I can not wete how the catell woll be goten ayen withoute other processe be had more than we have yet.
Kyng is entytilled by such processe of owtlawry as is awarded ayenst the said Paston; Wherefor in the Kynges name I charge you that if any such good be in your governance[117.
Item, I wold ye shold take hyde that yf any processecom owte a yenst me, or a yenst any of tho that wer endyted a fore the coroner, that I myght have knowlych therof, and to purvey a remedy therfor.
Ye wyll laugh for to here alle the processe of the demenyng ther, wheche wer to longe to writt at thys tyme.
Cortes wente vp and downe in the Courte a long season, being sore afflicted in a certaine sute aboute hys vassals, and also the processe and allegations of Nunio de Guzman, layde vnto hys charge in hys residence.
In processe of time, liuing together according to their custome, the maried Gentleman entred againe into greater Ielousie than euer he did, commaunding his wife to beare no more that countenaunce towards him that she was wont to doe.
I tolde hyr all theprocesse off the Lorde Howarde and off yowr grewnds [greyhounds] as I kowde; all helpys nott.
Continuaunce in thy good service, by longe processe of tyme in ful hope abyding, without any chaunge to wilne in thyne herte, this is the spire.
I purpos here to maken and to write A litil tretise, and a processe make In pris of women, oonli for hir sake.
Out of this grounde muste come the spire, that by processe of tyme shal in greetnesse sprede, to have braunches and blosmes of waxing frute in grace, 5 of whiche the taste and the savour is endelesse blisse, in joye ever to onbyde.
And in processe of tyme/ the doughter of Sua Iudas wife dyed.
And it fortuned in processe of tyme/ that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde.
But inprocesse of time, after the Danes were voided the land, this word Lord Dane was in derision and despight of the Danes turned [Sidenote: Lordane whereof the word came.
And therewithal she began to declare to the king, thoriginal and processe of the whole discourse.
Therefore the processefor the title remained in doubt and yet continueth till this daye.
But in processe of tyme, when all hope was paste of their recouerye, they loste not onely their credite, but the creditours desirous to be payde, were fayne to sende them to pryson.
Being come before the consistorie, where Appius set in iudgement, Claudius began to tell a tale and processe of the cause, whereof Appius being the deuiser, vnderstode the effect.
Be breefe, least that theprocesse of thy kindnesse Last longer telling then thy kindnesse date Rich.
Come to me Tirrel soone, and after Supper, When thou shalt tell the processe of their death.
The extreme parts of time, extremelie formes All causes to the purpose of his speed: And often at his verie loose decides That, which long processe could not arbitrate.
Sir Walter Clopton said then to the commons; If ye will take aduantage of the processe of the last parlement, take it, and ye shall be receiued therevnto.
I sent our jurebasso to the kinges brother to know what end he will make of my processeagainst the scrivano.
Tonomon Samme, kinges brother, sent for me to make an end of my processe with the scrivano of junk.
I wrot a letter to Gonrok Dono about my processe with scrivano, and sent Mr. Totton with it, accompanid with Harry Shank and Co.
I wrot a letter complementall to Gonroq Dono, that I was glad of his arivall at Langasaque, as also tuching my processe against the scrivano of Giquans junk, with other matters, as apereth per coppie, in the Japon tong.
Yt is thought fit Mr. Nealson goe to Langasaque to complaine to the Emperours bongew how we can have no justice in Firando, and he carieth all our papers of processe against the scrivano of the junck of the dead Capt.
Langasaque, and sent hym all the papers of myprocesse against the said scrivano.
Let no Minister resort to any Excommunicate person without licence from the Presbyterie nisi in extremis, and let Ministers take special notice of such persons as haunt with Excommunicants, and processe them.
Then he delivered them to Paulin, which was a much noble man, and Paulin delivered them to Mamertin under the keeping of two knights, Processe and Martinian, whom St. Peter converted to the faith.
And they then opened the prison and let them all go out that would go, wherefore, after the passion of the apostles, Paulin, when he knew that they were Christian, beheaded both Processe and Martinian.
And like it yow to wyte, myn attorny, Raulyns, hathe enformed me that the Jugis have ruled processe to goo owte ayenst the priour of Hikelyng of distresse per omnia bona et catalla, of whiche the writte and other ar not yet come fro London.
And yef the processe may have so redy sped that it myght be had be fore my Maystyr Yelwerton in this vaccacyon tyme, it wer a gret counfort, &c.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "processe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.