Ranges from Maine to Minnesota, abundant, with birch, in the region of the Great Lakes.
Ranges from Manitoba to Texas, and from the foot hills of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Coast.
Ranges from lower St. Lawrence River to northern Minnesota and regions of the Saskatchewan River; south through the Northern States and along the Appalachian Mountains to Georgia.
Ranges from Greenland to Alaska, in the East, southward to Pennsylvania and northern Nebraska; in the Rocky Mountains to Texas, Mexico, and Arizona.
Damon ranges from Ontario to Texas over the entire eastern half of the United States.
It ranges from Colorado to California and as far north as Oregon.
The mean annual temperature on the eastern plains, so far as known, ranges from 87 deg.
It ranges from twenty to forty feet in height, attains a diameter of five feet, and sometimes lives three hundred to five hundred years, producing crops of bark for one hundred and fifty years.
The amount of ash found in those peats which were most free from sand, ranges from five to nine per cent.
The apparent[10] specific gravity of peat in the air-dry state, ranges from 0.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ranges from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.