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Example sentences for "puddling"

Lexicographically close words:
puddle; puddled; puddler; puddlers; puddles; pudenda; pudendum; pudet; pudgy; pudic
  1. The Bicheroux System of Furnaces Applied to the Puddling of Iron.

  2. A great improvement is effected in the quality of the product of the puddling furnaces by the combined action of the gas and air blast.

  3. A paper describing the use of natural gas in the puddling furnaces at Leechburg, Pa.

  4. Roger & Burchfield is on the opposite side of the river, and it has been for some years devoted to the production of fine grades of sheet iron from charcoal pig metal, by puddling and in knobbling fires.

  5. It was to rid cast iron of its carbon content that Cort invented the puddling process.

  6. The success of the Dank's puddling furnace fired with pulverized coal seems to be no longer a matter of doubt in England.

  7. The accompanying engravings, which we take from Iron, give plan and section of the puddling apparatus invented by Mr. Oestlund, as used at the Finspong Ironworks.

  8. I have had much the same impression when looking into the open mouth of a puddling furnace at the lumps of pure white iron, swimming half-melted in the grayer fluid about them.

  9. I would, however, draw attention to the remarkable success which has attended the use of the Bicheroux gas puddling and heating furnaces at the works of Ougrée, near Liege.

  10. Mechanical puddling has made but little progress, and few of the attempts to economize fuel in the puddling furnace, by the use of gas or otherwise, have been successful.

  11. In some cases, where the number of puddling furnaces is great, they are immediately carried to the rollers and drawn down.

  12. No doubt can be entertained that the more freely burning varieties of anthracite will work well in the puddling furnace, as they have been successfully employed in the rolling and slitting of bar iron.

  13. These are cut into lengths, proportioned to the weight of the bar of finished iron that is to be made, and piled together by fours, in a reverberatory furnace, similar in character to the puddling furnace.

  14. A division of the business has been indeed attempted; there is more than one puddling forge in the United States that relies upon the purchase of pig for its supply.

  15. Another quality still superior, is made by uniting scraps of the better qualities that we have mentioned, into loups in the puddling furnace, drawing it in the puddle rolls, balling or piling, and again rolling.

  16. Here they are exposed to a white heat, by which the four pieces of each pile are made to adhere; they are then withdrawn, and subjected to rollers similar to those used after the puddling process, but of more careful workmanship.

  17. Thus, at least one of the puddling forges of which we have spoken, is compelled to use imported fuel, and none are situated where alone the nation could derive essential benefit from them, immediately over a rich bed of coal.

  18. We are going on, as it is likely we always shall, in the old dog-trot way, puddling and rolling from the beginning of the week till the end of it.

  19. The next year Samuel Baldwin Rogers substituted iron bottoms for sand bottoms in puddling furnaces.

  20. A man down the gully said: "I obsarved yesterday we had young Ireland puddling up here, and I persave this morning we have an Italian bandit or a Sallee rover at work among us.

  21. Here have I been sinking holes and puddling for five months, and hav'n't made enough to pay my tucker and the Government license, thirty bob a month.

  22. We went with him in the direction of the first White Hill, but before reaching it we turned to the left up a low bluff, and halted in a gully where many men were at work puddling clay in tubs.

  23. By puddling eight tubs of washdirt I found that we could obtain about one pound's worth of gold each per day; but this was hardly enough to keep hope alive.

  24. To line the hearth of (a puddling furnace) with fettling.

  25. A hole at the back of a puddling furnace, at which the slags pass out.

  26. Fluid glass floating on iron in the puddling furnace, produced by the vitrification of oxides and earths which are present.

  27. Iron from the puddling furnace, in a pasty condition.

  28. The lump of pasty wrought iron as taken from the puddling furnace to be hammered or rolled.

  29. The works where wrought iron is produced directly from the ore, or where iron is rendered malleable by puddling and shingling; a shingling mill.

  30. Puddling had been invented, but not successfully used before.

  31. This process of puddling lasted for about an hour and a half and entailed extremely severe labour on the workman.

  32. We have described how by Cort's puddling process tremendous labour was imposed on the workmen in stirring the molten metal by hand with "rabbles.

  33. In 1784 Henry Cort of England introduced the puddling process and grooved rolls.

  34. In the process of puddling difficulty had been experienced in handling the bloom or ball after it was formed in the furnace.

  35. It should also be nearly free from sulphur, because of the great difficulty of removing this element in the puddling process.

  36. The removal of phosphorus, a very important duty of the puddling process, requires that the cinder shall be "basic," i.

