And inasmuch as Mr. Schiller sees no reason for believing that variations are of this indefinite character, he asserts that there is in evolution room for a teleological factor, in other words, "a purposive direction of variations.
Intelligence as connoting purposive action remains as much a fact as gravity or chemical attraction, and continues valid concerning the phenomena it is intended to cover.
Purposive selection pursues its ends more directly and in general attains them far more quickly than does natural selection.
In all these respects the conflict of ideas belongs to the level of purposive and not of natural selection.
If we return to the conflict of groups we shall see that even there purposive selection enters.
His criticism had its starting-point in, and received a special impulse from an empirical proof, due to a very happy experiment of his own, of the marvellous regenerative capacity, and the inherent purposive activity of the living organism.
There is, moreover, a scientific view and method regarding what he calls the purposive view which he overlooks entirely, and which by emphasis of the causal, makes seemingly impossible.
According to the older Darwinism the lungs are just as purposive as the corkscrew.
If each one of the small steps is purposive the result is purposive, though there was never purpose extended over more than one, two, or perhaps at most three steps at a time.
Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, if not from that of Buffon himself, that the majority of organs are as purposive to the evolutionist as to the theologian, and far more intelligibly so.
The usual word evolution is non-purposive in so far as it signifies the appearance of something already existing.
The effect of the knife, the spear, the arrow, and of all the other primitive implements can be called in each case a purposive transformation of energy.
The organs of adaptation are distinctly and definitely purposive structures--not purposed, perhaps, but certainly purposeful.
The first purposive movements of the child's limbs are carried out in order to evoke tactile sensations.
Of the voluntary, purposive crying of infants a little older I am not here speaking.
The child whose impulses towards purposive action are encouraged is generally a happy child, with a mind at rest.
The first purposive movements of the child should be welcomed and encouraged.
The history of evolution convinces us that the highly purposive and admirably constituted sense organs, like all other organs, have developed without premeditated aim.
The extent to which the word mind may be employed as the inherent cause of purposive movements in organisms is a very difficult question to solve.
And, apart from such half-purposive forms of licence among Christians, there have been countless cases of purposive licence.
The purposive insincerity set up in their thinking by such men must, of course, have been injurious to character.
Surely there is a pretty discernible difference between experience as a purposive idea, and the experience which fulfils this purpose.
Since this purposive regulative principle is not visible to the senses, it follows that it must be an ideal or rational force.
Elsewhere lurks the apprehension that the progress of scientific method will deliver the purposive freedom of man bound hand and foot to the fatal decrees of iron necessity, called natural law.
This reduction of the purposive to the representative function carries with it an interesting implication concerning the whole character and relationship of thought and will.
Surely there is a pretty discernible difference between experience as a purposive idea and the experience which fulfils this purpose.
Mr. Royce starts his account by simply accepting from psychology a general description of the purposive character of the idea.
Surely we cannot at this point charge it to a discrepancy between our finite idea and the absolute object, since it is just this restlessness that is giving birth to the purposive idea.
In its content thepurposive idea is just as immediate and as mechanical as any other part of experience.
The purposive character of experience is of course very manifest, but what is the significance of this purposing in experience as a whole?
It is this uncritical acceptance of the purposive quality of the idea that obscures the irrelevancy of its relation to the absolute system.
For in the attempt to bring these two functions together the purposive function is swallowed up in the representative.
By this simple coup is the purposive function of the idea reduced at once to the representative.
Both, however, united in the same subject, are purposive in reference to the moral feeling.
Now this movement ought to be judged as subjectively purposive (because the sublime pleases us), and thus it is referred through the Imagination either to the faculty of cognition or of desire.
We believe that we perceive in the case of the wicked the traces of a wisepurposive reference, if we only see that the wanton criminal does not die before he has undergone the deserved punishment of his misdeeds.
And as concerns the external contrivances of nature regarded as purposive (wind, rain, etc.
Moreover, without a nervous system, the action of the parts of a sun-dew leaf was proved to be as apparently purposive as the combined action of the limbs of an animal.
The secret places of the soul set up a powerful opposition to the intruder, even without the purposive action of the patient.
An object is really or objectively purposive (perfect) when it corresponds to its nature or its determination, formally or subjectively purposive (beautiful) when it is conformed to the nature of our cognitive faculty.
As the Letters ascribe the purposive construction of organic beings to a divine reason, so the Pantheisticon also stops short before it reaches the extreme of naked materialism.
However, we must grant that at the first glance the teleological theory seems to give the simplest and most satisfactory explanation of these purposive structures.
There are various powers given to them in accordance with the quality of their matters; which powers determine the length of their duration, their motion, perception, purposive existence.
Purposive education or schooling should present such an environment that this interaction will effect acquisition of those meanings which are so important that they become, in turn, instruments of further learnings.
This conclusion follows irresistibly from the isolated conception of mind, but by the same logic it disappears when we perceive what mind really is--namely, the purposive and directive factor in the development of experience.
Mind, individual method, originality (these are convertible terms) signify the quality of purposive or directed action.
These conceptions are consistent with the philosophy which sees intelligence to be the purposive reorganization, through action, of the material of experience; and they are inconsistent with each of the dualistic philosophies mentioned.
Successful responses to novel data, associations by similarity and purposive behavior are in only apparent opposition to the fundamental laws of associative learning.
Purposive behavior is the most important case of the influence of the attitude or set or adjustment of an organism in determining (1) which bonds shall act, and (2) which results shall satisfy.
He is concerned with conduct, which is intelligent and purposive action.
Must we not admit that in all purposive action--the only action with which the moralist need concern himself--there is a striving to realize or satisfy desire in the attainment of some object?
From the fact that customs are, in general, to be regarded as expressions of the social will, it might be assumed that their purposive character and social utility should be a sufficient explanation of their coming into being.
In a word, a purposive being cannot have been the result of a purposeless process.
Man, a purposive and moral being, sees in himself and the structure of his mind and the experience of his life the crowning evidence of the action of purpose.
The mother of one of Noir's patients was always tempted to repeat any simple purposive movement that she had made a moment before, even though the reason for the act no longer existed.
Disobedience to the law in the shape of exaggeration or redundance of purposive movement indicates functional excess.
But we must not forget such muscular automatism entails a preliminary training in the shape of frequent repetition of purposive movements--a training which varies in duration with the individual and the nature of the particular movement.
There is no purposive or co-ordinated feature in the spasm, which is confined to some nerve area anatomically limited.
It is not a co-ordinated act of a purposive nature, but a simple, unvarying, constant motor reaction to a particular stimulus.
Co-ordinated and purposive though they be, they do not come within the sphere of the will.
No purposive element is discoverable in the phenomena, no systematisation, no expression of emotional excess.