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Example sentences for "prodigally"

Lexicographically close words:
prodest; prodigal; prodigalities; prodigality; prodigall; prodigals; prodigies; prodigious; prodigiously; prodigy
  1. So la petite Fleurette spends her money prodigally in self-indulgence, and much of it goes to swell the profits of those alluring establishments on the Rue de la Paix and the Place Vendome.

  2. The crowd is an immense and interesting one even without the French element, and money is spent as prodigally as at Trouville--even more prodigally perhaps and a trifle more crudely.

  3. He was certainly a true and prodigally creative genius.

  4. He bought numerous ounces of those prodigally displayed mixtures of tobacco, every one of which was vouched for by the vendor as in its own way the perfect blend.

  5. Mere words came to possess Michael so perilously that under the spell of these Jacobeans he grew half contemptuous of thought less prodigally ornate.

  6. The two girls followed their host to his room which was hung with rose du Barri draperies prodigally braided with gold.

  7. The mosses and lichens are never so fresh and flourishing as in winter, if it be not a season of frost; and their minute beauties prodigally adorn the foreground.

  8. Doste thou thinke that I am no better worth but that thou prodigally shouldest waste myne honor to bear the spoyles thereof to hir, that is in nothing comparable vnto me?

  9. The farther we enter into this interesting subject, the more prodigally we find scattered before us the gems of truth which--so seldom ride over to see us now.

  10. The young soldier's nature, which had been prodigally generous, began to harden into a new and unlovely bitterness.

  11. Yet he believed that if in his depleted treasury of life there was one thing left upon which he could draw prodigally and with faith, it was that love; a love that would stand staunch though he were forced to hurt it once again.

  12. With a single mighty impulse the vines took deep hold of the treasure in the storehouse beneath, spending it prodigally for sap to be poured into these waiting goblets of emerald and pearl.

  13. Longing, from the day of her birth for Love, she spends herself prodigally in the endless effort to find it, little guessing, sometimes, that it is not the most obvious thing Man has to offer.

  14. New temptations to expense constantly presented themselves, and far from regretting the money which she sometimes prodigally lavished, I was the first to procure for her everything likely to afford her pleasure.

  15. Rawleigh and Jonson were but contemporaries, unsanctioned by time; nor could he have looked even on them as modellers for him whose own genius was still more prodigally opulent, though not always with the most difficult taste.

  16. Not less observable are the arabesques often found on the margins, where the playful pencil has prodigally flung flowers and fruit, imitating the bloom, or insects which look as if they had lighted on the leaf.

  17. Besides, nobody at Yverdon had shown me more constant attention, nor had so prodigally bestowed upon me praises and flattery as this banneret.

  18. Piously scorning the salubrious and magnificent localities, so prodigally furnished by nature, they constructed their huts at the bottom of dismal pits, among the cliffs of rugged rocks, in barren deserts, and in solitary wildernesses.

  19. The devil would cunningly steal that from you by drops, which he cannot get you to cast away profusely at once; he that will not spend prodigally by the pounds, may run out by not regarding pence.

  20. Men will spend prodigally out of a full purse, who would be sparing if they knew they had but a little, or were like to come to want themselves.

  21. All the riches in this world cannot redeem it, by reversing one of those hours or moments, which you so prodigally cast away for nothing.

  22. You are loth to die, and loth your time should be at an end; and yet you can as prodigally cast it away, as if you were weary of it, or longed to be rid of it.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prodigally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aplenty; excessively; extravagantly; fully; generously; high; immeasurably; infinitely; inordinately; intemperately; lavishly; liberally; profusely