The swelling or puffiness of the mucous membrane becomes more marked as repeated attacks of subacute and acute inflammation occur, from year to year, over a period of twenty or more years.
In the subacute or acute stage of the inflammatory process there is more general redness and puffiness of the mucous membrane, or a swollen condition with increased discharge of mucus and perhaps some blood.
Puffiness of the skin from the accumulation of fluid.
General dropsy is called anasarca, and is readily distinguished by bloating or puffiness of the skin all over the body.
In several cases it quickly induced puffiness about the eyes, but no effect whatever was produced on the pains or on the succeeding relapse.
A tendency to dropsical effusion is generally first shown, besides a puffiness of the face, in the feet and ankles, the shoe or slipper marking off the enlargement above its margin.
There is nopuffiness beneath the eyes, no polyuria, and no nycturia as a rule.
There is puffiness of the under eyelids, which is more pronounced in the morning on arising.
On admission, heat andpuffiness were observed in the calf and thigh.
On discharge, slight Ĺ“dema and puffiness in the region of the bite.
Usually there is a gradual onset with paleness and puffiness of the eyelids, ankles or hands in the morning.
Usually at the close of this stage the incessant cough causes slight puffiness of the eyelids and slight bloating of the face.
Between the attacks, puffiness of the face and eyes and blueness of the tongue persist.
Puffiness is a common defect in tomatoes, especially when grown in the winter in the South.
The redness and puffiness of her eyelids had disappeared during the long drive, but there were dark purple circles under the eyes, she was terribly pale and her mouth and features generally, had a hard, drawn look.
Acute Bright's disease may develop suddenly with pallor andpuffiness of the face owing to dropsy.
Sometimes this puffiness only extends to the outer part of the eyelid; we have thus a variety of the Mongolian eye, with a palpebral triangular opening, very frequent among the eastern Finns (Fig.