Proximal end of Pollen-tube, a, a, Spermatozoids from G of fig.
There is also a moderate expansion of the bone on the ulnar side in some Pterodactyles, so that the proximal end often incloses nearly three-fourths of an ovate outline.
In all the Cretaceous genera the carpal bones of each row are blended into a single bone, so that two bones are superimposed, which may be termed the proximal and distal carpals.
The width of a proximal carpal rarely exceeds two inches, and that of a distal carpal is about an inch and three-quarters.
There is no indication of division of the proximal carpal in these genera into constituent bones.
Rosenberg, of Dorpat, showed that there is in the bird a proximal carpal formed of two elements, and a distal carpal also formed of two elements.
In the specimens from the Cambridge Greensand there is indication of a small proximalcrest to the tibia with a slight ridge, but no evidence that this is due to a separate ossification.
All specimens of the humerus show a twist in the length of the bone, so that the end towards the fore-arm, which is wider than the shaft, makes a right angle with the radial crest on the proximal end, which is not seen in birds.
The distal articular surface is only connected with the proximal end of the bone in small specimens: it always shows on the one margin a concavity, followed by a prominent boss, and an oblique articulation beyond the boss.
In the young of many birds the row of tarsal bones at the proximal end of the metatarsus comes away, and there is a partial division between the metatarsal bones, though they remain united in the middle.
The ulna is best seen at its proximal end in the specimens from the Cambridge Greensand, where there is a terminal olecranon ossification forming an oblique articulation, which frequently comes away and is lost.
It should be mentioned that there is a proximal epiphysis or separate bone to the first phalange, adjacent to the pulley joint of the metacarpal bone, which is like the separate olecranon process of the ulna of the fore-arm.
Lizards, too, usually have three bones in the proximal row and five smaller bones in the distal row.
A crest is never developed at the proximal end, like that seen in the Guillemot and Diver and other water birds.
The elastic bandage must always be placed upon a healthy area, proximal to the diseased part.
In the former case, the proximal end of the first phalanx and the dorsum of the foot are prominent, and the head of the metatarsal bone projects on the sole of the foot.
It seems probable that the reduction affects first the proximal phalanges, since the distal nail-bearing phalanx is the last to disappear.
It is likely that theirproximal ends were tough tendons.
Each thoracic leg (endopodite) is formed of a large elongate proximal joint (protopodite), four strong joints each about 1.
The shaft of the left antennule is best preserved and is short, cylindrical, somewhat enlarged and ball-shaped at the proximal end.
Beecher assigned to the various segments of the limbs the names suggested by Huxley, but sometimes used the name protopodite instead of coxopodite for the proximal one.
The endobases of all taper toward the proximal ends.
The proximal end in the other genera is still unknown.
Modern branchiopods can be derived from those of the Middle Cambrian by the modification of the appendages through the reduction of the endopodite and exopodite and the growth of the endites and exites from the proximal segments.
The proximal part of the shaft has fine setae or the bases of them, and the distal lobe faint traces of much finer ones.
At the proximal end they appear to be as wide as the axial lobe of each segment, and to increase in width and slightly overlap each other nearly out to the distal extremity.
Distance between proximal ends of gnathobases of the fifth thoracic segment, about 7 mm.
The dorsal test has been removed from the glabella, revealing the outline of the posterior end of the hypostoma, the proximal ends of the antennules, the gnathites, and incomplete endopodites of some appendages, x 5.
The shaft may have been angulated near the proximal end, and may have been directed somewhat forward and outward as in Neolenus, but the evidence on this point is unsatisfactory.
Its distal end articulates with the second or median phalanx (os corona) and forms the proximal interphalangeal (pastern or suffraginocoronary) joint.
Whether it be torn loose from its point of attachment or ruptured at some point proximal thereto, the position is the same--heel flat on the ground, toe slightly raised and this raising of the toe varies in degree as the subject moves about.
Inflammation of the proximal sesamoid bones is caused by any kind of irritation which may involve this part of the inhibitory apparatus.
Casts are used by some and serve very well in many cases; but because of their bulk and unyielding and rigid nature, they are not well adapted to use on fractures of bonesproximal to the carpus and tarsus.
Collateral ligaments (internal and external lateral) pass from the distal end of the femur to the proximal portion of the tibia.
It is formed by the union of the proximal part of the tarsus with the tibia.
Toward a proximal part; on the proximalside of; proximally.
The basal portion, or two proximal and more or less consolidated segments, of an appendage of a crustacean.
The proximal segment of the hind limb between the knee and the trunk.
Of or pertaining to a segment sometimes present at the proximalend of the hyoidean arch.
The large process at the proximal end of the ulna which projects behind the articulation with the humerus and forms the bony prominence of the elbow.
