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Example sentences for "ranges from"

  • Its period of bloom is during August and September and it ranges from N.

  • It ranges from Labrador to Alaska south to N.

  • It ranges from Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Va.

  • It ranges from Labrador to Alaska and south to Pa.

  • Ranges from Maine to Minnesota, abundant, with birch, in the region of the Great Lakes.

  • Ranges from Manitoba to Texas, and from the foot hills of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Coast.

  • Ranges from lower St. Lawrence River to northern Minnesota and regions of the Saskatchewan River; south through the Northern States and along the Appalachian Mountains to Georgia.

  • Ranges from Greenland to Alaska, in the East, southward to Pennsylvania and northern Nebraska; in the Rocky Mountains to Texas, Mexico, and Arizona.

  • Damon ranges from Ontario to Texas over the entire eastern half of the United States.

  • It ranges from Colorado to California and as far north as Oregon.

  • Creola ranges from Florida to Mexico along the Gulf.

  • It ranges from Siberia to Nova Scotia, and southward as far as Pennsylvania.

  • It ranges from Dallas, Texas, to the Rio Grande and westward into New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, and into southern California and Lower California.

  • In height it ranges from fifty to one hundred feet.

  • It ranges from Labrador to South Carolina, but is rare south of New Jersey.

  • It ranges from Labrador to North Carolina on the Atlantic coast and from Alaska to southern California on the Pacific coast.

  • It ranges from Massachusetts to Florida, and occurs at low-water mark on rocky and shelly bottoms of bays and sounds.

  • It ranges from Alaska to Lower California.

  • In other Indians it ranges from close to 68° to 71.

  • Detailed group data on the nasal index show that this ranges from 47.

  • It is found chiefly in northwest Texas but it ranges from Oklahoma to beyond the Pecos River in New Mexico.

  • In the first-named area it ranges from Maine to Georgia.

  • In Arabian coffee it ranges from about 0.

  • On the Caribbean coastal plain it ranges from 80 deg.

  • The mean annual temperature on the eastern plains, so far as known, ranges from 87 deg.

  • It ranges from twenty to forty feet in height, attains a diameter of five feet, and sometimes lives three hundred to five hundred years, producing crops of bark for one hundred and fifty years.

  • In the three lower classes the tax ranges from a minimum of 4s.

  • The amount of ash found in those peats which were most free from sand, ranges from five to nine per cent.

  • The apparent[10] specific gravity of peat in the air-dry state, ranges from 0.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ranges from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bade good; before serving; but had; date about; during the first half; found again; four quarts; free library; gold snuff; good wench; hold themselves; household furniture; narrow gauge; never forgive; particular church; ranges from; soil party; sovereign prince; started back; subterranean passage; then plane; well prepared