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Example sentences for "projecting rock"

  • Projecting rock carved by the drifting sand into the form of a couchant animal as a result of shadow weathering and erosion.

  • Ideal section across a continental glacier, with the vertical scale and the projecting rock masses of the marginal zone greatly magnified.

  • This drift of the sand is halted only when an obstruction is encountered—a projecting rock, a bush, or a bunch of grass, or again the buildings of a city or a town.

  • The voice of the Sieg accompanied the thoughts of the three beings united on this platform of projecting rock, but separated in soul by the abysses of the Spiritual World.

  • Seraphitus turned and seated himself on a projecting rock, dropping his head upon his breast.

  • I remember very well sitting on a projecting rock, with nothing below it but air for at least 100 feet.

  • We rolled the bag up and tied it fast to a projecting rock, hanging the meat tin near as a guide to anyone looking for it.

  • A first-class guide will use the rope very differently to an inferior man, who allows it to hang about in a tangle, and to catch on every point of projecting rock.

  • There was more than one "projecting rock," and he dug over all the sand and gravel to the depth of a foot in the vicinity of every part of the cliff which answered to the description given.

  • Wallbridge said he would bury the money in the sand, under a projecting rock in the cliff, so that he could come and get it when he wanted it.

  • She answered the letter, giving him further instructions, saying that the money was buried not more than a foot below the surface of the beach, and near a projecting rock.

  • Blakely was the last to gain the top, and he led the way around the first projecting rock.

  • The dark object was an opening into the hill, but as it was by the side of a projecting rock, it had the appearance of an object.

  • About twenty feet from where they stood was a projecting rock, and to the left of it another, extending out at right angles.

  • Creek takes its name, a projecting rock with a hole thro a point of the rock, at 8 ms.

  • Wide at the mouth, passed a painted part of a Projecting rock we found ther a Den of rattle Snakes, Killed 3 proceeded on passed, S 81°W 4 ms.

  • Between the two stands a steep, smooth, projecting rock, its foot washed by the river.

  • We did not look round as we went off to the point, and were glad when at length we were hidden by a projecting rock.

  • Unluckily, the terrified beast shyed again here at a projecting rock, and broke both the rotten girths directly in the middle, a mischance for which there was no remedy here.

  • The Castle stands on a projecting rock, which rises to the height of a hundred and fifty or two hundred feet perpendicular from the sea.

  • Claudio and his two companions followed Vasco's lead for nearly a league, when the dog stopped and commenced scratching away the snow from below a projecting rock.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "projecting rock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    daily food; each quarter; fourth century; incised wounds; kept closed; lay there; mean the; nothing very; plot against; projecting part; projecting rock; railway system; right along; set down; set himself; should live; such that; thine anger; third reading; this valley; trace behind; when completed; yard long