The proximal segment in the hyoidean arch, becoming a part of the styloid process of the temporal bone in adult man.
The proximal segment of the hind limb containing the thigh bone; the thigh.
A proximal bone on the radial side of the carpus; the scaphoid.
The phalangeals of the pes are much shorter and stouter than in Dinornis, the proximal surface of the terminal segments generally presenting a trefoil-shaped contour.
A striking character is that in the genus Aepyornis the proximal extremity of the tarso-metatarsus is larger than the distal extremity, a feature not found in the majority of other birds.
The phalangeals of the pes are long and comparatively slender, the proximal surface of the terminal segments not being trefoil-shaped.
Through this, from within outward, the proximal end of the wire is now drawn and left for the present.
The distal ends of the wires should be stripped of their coating for a length of about three inches, the proximal ends for about two inches.
In the same way the proximalphalanx of the thumb may be excised, and yet, if proper care be taken, a very useful limb be left.
The artery may be tied easily enough in the triangular space bounded by the extensors of the thumb, on the dorsum of the proximal end of the first metacarpal bone.
Butcher performs it by splitting up the sinuses leading to the carious joint, exposing it and cutting off with bone-pliers the anterior third of the metatarsal bone, and the proximal end of the first phalanx.
In cases of injury which do not admit of either of the preceding operations, it is quite possible to amputate either at the first joint, or even through the proximal phalanx.
The proximal phalanx was completely shivered; its fragments were removed, the cartilage of the proximal end of the distal phalanx, and also of the head of the metacarpal bone, were pared off with a strong knife.
The author lately excised one-half of shaft of metatarsal and the corresponding half of proximal phalanx of great toe for exostosis, with antiseptic precautions.
The spherical calymma contains numerous globular alveoles and is pierced by the radial tubes, the proximal ends of which are in contact with the surface of the central capsule (compare Pl.
A single thread of an anchor-pencil with two quadridentate spathillae, a larger proximal and a smaller distal (terminal).
A transverse section of their crowns shows their proximal walls not to be parallel, but wedge-shaped, their diameter being greater on the buccal than on the palatal side.
The distal (terminal) joint of the flagellum is but half the length of the proximal one and the last peduncular joint is longer than the two combined.
The proximal joint of the flagellum is somewhat the shorter and the two together, as in Armadillidium nasatum, are of about the same length as the last joint of the peduncle.
We have to determine the induced electrical variation at the proximal side A, and at the distal side B.
It will be shown that the curvature of an organ is determined by the algebraical summation of effects induced at the proximal and distal sides of the responding organ.
The positive curvature is due to the differential action of unilateral stimulus on the proximal and distal sides.
Effect at the proximal side A in the | Effect at the distal| | growing region.
I have in the preceding paragraph described an experiment where under a given intensity and duration of exposure the excitations of the proximal and distal sides bring about neutralisation, the organ assuming a dia-phototropic position.
Thus increasing intensity of light induces an increasing retardation of growth at the proximalside of the organ.
Direct unilateral stimulus (applied at the region of growth) induces a positive curvature by the contraction of the proximal and expansion of the distal side.
I have explained how tropic curvatures are brought about by the joint effects, of contraction of the directly excited proximal side A, and the expansion of the distal side B.
I give a table which will clearly exhibit the effects of stimulus on the proximal and distal sides of the responding organ.
At first examination the wound looked like that of an ordinary amputation by the usual oval incision; from the center of the wound the proximal fragment of the 1st phalanx projected.
The middle and ring fingers of the supernumerary hand were webbed as far as the proximal joints, and the movements of this hand were stiff and imperfect.
Therefore the hand is usually in the so-called interosseal position, with flexion of the proximal and extension of the middle and distal phalanges.
The base (proximal end) of the baculum is broad, and some species have a winglike process extending dorsally and partly covering a longitudinal groove.
On the left side there is a long crest running from the summit of the upper terminal process and ending abruptly behind the left side about one-third of the distance from the proximal end of the bone.
These were fastened by pivotal connection at the proximal end.
He finds bothproximal and distal ends of his fingers concerned.
He was making "blocks" to be used in large proximal cavities and "cylinders" for commencing fillings.
These channels as a rule persist in the adult organism and result from the fact that the inhalent apertures are situated at the periphery, being absent from both the proximal and the distal ends of the bud.
A zooecium often gives rise first to an anterior daughter-zooecium, the proximal part of which becomes elongate and attenuated in due course, and then to a pair of lateral daughter-zooecia situated one on either side.
Sometimes, however, owing to irregularity of outline in the distal end, the proximal end is uppermost.
The capsules with unbarbed threads are very nearly as broad at the distal as at the proximal end; they are broadly oval with rounded ends.
The specimen is the imperfect, proximal moiety of the left tarso-metatarsus of a rather large bird.
