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Example sentences for "radioactive"

Lexicographically close words:
radicle; radicles; radii; radiis; radio; radioactivity; radiobroadcast; radiocommunication; radioed; radiogram
  1. How can these people be non-radioactive after eating a whole fuel pellet apiece?

  2. No one from the Perseus could say that any Ardan, after having lived on the furiously radiant surface of Ardvor, would not be as furiously radioactive as the laboratory's calibrated instruments had shown Hilton and Sawtelle actually to be.

  3. Titan itself was rich in the radioactive ores that has become the fuel, the moving force, not only of the rockets of Earth's expanding space-commerce, but of the wheels of industry and comfort at home.

  4. This meant that outside their shielding spacesuits was radioactive death.

  5. Of course these gases are still so radioactive that half a lungful would kill.

  6. The radioactive wind, much cooled during the long journey from its point of origin, but poisoned by invisible emanations, struck their unprotected bodies.

  7. Into the hole rushed the hot, radioactive wind.

  8. And likewise the radioactive poisons that made you and Lawler and the others very ill disappeared quickly from your bodies.

  9. We know that the radioactive elements are constantly breaking down, and one often hears uranium, for instance, called the 'parent' of radium.

  10. Morganium is a radioactive element next in the series to radium and much more active.

  11. The study of these radioactive elements has led to a new atomic theory.

  12. In these radioactive elements we have come upon sources of energy such as was never dreamed of in our philosophy.

  13. But all that heavy metal around the central reaction created all kinds of radioactive residues which had a tendency to scatter death for hundreds of miles around.

  14. The arms and hands were of the waldo type used to handle radioactive materials in a hot lab--four jointed fingers and an opposed thumb, metal duplicates of the human hand.

  15. The muon is unstable, eventually undergoing a radioactive decay into an electron.

  16. Individual elements are removed, and the radioactive isotopes of each element are identified by quantitative counting techniques.

  17. Many deductions about the nature of the breakup of the target nucleus can be drawn from the pattern of the observed radioactive products.

  18. Such tape may be “read” by a computer that can be programmed to use the data to calculate what radioactive isotopes are present and their quantities.

  19. Time of decay (hours)”] The radioactive decay curve of sodium-24.

  20. Instruments can detect these kinds of radiation, and it is by measuring the radiation that we determine how many radioactive atoms are present.

  21. Each of these is easily activated, giving radioactive isotopes, copper-64 and copper-66.

  22. The crucial step in the analytical procedure is the measurement of the number of radioactive atoms that were created.

  23. Until a few years ago, it was difficult to measure the number of gamma rays of a particular energy that were being emitted by a mixture of radioactive isotopes unless there were only a few such gamma rays with very different energies.

  24. The lead brick shield keeps out most of the gamma rays that come from naturally radioactive materials in the room.

  25. How do we measure how many radioactive atoms are present?

  26. But eventually, this rate of increase slows down until, at saturation, further irradiation no longer increases the number of radioactive atoms present in the target.

  27. The fact that nuclei can absorb additional neutrons, which, in many cases, results in the conversion of a stable nucleus to a radioactive one, makes neutron activation analysis possible.

  28. Corrects the total count for the wire for the small amount of radioactive decay that occurred in the few minutes between the sample count and the standard count.

  29. You know that nearly all the plastic is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that none of these elements are easily made radioactive when they are bombarded with low-energy neutrons.

  30. Apparently you have to be radioactive to open doors.

  31. Dan spent the next week chipping out pieces of a radioactive ore.

  32. The radioactive waves of the brain of even you Black Age people are swift enough to bridge Space and Time.

  33. Through thought vibration, which these perfect people have developed until they can record permanently the radioactive waves of the brains of others.

  34. More recently it has been suggested that the ancients may have been acquainted with some form of radioactive matter like radium, and that this was the secret of the lamps in question.

  35. And then, there'd be little bits of radioactive geek floating around this system as far out as the orbit of Beta Hydrae VII.

  36. A series of new flashes broke out, lifting and spreading the incandescent radioactive gasses, and then a great gush of flame rose.

  37. You see, the radioactive planets your men reported, one of them was--home.

  38. Five radioactive planets with the fresh scars of cobalt bombs and the remains of civilizations.

  39. It is calculated that, loaded with a Mark XII hydrogen-lithium bomb, sufficient radioactive Cobalt-60 would have been transmuted to end all life on Earth within thirty days.

