It was my task to appreciate the value of those doubts; and, in declining to be guided by them, I was at least able to consider myself as adhering to the views of all known ancient critics.
It abounds in fish of great size, as seawolves, or seals, salmon, and soles above a yard long; but chiefly in immense quantities of that kind which is vulgarly called bacalaos.
It contained two cemis made of stone, about a quarter of a yard long, having their hands bound, and which looked as if they sweated.
We have plenty of trogons out in the West; some of them most gorgeous fellows, with tails a yard long, and of the most resplendent golden metallic green.
Is not a line a yard long really greater than another line a foot in length, whether we know it or not?
Are not two lines, each a yard long, really equal in length, whether we know it or not?
That there is no need for such a relative entity will be manifest if we consider the simple case of two bars of iron each a yard long.
It greatly tends to conceal from the reader the central position which Kant has assigned to time in the Analytic.
Thus Descartes gives us, not an analysis of the knowing process, but only a subjectivist interpretation of the nature of the objects upon which it is directed.
The unconditioned which Reason postulates in all things by themselves, by necessity and by right.
He was a monster, and seemed nearly a yard long, and so big that the boys could do nothing but stare at him at first; but Harry was not to be put out of countenance by the biggest pike in England, so at him he rushed.
Tie a piece of strong twine, about a yard long, at the top of the ring and another, three-quarters of a yard, on each side.
Cut from scarlet China silk a strip five inches wide by half a yard long.
The serpent was very pretty, fully a yard long, black and salmon-coloured, and with a very tapering head and tail.
These mats are really like hard mattresses, nearly 1 inch thick, and very stiff, about 1 yard long by 2 feet wide.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yard long" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.