A much smaller species of the same genus is represented by two tibiae and the proximal half of a tarso-metatarsal, which were found together, and probably belonged to the same individual.
As to this proximal moiety of the tarso-metatarsus, it is essentially different from the corresponding part of that bone in Meleagris g.
The tarso-metatarsal has the external ridge of the proximal end more prominent, and the posterior tendinal crest more ossified than in the larger species.
It is thoroughly fossilized, earth-brown in color, with the free borders of the proximal end considerably worn off.
Anterior aspect of the proximal moiety of the left tarso-metatarsus of Meleagris celer of Marsh.
The femur is pneumatic, the proximal orifice is large and ear-shaped, resembling in form most closely that of the Australian Sea Eagle.
The first portion forms a snarl in the gullet or stomach which passes out into the intestine during the night; the proximal end is fixed to the cheek by a strip of plaster.
The commonest dislocation at this joint is a backward displacement of the proximal phalanx, which may be complete or incomplete.
Failing this, however, the muscles may be wearied out by the surgeon making steady and prolonged traction on the limb, while an assistant makes counter-extension on the proximal segment of the joint.
The deformity is characterised by an elevation on the dorsum running obliquely upwards from the ulnar to the radial side of the wrist, and caused by the head of the ulna, which remains in position, and the distal end of the proximal fragment.
In cases in which the distal fragment lies in front of the proximal there is permanent inversion.
Impaction is less common than in fracture through the base of the neck; it usually results from the patient falling on the trochanter, the distal fragment being driven as a wedge into the proximal (Fig.
The proximal end of the distal fragment is usually palpable in the popliteal space, while the proximal fragment is unduly prominent in front.
The tilting of the proximal fragment may be increased by the displaced distal fragment pushing it forward.
When impaction takes place, it is usually reciprocal, the dorsal edge of the proximal fragment piercing the distal fragment, and the palmar edge of the distal fragment piercing the proximal.
The parts on the proximal side of the injured area are first gently stroked upwards to empty the veins and lymphatics, and to disperse the effused blood and serum.
The projecting piece of bone is usually the distal end of the proximal fragment.
Its anterior or proximal end lies close to the approximated Fig.
It is formed from a much larger portion of the primitive straight gut than the duodenum and Meckel's tract together, and its proximal portion, in consequence, lies very close to the origin of the duodenum.
Branched hairs are also found upon the legs; more particularly upon the more proximal segments.
The upper orproximal end of the planta is flattened and projects in a posterior direction to form the auricle.
The broad, flat planta (metatarsus or proximal tarsal segment of the hind leg) is marked on its inner surface by several rows of stiff, distally directed spines which form the pollen combs.
These brushes are located upon the first or most proximal tarsal segment of the legs, known technically as the palmae of the forelegs and as the plantae of the middle and hind pair.
This structure comprises the whole of the flattened proximal surface of the planta, except the joint of articulation itself, and it extends outward in a posterior direction a little beyond the remaining plantar edge.
Proximal ligation in the case of high aneurysms, or distal ligation in those situated at the root of the neck, is more certain.
It is essential that the ends should be sutured to each other, and as the proximal end is retracted the original wound may require to be enlarged in an upward direction.
If the hand and proximal phalanges are supported, the second and third phalanges may be partly extended by the interossei and lumbricals.
Whether the inner and middle coats are ruptured or not, blood coagulates both above and below the ligature, the proximal clot being longer and broader than that on the distal side.
The ligature may be applied on the cardiac side of the aneurysm--proximal ligation, or to the artery beyond--distal ligation.
While this is maintained an assistant makes digital pressure, or applies a tourniquet, over the main vessel of the limb on the proximal side of the bleeding point.
Tapping over the proximal end of a newly divided nerve, e.
The available operative measures are proximal ligation of the innominate, and distal ligation.
At the proximal end there forms a bulbous swelling, which becomes adherent to the scar tissue.
It is sometimes an object to save as much as possible of the proximal phalanx, when amputation is rendered necessary by disease of the middle articulation, or of the distal extremity of the bone.
Before quitting this part of the amputations, it may be observed, that no good can result from taking away a metacarpal bone and leaving a finger, or from removing a proximal phalanx and leaving the distal.
In the amputation at the proximal joint, it is to be recollected that the extremity of the metatarsal bone lies more removed from the web of integument betwixt the toes than the metacarpal bone does from that of the fingers.
Amputation at theproximal articulation is also performed by double flap.
In amputating at the proximal articulation of the great toe, there is often a difficulty in obtaining a sufficient covering for the wound, on account of the presence of the sesamoid bones, and the general bulging of the heads of the bones.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proximal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: approaching; approximate; burning; close; hot; intimate; near; nearing; nigh; proximate; warm