  40. We raced off down the narrow streets with the sirens wailing, climbing the long hill road past the radioactive remains of Capodichino, heading out toward the farmlands.

  41. But I had a glimpse of radioactive dust in every breeze, in every corner of every land.

  42. Are you trying to tell me that this is a dangerously radioactive case?

  43. An equally harried-looking announcer: "--reported by a team of four physicists from the Royal University to have produced a serious concentration of radioactive byproducts in the upper atmosphere.

  44. It would leave the atmosphere filled with colloidal particles of deadly, radioactive Cobalt-60.

  45. He wanted a radioactive world, so I let him enjoy it.

  46. If dell'Angela had ever in his life been within the disaster radius of an atomic explosion, it had been so long before that every trace of radioactive byproduct was gone!

  47. For instance, a suspected thyroid disorder can be diagnosed by following the behavior of a small, harmless dose of radioactive iodine in the patient.

  48. What happens to animals could happen to human beings, and that is why physiologists watch carefully the animals that eat radioactive foods and study the offspring of animals that have been exposed to radioactivity.

  49. Agronomists use radioactive materials to improve fertilizers and crops, and nutritionists use them to improve animal diets.

  50. A medical scientist may decide to specialize exclusively in the use of radioactive materials.

  51. Pharmacists who enter the field prepare radioactive pharmaceuticals for clinical uses.

  52. The atomic age has made radioactive materials essential to life, and the geologist must locate valuable deposits, determine their extent, analyze their purity, and plan their extraction.

  53. Rumors persisted that radioactive contamination was widespread, that the population had been virtually decimated, that the government had fallen, that the Naturalists had set up their own reign only to fall victim to internal strife.

  54. In the mines, in the fields, in the radioactive areas, they die before the age of thirty.

  55. At first our ancestors grew to immense proportions, as did the vegetation on Daem, but we slowly returned to normal size as the radioactive material was consumed.

  56. For a moment I was surprised, and wondered what it was they were doing, but then it hit me: they were the delcator beetles that Bernibus had told me of earlier, the ones that absorbed the radioactive material and stabilized it.

  57. For the wind blew the radioactive vapors against Les Payten, standing a little to one side.

  58. Masked with respirators against possible radioactive taints in the outside air, they opened it.

  59. Helping, maybe, as the radio said, to wash away the poison of the radioactive meteorites and dust that were falling to Earth--wreckage that hours before had been part of the Moon.

  60. The latest claim was that vitaplasm gave off poisonous radioactive radiations--not very true on Earth, where its vital energy remained mainly chemical.

  61. Perhaps there was a trace of radioactive ore in the rock causing the glow.

  62. Or was it, still the radioactive glow that Loman's body, adapting to the shortage of oxygen, had shown on Mars?

  63. Follow the usual precautions and measures for radioactive contamination and flesh burns.

  64. They ate a food-jelly, which Prell had prepared long ago for his sojourn here, and radioactive silicates.

  65. Who were these strange fugitives who said he was one of them and who lived in the heart of a radioactive city?

  66. Smarten up or you'll finish scrubbing radioactive dust off girders!

  67. More radioactive ribbon, manufactured as needed in the ship itself, would feed out onto the sail as that already there became exhausted.

  68. The vast umbrella would unfold and open out around the stern, its rear or Earthward side a gleaming expanse of radioactive ribbon perhaps only an atom thick and backed with a material that would reflect neutrons.

  69. Rustless alloys we can't make in our forges, cutting tools, atomic electric converters that produce power from any radioactive element.

  70. Where the radioactive elements are locked in the planetary core, surrounded by a shell of lighter ones.

  71. This was an unusual radioactive ore which Tom had discovered in South America.

  72. In his first adventure, Tom, in his Flying Lab, had gone to South America to fend off a gang of rebels seeking a valuable radioactive ore deposit.

  73. At Maxwell, one of his contemporaries will contend that the human spleen acts as an ion-exchange organ to rid the human body of radioactive minerals, and he will someday die trying to prove it.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "radioactive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    charged; contaminated; hot; infected; irradiated; poisoned