will not admit that all this (so-called) Criticism is the veriest trifling; and that to pretend to argue about the genuineness of a passage of Scripture from such evidence as the present is an act of rashness bordering on folly?

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rashness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alacrity; brass; cheek; desperation; folly; gall; haste; hastiness; heroics; hubris; impatience; improvidence; imprudence; impudence; impulsiveness; indiscretion; insolence; overconfidence; precipitation; promptness; quickness; rashness; recklessness; speed; suddenness; swiftness; temerity