  37. Many of the furnaces used for this heating are in a general way like the puddling furnace shown in fig.

  38. In the puddling process molten cast iron is converted into wrought iron, i.

  39. In common practice the cast iron as it runs from the blast-furnace is allowed to solidify and cool completely in the form of pigs, which are then graded by their fracture, and remelted in the puddling furnace itself.

  40. In place of the old forge, in which the actual contact between the iron and the fuel, itself an energetic carburizing agent, made decarburization difficult, he devised the reverberatory puddling furnace (see fig.

  41. The "refinery process" of fitting pig iron for the puddling process by removing the silicon without the carbon, is sometimes used because of this difficulty in making a pig iron initially low in both sulphur and silicon.

  42. The air furnace is a reverberatory furnace like that used for puddling (fig.

  43. Second, in puddling iron which is to be used as a raw material for making very fine steel by the crucible process, quality is the thing of first importance.

  44. The cylinder is lined with fire brick, and this in turn is covered with a suitable refractory iron ore, from eight to ten inches thick, grouted with pulverized iron ore, forming a bottom, as in the common puddling furnace.

  45. The absence of any reagent leaves the iron simply pure and homogeneous to a degree never realized in muck bars made by the old puddling process.

  46. All the gases would pass up the chimney of the puddling furnace, and the puddler would not be subject to their influence.

  47. There was a great saving of labour and time compared with the old puddling process; and the malleable iron produced was found to be of the highest order as regarded strength, toughness, and purity.

  48. In 1854 I took out a patent for puddling iron by means of steam.

  49. The district is crowded with iron furnaces, puddling furnaces, and coal-pit engine furnaces.

  50. Specification of James Nasmyth--Employment of steam in the process of puddling iron.

  51. The process of puddling occupies about an hour's violent labour, and only robust young men can stand the fatigue and violent heat.

  52. Applying the term steel in that sense, I believe, as I have said, it will not be very long before plate-iron produced by the puddling process will cease to be used for the purpose of building vessels.

  53. I have no doubt whatever that, in a short time, it will be practically impossible to procure iron made by the puddling process, of dimensions fit for many of the purposes for which a few years ago it alone was used.

  54. The reheating furnaces, balling furnaces, or mill furnaces, are analogous to the puddling furnaces, but only of larger dimensions.

  55. For the same reason the puddling furnaces ought to be grouped on the side of the hammer; and the reheating furnaces on the other side of the works.

  56. The hearth of the puddling furnace should be exposed to heat for 12 hours before the work begins on the Mondays; and on the Saturdays, the old sole must be cleared out, by melting it off; and running it out by the floss-hole.

  57. FLOSS, of the puddling furnace, is the fluid glass floating upon the iron produced by the vitrification of the oxides and earths which are present.

  58. The puddling furnace, is of the reverberatory form.

  59. Fragments of the ball or bloom fall round about the cylinders; which are afterwards added to the puddling charge.

  60. The fine metal is broken into fragments, and sent to the puddling furnace after the product of each operation has been weighed.

  61. About five puddling furnaces are required for the service of one smelting furnace and one finery.

  62. The puddling furnaces will do something with the grey pig; we have eight in blast now, turning out the railroad and heavier bars.

  63. There are eight or nine leading varieties of rice grown in Japan, all of which, except an upland species, require mud, water, and much puddling and nasty work.

  64. Then he worked up the clay with water, going through the process of puddling in miniature, again made a trough of the puddled clay, filled it with water, and showed that it was water-tight.

  65. Once when he had repeatedly talked about "puddling," some of the members wished to know what puddling was.

  66. And the last word to greet my ears, ere I thought they would have torn me limb from limb, was Sir John bawling at me, 'Thou puddling quacksalver!

  67. Thou puddling quacksalver--" Stopping short and giving him a look of dark resentment, the fellow sadly shook his head.

  68. This puddling process is constantly going on, under the feet of cattle, under the plow and the cart-wheels, wherever land containing clay is worked upon in a wet state.

  69. A fine crop of Indian corn grew on the field that year, but the effect of the puddling was visible the whole season.

  70. A mass of wrought iron from the Catalan forge or from the puddling furnace, deprived of its dross, and shaped usually in the form of an oblong block by shingling.

  71. A refractory material used as a furnace lining, obtained by calcining the cinder or slag from the puddling furnace of a rolling mill.

  72. One of the sloping sides of the lower part of a blast furnace; also, one of the hollow iron or brick sides of the bed of a puddling or boiling furnace.

  73. Another cause of the retention of water by the surface soil, often a very serious one, is the puddling which clayey lands undergo by working them, or feeding cattle upon them, when they are wet.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "puddling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.